Fully Funded by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India

शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा वित्त पोषित

रेखी उत्कृष्टता केंद्र

About the Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness

Established on June 3, 2024, through an MoU between ABV-IIITM Gwalior and the Rekhi Foundation, the Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness is dedicated to advancing the understanding and practice of well-being. Our mission is to explore the scientific foundations of happiness and disseminate evidence-based strategies that enhance individual and collective flourishing.

Our initiatives include conducting cutting-edge research, offering educational programs and workshops, and fostering partnerships with organizations dedicated to well-being. By integrating scientific insights with real-world practices, we aim to empower individuals to lead more fulfilling lives and contribute to a happier society.


To be a leading center in the scientific study of happiness, recognized for our contributions to research, education, and the promotion of well-being. We envision a world where individuals and communities thrive, guided by a deep understanding of the factors that cultivate happiness and resilience.


Our mission is to advance the science of happiness by:

  • Conducting interdisciplinary research that uncovers the psychological, biological, and social determinants of well-being.
  • Developing and delivering educational programs that translate scientific findings into practical tools for individuals, organizations, and communities.
  • Collaborating with academic institutions, policymakers, and practitioners to implement evidence-based strategies that promote happiness and mental health.
  • Engaging in public outreach to raise awareness about the importance of well-being and disseminate knowledge that empowers people to lead happier lives.

Through these efforts, the Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness strives to make a meaningful impact on the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.

Programs and Services

  • Educational programs, workshops, and seminars offered.
  • Information on research initiatives and community outreach activities.

Selected Publications (International Journals)

  • Thargay, T., & Giri, V. N. (2024). Examining the Mediating Role of Attachment Styles Between Perceived Partner Responsiveness and Marital Satisfaction: Evidence from Sikkimese Couples. Marriage & Family Review, 60(8), 573–596.
  • Thargay, T., & Giri, V. N. (2024). Marital and life satisfaction in Eastern Himalayan Foothills: Role of partner responsiveness. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 41(11), 3456-3479.
  • Thargay, T., & Giri, V. N. (2024). Surface of Marital Harmony: Insights into Attachment Similarity Using Dyadic Response Surface Analysis. Contemporary Family Therapy.


Tsering Thargay - Guest Faculty, Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness

Email - यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.

Orcid ID - https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4491-1909

Tsering Thargay is a Guest Faculty at the Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness. He holds a BSc-MSc in Psychology from Sikkim University and has submitted his doctoral thesis to the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. 

Tsering's research interests include interpersonal relationships, attachment theory, and dyadic analysis, with a current focus on interpersonal perception in dyads within social relationships. His work has been published in prestigious journals covering social psychology, interpersonal relationships, and cognitive processes. 

In teaching, Tsering is passionate about engaging students with topics that resonate with their everyday experiences, aiming to bridge psychological theory with practical understanding. He believes, as Kurt Lewin said, "There is nothing so practical as a good theory," and applies this philosophy to both his research and teaching. 

At the Rekhi Centre, Tsering contributes to advancing the science of happiness through his academic pursuits and dedication to fostering meaningful connections in human relationships.


Dr. Kapil Kanth -  Assistant Professor, Dept of Engineering Sciences (link to their profile)

Dr. Rashmi Ranjan Behera - Assistant Professor, Dept of Management Studies (link to their profile)

Events and News

  • News updates, achievements, and press releases related to the center's activities.

Photo Gallery

  • Group Photo: "Dr. Satinder Singh Rekhi with the institute's faculty."
  • The signing of the MoU between ABV-IIITM Gwalior and the Rekhi Foundation for Happiness to establish the Happiness Centre
  • Special Talk by Dr. Satinder Singh Rekhi, founder, titled 'Who's Running Your Life – You or Your Monkey Brain,' exploring the mind's workings and the pursuit of happiness.
  • Special lecture Prof. Priyadarshi Patnaik, IIT Kharagpur, organised by the centre during orientation week, 2024.


Contact Us

Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness

Room No: 005, Block E

Morena Link Road,

Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh,

India, 474015


हमसे जुडे

एबीवी-भारतीय सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी और प्रबंधन संस्थान ग्वालियर, मोरेना लिंक रोड, ग्वालियर, मध्य प्रदेश, भारत, 474015

  • dummy info@iiitm.ac.in

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