Page 13 - IIITM Placement Brochure
P. 13

Consummating Technical Skill Set                  Hub of Technology and Innovation
          Every year our students take part in renowned programming   The students here at IIITM are groomed to step into daunting
          competitions like ICPC, Google Summer of Code, Google Code   challenges and continuously pushing themselves by innovating
          Jam, SPOJ, Code Chef. Hacker Earth, Hacker Rank etc. Apart from   and creating worthwhile applications and projects for the benefit
          this, our institute hones the finest developers in the field of Web   of the masses. The 19 laboratories of IIITM provide exposure for
          and android who are perpetually proving their worth  by interning   exploiting technology to create world class products and services.
          in revered organizations.

                                                            Successful Alumni History
          Industry exposure to students                     The alumni of our institute have now set their mark as experts and
          The Institute in collaboration with several national and international   leaders in their fields and are doing cutting edge work, by bring
          universities, are actively involved in a lot of research projects. The   a pioneer in their organization's development, creating their own
          students also take up compulsory research projects during their B.   start-ups as well as pursuing higher studies and quality research.
          Tech as well as M. Tech which acquaints them with the practical
          aspects of studies and pre-final year intern ship to keep themselves
          adept with the current industrial practices.
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