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संकाय प्रकाशन

प्रकाशनों की सूची
वर्षवार प्रकाशन (पिछले 6 वर्ष)- 10 फरवरी 2023 को अपडेट किया गया


      1. Garg, V., Shukla, A., Tiwari, R., AERPSO — An adaptive exploration robotic PSO based cooperative algorithm for multiple target searching, (2022) Expert Systems with Applications, 209.
      2. Singh, O., Bharamagoudra, M.R., Gupta, H., Dwivedi, A.K., Ranjan, P., Sharma, A., Microstrip line fed dielectric resonator antenna optimization using machine learning algorithms (2022) Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, 47 (4).
      3. Gupta, S.K., Bage, A., Ranjan, P., A compact, high isolation building block for 8 × 8 multi-input multi-output antenna array suitable for 5G smartphone applications (2022) International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 32 (12).
      4. Gangwar, S.S., Rathore, S.S., Chouhan, S.S., Soni, S., Predictive modeling for suspicious content identification on Twitter (2022) Social Network Analysis and Mining, 12 (1).
      5. Bhattacharjee, S.S., Patel, V., George, N.V., Nonlinear Spline Adaptive Filters based on a Low Rank Approximation (2022) Signal Processing, 201.
      6. Kaur, G., Chanak, P., Bhattacharya, M., A Green Hybrid Congestion Management Scheme for IoT-Enabled WSNs (2022) IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 6 (4), pp. 2144-2155.
      7. Gupta, J., Dhar, J., Sinha, P., An eco-epidemic model with seasonal variability: a non-autonomous model (2022) Arabian Journal of Mathematics, 11 (3), pp. 521-538.
      8. Jain, D., Dash, M.K., Thakur, K.S., Development of research agenda on demonetization based on bibliometric visualization (2022) International Journal of Emerging Markets, 17 (10), pp. 2584-2604.
      9. Kumar, S., Poonia, M., Kumar, R., Sharma, G., Kumar, S. Design and Implementation of Low Power, High-Speed Configurable Approximation 8-Bit Booth Multiplier (2022) Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 31 (17).
      10. Singh, A., Nair, H., A Neural Architecture Search for Automated Multimodal Learning (2022) Expert Systems with Applications, 207.
      11. Singh, P., Agrawal, G., Mapping the customer centric weather index insurance service design using quality function deployment (2022) TQM Journal, 34 (6), pp. 1800-1822.
      12. Bajpai, N., Kulshreshtha, K., Dubey, P., Sharma, G., Classifying elders neglect, insult and abuse through financial hardship and physical health (2022) Working with Older People, 26 (4), pp. 297-318.
      13. Prakash, G.Exploring enablers of modularity in healthcare service delivery (2022) TQM Journal, 34 (5), pp. 1448-1465.
      14. Selvaraj, J., Gatiyala, P., Hashemkhani Zolfani, S. Trapezoidal Intuitionistic Fuzzy Power Heronian Aggregation Operator and Its Applications to Multiple-Attribute Group Decision-Making (2022) Axioms, 11 (11).
      15. Patel, V., Bhattacharjee, S.S., Cheer, J., George, N.V. Hybrid feedback active noise control headset based on binaural signal utilization (2022) Applied Acoustics.
      16. Rajput, A.K., Pattanaik, M., Kaushal, G. Local bit-line shared pass-gate 8T SRAM based energy efficient and reliable In-Memory Computing architecture (2022) Microelectronics Journal, 129.
      17. Jeevaraj, S. A note on multi-criteria decision-making using a complete ranking of generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers(2022) Soft Computing, 26 (21), pp. 11225-11230.
      18. Kaur, L., Saini, S., Srivastava, A. Predicting Selective Sensing Capability of Armchair Graphene Nanoribbon toward Hydrogen Halide Gases: A Density-of-State Analysis (2022) Journal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry, 21 (7), pp. 845-856.
      19. Tiwari, S., Rathore, S.S. Understanding general concepts of requirements engineering through design thinking: An experimental study with students (2022) Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 30 (6), pp. 1683-1700.
      20. Sharma, M., Mandloi, A., Bhattacharya, M. A novel Deep ML framework for multi-classification of breast cancer based on transfer learning (2022) International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 32 (6), pp. 1963-1977.
      21. Sadhya, D., Rathore, S.S., Rajput, A.S., Anand, A. Securing multimedia videos using space-filling curves (2022) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81 (27), pp. 38685-38704.
      22. Singh, N., Rathore, S.S., Kumar, S. Towards a super-resolution based approach for improved face recognition in low resolution environment (2022) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81 (27), pp. 38887-38919.
      23. Gupta, A., Kumar, S., Pattanaik, M. Coverage hole detection using social spider optimized Gaussian Mixture Model (2022) Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 34 (10), pp. 9814-9821.
      24. Ansari, H.M., Wang, W., Lei, L., Bao, K., Chang, X., Raza, A., Chen, Y., Mehboob, A., Zhong, Q., Srivastava, A., Kaimieva, O., Fan, H. Gas bubbling exfoliation strategy towards 3D g-C3N4 hierarchical architecture for superior photocatalytic H2 evolution (2022) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 919.
      25. Agrawal, S., Gaurav, K., Dandeliya, S., Santhi Bhushan, B., Saini, P., Srivastava, A. Dielectrics in electronic and energy storage devices (2022) An Introduction to Permittivity, pp. 239-261.
      26. Chaudhary, M., Dhar, J., Misra, O.P. Deleterious Effects of Legal and Illegal Logging on Forestry Biomass Using A Dynamical Model (2022) AIP Conference Proceedings, 2451.
      27. Kunhare, N., Tiwari, R., Dhar, J. Intrusion detection system using hybrid classifiers with meta-heuristic algorithms for the optimization and feature selection by genetic algorithm (2022) Computers and Electrical Engineering, 103.
      28. Gupta, A., Trivedi, A., Prasad, B. Deployment and trajectory design of fixed-wing UAVs in NOMA assisted wireless networks (2022) Physical Communication, 54.
      29. Gupta, A., Trivedi, A., Prasad, B. B-GWO based multi-UAV deployment and power allocation in NOMA assisted wireless networks (2022) Wireless Networks, 28 (7), pp. 3199-3211.
      30. Kaur, G., Chanak, P., Bhattacharya, M. Obstacle-Aware Intelligent Fault Detection Scheme for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (2022) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 18 (10), pp. 6876-6886.
      31. Singh, P., Agrawal, G. Modelling the barriers of weather index insurance service adoption integrating expert mining and ISM Fuzzy-MICMAC (2022) Benchmarking, 29 (8), pp. 2527-2554.
      32. Srivastava, A., Gupta, H., Kumar Dwivedi, A., Kanth Varma Penmatsa, K., Ranjan, P., Sharma, A. Aperture coupled dielectric resonator antenna optimisation using machine learning techniques (2022) AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications.
      33. Tatrari, G., Tewari, C., Pathak, M., Karakoti, M., Bohra, B.S., Pandey, S., Santhi Bhushan, B., Srivastava, A., Rana, S., Sahoo, N.G. Bulk production of zinc doped reduced graphene oxide from tire waste for supercapacitor application: Computation and experimental analysis (2022) Journal of Energy Storage, 53.
      34. Gaurav, K., Santhi Bhushan, B., Gutierrez, G., Ahuja, R., Srivastava, A. Trans-polyacetylene based organic spin valve for a multifunctional spin-based device: A first principle analysis (2022) Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, 7 (3).
      35. Agarwal, V., Tapaswi, S., Chanak, P. Intelligent Fault-Tolerance Data Routing Scheme for IoT-Enabled WSNs(2022) IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9 (17), pp. 16332-16342.
      36. Bhattacharyya, J., Dash, M.K. What Do We Know About Customer Churn Behaviour in the Telecommunication Industry? A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends, 1985–2019 (2022) FIIB Business Review, 11 (3), pp. 280-302.
      37. Prakash, G. Resilience in food processing supply chain networks: empirical evidence from the Indian dairy operations (2022) Journal of Advances in Management Research, 19 (4), pp. 578-603.
      38. Tiwari, A.V., Bajpai, N., Singh, D., Vyas, V. Antecedents of hedonism affecting memorable tourism experience (MTE) leading to revisit intention in tourists (2022) International Journal of Tourism Cities, 8 (3), pp. 588-602.
      39. Dash, M.K., Panda, G., Kumar, A., Luthra, S. Applications of blockchain in government education sector: a comprehensive review and future research potentials (2022) Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 15 (3), pp. 449-472.
      40. Patel, V., Cheer, J.A hybrid multi-reference subband control strategy for active noise control headphones (2022) Applied Acoustics, 197.
      41. Kumbhare, V.R., Kumar, R., Majumder, M.K., Kumar, S., Paltani, P.P., Kaushik, B.K., Sharma, R. High-Speed Interconnects: History, Evolution, and the Road Ahead (2022) IEEE Microwave Magazine, 23 (8), pp. 66-82.
      42. Gupta, A., Trivedi, A., Prasad, B. Multi-UAV deployment for NOMA-enabled wireless networks based on IMOGWO algorithm (2022) AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 153.
      43. Upadhyay, S., Srivastava, P. Enhanced DFT insights of doped phosphorene: Structural and electronic considerations (2022) Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1214.
      44. Garg, V., Tiwari, R., Shukla, A., Dhar, J. A Distributed Cooperative Approach for Dynamic Target Search Using Particle Swarm Optimization with Limited Intercommunication (2022) Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 47 (8), pp. 10623-10637.
      45. A Kumar, M Pattanaik, P Srivastava, AK Rajput, GAAFET based SRAM Cell to Enhance Stability for Low Power Applications (2022) Silicon, 14 (13), pp. 8161-8172.
      46. Singh, R., Rathore, S.S. Linear and non-linear Bayesian regression methods for software fault prediction (2022) International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 13 (4), pp. 1864-1884.
      47. Sharma, A., Gupta, B., Dhar, J., Srivastava, S.K., Sharma, P. Stability analysis and optimal impulsive harvesting for a delayed stage-structured self dependent two compartment commercial fishery model (2022) International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 10 (4), pp. 1119-1129.
      48. Sisodiya, O.S., Misra, O.P., Dhar, J. Modeling effects of impulsive control strategies on the spread of mosquito borne disease: role of latent period (2022) Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 68 (4), pp. 2589-2615.
      49. Hemant, J., Rajesh, R., Daultani, Y. Causal modelling of the enablers of CPFR for building resilience in manufacturing supply chains (2022) RAIRO - Operations Research, 56 (4), pp. 2139-2158.
      50. Brahma, J., Sadhya, D. Preserving Contextual Privacy for Smart Home IoT Devices With Dynamic Traffic Shaping (2022) IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9 (13), pp. 11434-11441.
      51. Shanker, R., Bhattacharya, M. Classification of brain MR images using Modified version of Simplified Pulse-Coupled Neural Network and Linear Programming Twin Support Vector Machines (2022) Journal of Supercomputing, 78 (11), pp. 13831-13863.
      52. Jindal, A., Agarwal, V., Chanak, P. Emergency Evacuation System for Clogging-Free and Shortest-Safe Path Navigation with IoT-Enabled WSNs (2022) IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9 (13), pp. 10424-10433.
      53. Katta, S.S., Yadav, S., Pratap Singh, A., Santhi Bhushan, B., Srivastava, A. Investigation of pristine and B/N/Pt/Au/Pd doped single-walled carbon nanotube as phosgene gas sensor: A first-principles analysis (2022) Applied Surface Science, 588.
      54. Mehta, K., Sharma, R., Vyas, V., Kuckreja, J.S. Exit strategy decision by venture capital firms in India using fuzzy AHP (2022) Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 14 (4), pp. 643-669.
      55. Rathore, S.S., Chouhan, S.S., Jain, D.K., Vachhani, A.G. Generative Oversampling Methods for Handling Imbalanced Data in Software Fault Prediction (2022) IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 71 (2), pp. 747-762.
      56. Mishra, N.K., Singh, A., Singh, P.K. Multi-label personality trait identification from text (2022) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81 (15), pp. 21503-21519.
      57. Jain, S., Verma, R.K., Pattanaik, K.K., Shukla, A. A survey on event-driven and query-driven hierarchical routing protocols for mobile sink-based wireless sensor networks (2022) Journal of Supercomputing, 78 (9), pp. 11492-11538.
      58. Rajesh, R., Rajeev, A., Rajendran, C. Corporate social performances of firms in select developed economies: A comparative study (2022) Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 81.
      59. Misra, O.P., Dhar, J., Sisodiya, O.S. Modeling and analysis of the transmission dynamics of mosquito-borne disease with environmental temperature fluctuation (2022) International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 13 (3).
      60. Singh, G., Daultani, Y., Sahu, R. Investigating the barriers to growth in the Indian food processing sector (2022) OPSEARCH, 59 (2), pp. 441-459.
      61. Mishra, P., Kumar, N., Godfrey, W.W. An evolutionary computing-based energy-efficient solution for IoT-enabled software-defined sensor network architecture (2022) International Journal of Communication Systems, 35 (8).
      62. Agarwal, V., Tapaswi, S., Chanak, P. Energy-Efficient Mobile Sink-Based Intelligent Data Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks (2022) IEEE Sensors Journal, 22 (10), pp. 9881-9891.
      63. Sachin, N., Rajesh, R. An empirical study of supply chain sustainability with financial performances of Indian firms (2022) Environment, Development and Sustainability, 24 (5), pp. 6577-6601.
      64. Lakhera, P., Singh, S., Mehla, R., Chaudhary, V., Kumar, P., Kumar, S. Boronic Acid Decorated Graphene Nano Flakes for Glucose Sensing in Diabetes: A DFT Prediction (2022) IEEE Sensors Journal, 22 (8), pp. 7572-7579.
      65. Arya, N., Soni, T., Pattanaik, M., Sharma, G.K. Energy efficient logarithmic-based approximate divider for ASIC and FPGA-based implementations (2022) Microprocessors and Microsystems, 90.
      66. Sharma, G., Kulshreshtha, K., Bajpai, N. Getting over the issue of theoretical stagnation: an exploration and metamorphosis of grounded theory approach (2022) Quality and Quantity, 56 (2), pp. 857-884.
      67. Singh, A., Raj, S. Securing password using dynamic password policy generator algorithm (2022) Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 34 (4), pp. 1357-1361.
      68. Nagar, S., Jain, A., Singh, P.K., Kumar, A. Adaptive optimal multi-features learning based representation for face hallucination (2022) Expert Systems with Applications, 190.
      69. Kumar, N., Mittal, S., Garg, V., Kumar, N. Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Traffic Light Scheduling Framework for SDN-Enabled Smart Transportation System (2022) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23 (3), pp. 2411-2421.
      70. Roy, A., Sekhar, C., Vyas, V. Tulsi Aroma's Venture into World Markets (2022) Asian Case Research Journal, 26 (1), pp. 77-100.
      71. Kaur, G., Chanak, P. An Energy Aware Intelligent Fault Detection Scheme for IoT-Enabled WSNs (2022) IEEE Sensors Journal, 22 (5), pp. 4722-4731.
      72. Pradhan, V., Dhar, J., Kumar, A. Testing-Effort based NHPP Software Reliability Growth Model with Change-point Approach (2022) Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 38 (2), pp. 343-355.
      73. Mishra, N.K., Singh, P.K. Linear Ordering Problem based Classifier Chain using Genetic Algorithm for multi-label classification (2022) Applied Soft Computing, 117.
      74. Gauttam, H., Pattanaik, K.K., Bhadauria, S., Saxena, D., Sapna A cost aware topology formation scheme for latency sensitive applications in edge infrastructure-as-a-service paradigm (2022) Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 199.
      75. Rajesh, R. Sustainability performance predictions in supply chains: grey and rough set theoretical approaches (2022) Annals of Operations Research, 310 (1), pp. 171-200.
      76. Tiwari, S., Rathore, S.S., Farooq, S.U., Patani, P. How students are using GitHub? A survey (2022) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.
      77. Agrawal, S., Srivastava, A., Kaushal, G. Understanding electron transport in halogenated graphene nanoribbons and possible application as interconnects (2022) Semiconductor Science and Technology, 37 (2).
      78. Raikwar, S.C., Tapaswi, S., Chakraborty, S. Bounding function for fast computation of transmission in single image dehazing (2022) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81 (4), pp. 5349-5372.
      79. Ranjan, P., Khandare, S. Investigation of Dielectric Resonator Oscillator Using High-Electron Mobility Transistor at 26 GHz for Space Applications (2022) Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 31 (3).
      80. Kumar, R., Narayan, S.S.L., Kumar, S., Roy, S., Kaushik, B., Achar, R., Sharma, R. Knowledge-Based Neural Networks for Fast Design Space Exploration of Hybrid Copper-Graphene On-Chip Interconnect Networks (2022) IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 64 (1), pp. 182-195.
      81. Pradhan, V., Kumar, A., Dhar, J. Modelling software reliability growth through generalized inflection S-shaped fault reduction factor and optimal release time (2022) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 236 (1), pp. 18-36.
      82. Singh, A., Sharma, V.S. Bifurcations and chaos control in a discrete-time prey–predator model with Holling type-II functional response and prey refuge (2022) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 418.
      83. Prabu, N. The antinuclear power movement in India after the Fukushima disaster: the case of Koodankulam (2022) India Review, 21 (4-5), pp. 599-636.
      84. Mishra, S., Maurya, S., Das, Y., Kumar, V., Ranjan, P., Gupta, H., Pandey, A., Sharma, A. Dual port ring cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna optimization using ML algorithm (2022) Waves in Random and Complex Media.
      85. Sharma, P., Wilfred Godfrey, W., Trivedi, A. When blockchain meets IoT: a comparison of the performance of communication protocols in a decentralized identity solution for IoT using blockchain (2022) Cluster Computing.
      86. Sharma, R., Sharma, G.K., Pattanaik, M. A Cat Boost Based Approach to Detect Label Flipping Poisoning Attack in Hardware Trojan Detection Systems (2022) Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA).
      87. Meena, Y.K., Arya, K.V. Multimodal interaction and IoT applications (2022) Multimedia Tools and Applications.
      88. Bhadauria, S., Kumar, M., Singh, N.P. Privacy preserving and performance improvement in edgecomputing using Machine learning (2022) 2022 IEEE Global Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies, GlobConPT 2022.
      89. Chandra, N., Godfrey, W.W. Rail Track Monitoring System Using Quantum Key Distribution in IoT Scenario (2022) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 936, pp. 243-252.
      90. Rajesh, R. An introduction to grey causal modelling (GCM): applications to manufacturing, supply chains, resilience, and sustainability (2022) Artificial Intelligence Review.
      91. Jain, A., Nagar, S., Singh, P.K., Dhar, J. A hybrid learning-based genetic and grey-wolf optimizer for global optimization (2022) Soft Computing.
      92. Jeevaraj, S., Rajesh, R., Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam, V. A complete ranking of trapezoidal-valued intuitionistic fuzzy number: an application in evaluating social sustainability (2022) Neural Computing and Applications.
      93. Sahu, R., Dash, M.K., Verra, D. Optimizing Image Captioning using Deep Learning based Object Detection (2022) Proceedings - 2022 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technologies, CCICT 2022, pp. 439-446.
      94. Gaurav, K., Srivastava, A. Silicene Nanoribbon Based Spin-Field Effect Transistor With Spin Filtering and Spin Seebeck Effects (2022) IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 21, pp. 720-727.
      95. Garg, V. E2RGWO: Exploration Enhanced Robotic GWO for Cooperative Multiple Target Search for Robotic Swarms (2022) Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering.
      96. Rajesh, R., Aljabhan, B. A Novel Grey Stratified Decision-Making (GSDM) Model for Social Sustainability-Based Supplier Selection (2022) IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, pp. 1-15.
      97. Kumar, A. Reliability analysis using change-point concept and optimal version-updating for open source software (2022) International Journal of Reliability and Safety, 15 (4), pp. 217-239.
      98. Ranjan, P., Gupta, H., Sharma, A., Yadav, S., Potrebićc, M. Investigation and Optimization of Dielectric Resonator MIMO Antenna Using Machine Learning Approach (2022) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 911, pp. 645-655.
      99. Singh, A., Arya, K.V., Gaur, M., Kansal, V. A Comprehensive Formal Reliability Study of Advanced Metering Infrastructure on Smart Grid (2022) Deregulated Electricity Structures and Smart Grids, pp. 163-174.
      100. Chandrakant, R., Rajesh, R. Social sustainability, corporate governance, and sustainability performances: an empirical study of the effects (2022) Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing.
      101. Soni, S., Chouhan, S.S., Rathore, S.S. TextConvoNet: a convolutional neural network based architecture for text classification (2022) Applied Intelligence.
      102. Prakash, G., Ambedkar, K. Digitalization of manufacturing for implanting value, configuring circularity and achieving sustainability (2022) Journal of Advances in Management Research.
      103. Singh, A., Sharma, V.S. Codimension-2 bifurcation in a discrete predator-prey system with constant yield predator harvesting (2022) International Journal of Biomathematics.
      104. Pandey, P.K., Bajpai, N. Mapping the Research Pattern of cause-related Marketing: A Bibliometric Analysis of Publications during 2000-2020 (2022) Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing.
      105. Purohit, L., Rathore, S.S., Kumar, S. Feature selection and clustering based web service selection using qoSs (2022) Applied Intelligence.
      106. Jessin, T.A., Rajeev, A., Rajesh, R. Supplier selection framework to evade pseudo-resilience and to achieve sustainability in supply chains (2022) International Journal of Emerging Markets.
      107. Shanker, R., Sankesara, H., Nagar, S., Bhattacharya, M. RESPNet: resource-efficient and structure-preserving network for deformable image registration (2022) Journal of Supercomputing.
      108. Shree, R., Shukla, A.K., Pandey, R.P., Shukla, V., Arya, K.V. The Internet of Things in Healthcare: Benefits, Use Cases, and Major Evolutions (2022) Internet of Things, pp. 387-405.
      109. Goel, R., Singh, U., Sadhya, D. Privacy Preserving Contact Tracing using Ethereum Blockchain Network (2022) 2022 IEEE Region 10 Symposium, TENSYMP 2022.
      110. Singh, A., Deolia, P. COVID-19 outbreak: a predictive mathematical study incorporating shedding effect (2022) Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing.
      111. Rawat, P., Singh, V. Women Entrepreneurs in Circular Bio-economies (2022) Vision.
      112. Alaparthi, V.S., Pasam, T.R., Inagandla, D.A., Prakash, J., Singh, P.K. ScSer: Supervised Contrastive Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition using Transformers (2022) International Conference on Human System Interaction, HSI, 2022-July.
      113. Garg, V., Tiwari, R., Shukla, A. Comparative Analysis of Fruit Fly-Inspired Multi-Robot Cooperative Algorithm for Target Search and Rescue (2022) Proceedings - 2022 IEEE World Conference on Applied Intelligence and Computing, AIC 2022, pp. 444-450.
      114. Sharma, O., Verma, M., Bhadauria, S., Jayachandran, P. A Guided Approach Towards Complex Chaos Selection, Prioritisation and Injection (2022) IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, CLOUD, 2022-July, pp. 91-93.
      115. Suji, R.J., Godfrey, W.W., Dhar, J. Border to border distance based lung parenchyma segmentation including juxta-pleural nodules (2022) Multimedia Tools and Applications.
      116. Swami, P., Mishra, M.K., Bhatia, V., Ratnarajah, T., Trivedi, A. Performance Analysis of sub-6 GHz/mmWave NOMA Hybrid-HetNets Using Partial CSI (2022) IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71 (12), pp. 12958-12971.
      117. Singh, P. Weather index insurance viability in mitigation of climate change impact risk: a systematic review and future agenda (2022) Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management.
      118. Bhutalia, M., Singh Raghuvanshi, S., Veer Arya, K., Patel, V. Object Detection in Aerial Images with Orientation Awareness (2022) 2022 IEEE 7th International conference for Convergence in Technology, I2CT 2022.
      119. Gupta, R., Raghuvanshi, S.S., Patel, V. Motion Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos Using Spatial and Temporal Features (2022) 2022 IEEE 7th International conference for Convergence in Technology, I2CT 2022.
      120. Dash, M.K., Sahu, R., Panda, G., Jain, D., Singh, G., Singh, C. Social media role in public health development: a bibliometric approach (2022) Kybernetes.
      121. Rawat, P., Jain, V.K. Reverse innovation and its antecedents: creating value for people at the bottom (2022) International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 10 (1), pp. 1-21.
      122. Himthani, P., Gurbani, P., Dev Raghuwanshi, K., Patidar, G., Kumar Mishra, N. Ordered Ensemble Classifier Chain for Image and Emotion Classification (2022) Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 114, pp. 395-406.
      123. Arya, K.V., Jagadeesh, S. Time Series Forecasting of Soil Moisture Using Satellite Images (2022) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1576 CCIS, pp. 385-397.
      124. Mehta, K., Sharma, R., Vyas, V. A quantile regression approach to study the impact of aluminium prices on manufacturing sector of India during COVID era (2022) Materials Today: Proceedings, 65, pp. 3506-3511.
      125. Kushwah, R., Tapaswi, S., Kumar, A. A Novel Technique for Gateway Selection in Hybrid MANET Using Genetic Algorithm (2022) Wireless Personal Communications.
      126. Goyal, V., Gupta, M., Mirjalili, S., Trivedi, A. Preface (2022) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 435, pp. v-vi.
      127. Bhattacharyya, J., Dash, M.K., Kundu, S., Sakshi, S., Bhattacharyya, K., Kakkar, K.B. No Virus on Me: The Indian Ways of Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic: Marine to Mountain (2022) Asian Journal of Management Cases.
      128. Dewangan, R.K., Saxena, P. Three-dimensional route planning for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles using Salp Swarm Algorithm (2022) Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence.
      129. Bhadauria, S., Singh, V. Blending absorptive capacity with open innovation: a bibliometric review (2022) Benchmarking.
      130. Singh, S., Arya, K.V. Fibre analysis to prevent cloning of credit cards (2022) International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 12 (3), pp. 237-249.
      131. Sharma, A., Arora, A., Gupta, A., Singh, P.K. Data-Centric Approach to Hepatitis C Virus Severity Prediction (2022) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 418 LNNS, pp. 421-431.
      132. Paul, S., Ranjan, P., Kumar, S., Kumar, A. Disease Predictor Using Random Forest Classifier (2022) 2022 International Conference for Advancement in Technology, ICONAT 2022.
      133. Ranjan, P., Santhosh, K., Kumar, A., Kumar, S. Fraud Detection on Bank Payments Using Machine Learning (2022) 2022 International Conference for Advancement in Technology, ICONAT 2022.
      134. Ranjan, P., Sharma, B., Mittal, A., Gupta, H., Singh, A.K. Blockchain Powered Government Financial System (2022) 2022 International Conference for Advancement in Technology, ICONAT 2022.
      135. Lata, K., Kushwah, K., Singhal, A.K., Shrivastava, A., Ranjan, P. ETAP Based Analysis of 13-Bus Microgrid (2022) 2022 International Conference for Advancement in Technology, ICONAT 2022.
      136. Singh, G., Daultani, Y., Rajesh, R., Sahu, R. Modeling the growth barriers of fresh produce supply chain in the Indian context (2022) Benchmarking.
      137. Upadhyay, S., Srivastava, P. Study of Sodium Storage and Diffusion Over Phosphorene Using Density Functional Theory (2022) Springer Proceedings in Physics, 271, pp. 329-337.
      138. Srivatsa, S., Singh, A., Singh, P.K. Combating Depression Through the Neural Analysis of Web Behavior (2022) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 420 LNNS, pp. 128-139.
      139. Woungang, I., Dhurandher, S.K., Pattanaik, K.K., Verma, A., Verma, P. Preface (2022) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1534 CCIS, p. v.
      140. Nallagonda, S., Bhowmick, A., Prasad, B. On Selection of Parameters for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Schemes over κ–μ Fading Channels (2022) IETE Journal of Research.
      141. Ranjan, P., Maurya, A., Gupta, H., Yadav, S., Sharma, A. Ultra-Wideband CPW Fed Band-Notched Monopole Antenna Optimization Using Machine Learning (2022) Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 108, pp. 27-38.
      142. Gupta, K.V., Prakash, G. Assessment of environmental sustainability issues for South-Asian maritime ports (2022) Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs.
      143. Sharma, D., Katiyar, R., Dwivedi, A.K., Nagesh, K.N., Sharma, A., Ranjan, P. Dielectric resonator-based two-port filtennas with pattern and space diversity for 5G IoT applications (2022) International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies.
      144. Kumar, A., Dwivedi, A.K., Nagesh, K.N., Sharma, A., Ranjan, P. Circularly Polarised Dielectric Resonator based Two Port Filtenna for Millimeter-Wave 5G Communication System (2022) IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India), 39 (6), pp. 1501-1511.
      145. Nain, G., Pattanaik, K.K., Sharma, G.K. Towards edge computing in intelligent manufacturing: Past, present and future (2022) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 62, pp. 588-611.
      146. Pradhan, V., Kumar, A., Dhar, J. Enhanced growth model of software reliability with generalized inflection S-shaped testing-effort function (2022) Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 25 (1), pp. 137-153.
      147. Bajpai, N., Kulshreshtha, K., Dubey, P., Sharma, G. Travesty of Life Elders Abuse an Inquiry of Physical and Psychological Abuse (2022) Ageing International.
      148. Dash, M.K., Singh, C., Panda, G., Sharma, D. ICT for sustainability and socio-economic development in fishery: a bibliometric analysis and future research agenda (2022) Environment, Development and Sustainability.
      149. Agrawal, G., Mishra, A. Public health insurance for elderly: did researchers recognise health as human right for elderly? (2022) International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare.
      150. Agrawal, S., Srivastava, A., Kaushal, G., Srivastava, A. Edge Engineered Graphene Nanoribbons as Nanoscale Interconnect: DFT Analysis (2022) IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 21, pp. 43-51.
      151. Rathi, P., Bhadauria, S., Rathi, S. Watermarking of Deep Recurrent Neural Network Using Adversarial Examples to Protect Intellectual Property (2022) Applied Artificial Intelligence, 36 (1).
      152. Ranjan, P., Patil, M., Sharma, A. Dual-Band Pentagonal-Shape Hybrid Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna for C-Band Application (2022) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 777, pp. 525-531.
      153. Arya, K.V., Rajput, S.S. Recognition of Facial Images via Self-Organizing Landmark Location with Approximate Graph Matching (2022) Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 777, pp. 1043-1055.
      154. Jain, A., Nagar, S., Singh, P.K., Dhar, J., Adaptive divisional categorization of ratings under rating threshold for similarity computation in recommendation systems (2022) Applied Intelligence, 52 (2), pp. 2134-2153.
      155. Rajput, A.S., Dwivedi, A., Dwivedi, P., Rajput, D.S., Pattanaik, M. Read–Write Decoupled Single-Ended 9T SRAM Cell for Low Power Embedded Applications (2022) Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 75, pp. 47-57.
      156. Agarwal, V., Sahu, R. Predicting repeat usage intention towards O2O food delivery: extending UTAUT2 with user gratifications and bandwagoning (2022) Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 25 (4), pp. 434-474.
      157. Pandey, A., Sahu, R., Joshi, Y. Kano Model Application in the Tourism Industry: A Systematic Literature Review (2022) Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism, 23 (1), pp. 1-31.
      158. Srivastava, S., Prakash, G., Gauba, R. Modelling Teachers Accountability in the Higher Educational Institutions Using Decision-making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Approach (2022) Business Perspectives and Research, 10 (1), pp. 164-184.
      159. Rajesh, R., A novel advanced grey incidence analysis for investigating the level of resilience in supply chains (2022) Annals of Operations Research, 308 (1-2), pp. 441-490.
      160. Chaman Lal Dewangan, SN Singh and Saikat Chakraborti, A Fair Incentive Scheme for Participation of Smart Inverters in Voltage Control, IEEE Trans on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2022, pp. 656-665.
      161. Avinash Kumar, Abheejeet Mohapatra, SN Singh, Phaselet Based Limited-Time q Axis DC Offset Voltage Injection for Detection of Islanding of DG and Fault in Meshed Microgrid, IEEE System Journal, Vol. 16, No.1, 2022, pp.1379-1390.
      162. Soumyabrata Das, Padmanabh Thakur, Asheesh K. Singh and S. N. Singh, Optimal management of vehicle to grid and grid to vehicle strategies for load profile improvement in the distribution system, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 49, 2022, pp 104068.
      163. Vineet, A Mohapatra and SN Singh, A Topology Assisted Optimal CVR Strategy for Unbalanced EDNs having Spatio-Temporal Loads, IEEE Trans on Industrial Applications, Vol 58, No. 3, pp 3313-3323,
      164. Priyanka Gangawar, S Kerwani, Saikact Chatrborti, SN Singh, Multi-objective Multi-scenario Framework for RCS Placement in Unbalanced Distribution Systems Considering Uncertainty, IEEE System Journal, Vol. 16, No.2, 2022, pp.2811-2821.
      165. Akhilesh K Gupta, Abheejeet Mohapatra and SN Singh, A Multi-Machine Equivalent Model of a Wind Farm Considering LVRT Characteristic and Wake Effect, IEEE Trans on Sustainable Energy, Vol. 13, No.3, 2022, pp.1396-1407.
      166. Ankur Srivastava, Saikat Chakrabarti, Joao Soares, Sri Niwas Singh, An Optimization-Based Topology Error Detection Method for Power System State Estimation, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol 209, 2022, 107914.
      167. Ankit Yadav, SN Singh and SP Das, Suppression of third-order harmonic current in transformerless MMC, IET Energy Conversion and Economics, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2022, pp. 244-257.
      168. Chaman Lal Dewangan, Kamini Singh, SN Singh and Saikat Chakraborti, Peak-to-average ratio incentive scheme to tackle the peak-rebound challenge in TOU pricing, Electric Power System Research, Vol 210, 2022, No. 108048.
      169. Sourabh Ghosh, Navneet Kumar Singh, Asheesh Kumar Singh, and Sri Niwas Singh, Digital Twin for Electric Energy Systems: A New Era of Digitization, IEEE Smart Grid Magazine, 2022.
      170. Avinash Kumar, Abheejeet Mohapatra, SN Singh and Raskesh K Panda, Space Vector Rotation Based Controlled Decaying Current Injection for Islanding Detection of Inverter-Interfaced DG, IEEE Trans on Smart Grid, Vol. 13, No. 6, 2022, pp. 4638-4650.
      171. Gaurva Khare, A Mohapatra and SN Singh, State Vulnerability Assessment against False Data Injection Attacks in AC State Estimator, IET Energy Conversion and Economics, 2022, pp.1-14.
      172. Monika Sharma, Bharat S Rajpurohit, Samar and SN Singh, Data Analytics Based Power Quality Investigations in Emerging Electric Power System Using Sparse Decomposition, IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, Vol 37. No. 6, 2022, pp. 4838-4847.
      173. Ankit K Srivastava, AN Tiwari, SN Singh, Praveen P Singh, Harmonic/Inter-harmonics Detection using Modified Exact Model Order based ESPRIT, International Journal of Power Electronics (Accepted), 2022.
      174. A Narain, SK Srivastava and SN Singh, The impact of wind direction on wind farm power output calculation considering the wake effects of wind turbines, Wind Engineering (accepted)
      175. Sourabh Ghosh, Asheesh K Singh, Rambit Singh, Rakesh Maurya, SN Singh and Guangya Yang, Intelligent Control of Integrated On-board Charger with Improved Power Quality and Reduced Charging Transients, ISA Transactions (Acecpted).
      176. Vineet, A Mohapatra and SN Singh, A Blended Approach to Improve Reliability and Efficiency of an Active EDN via Dynamic Feeder Reconfiguration, Demand Response, and VVO, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (Accepted).
      177. Atul Soni, Avinash Kumar, R Panda, Abheejeet Mohapatra and SN Singh, Adaptive Coordination of Relays in AC Microgrid considering Operational and Topological Changes, IEEE Systems Journal (Accepted).
      178. Vineet, A Mohapatra and SN Singh, An Efficient Modular Optimization Scheme for Unbalanced Active Distribution Networks with uncertain EV and PV Penetrations, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (Accepted).
      179. Atul Soni, Abheejeet Mohapatra and SN Singh, Impact of Control Parameters on Short-Circuit Capacity of Inverter Based Sources, IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET) during May 20-21, 2022 (online).
      180. Abhimanyu Kumar, S Ghosh, Asheesh K Singh, Rich Negi and SN Singh, Design and Implementation of Super Twisting Sliding Mode Control for PV Grid-connected Water Pumping System, IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET) during May 20-21, 2022 (online).
      181. Ankit Srivastava, A.N. Tiwari and Sri Niwas Singh, Harmonic and Interharmonic Estimation using Poincaré Filtering Assisted ESPRIT Method, IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET) during May 20-21, 2022 (online).
      182. Sourabh Ghosh, Soumyabrata Das, Asheesh K. Singh and Sri Niwas Singh, Optimal Scheduling of Electric Vehicles in a Solar Rooftop Parking Lot with V2V Power Transfer" 9th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON-2022), December 2-4, 2022, IIIT Allahabad.
      183. Sourabh Ghosh, Asheesh Kumar Singh, Richa Negi and SN Singh, Battery Degradation Aware Power Exchange in Grid-Integrated PV-Battery Assisted EV Charging Station, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), December 14-17, 2022, MNIT Jaipur.
      184. Chaman Lal Dewangan, Manoranjan Satapathy, S N Singh, Saikat Chakrabarti, An Impact Study of Time of Use Pricing on Voltage Control Devices, 22nd National Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2020), IIT Delhi, December 17-19, 2022.
      185. Gaurav Khare, Abheejeet Mohapatra, S N Singh, Identifying the Attack Probability of Measurements in Nonlinear State Estimator, 22nd National Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2020), IIT Delhi, December 17-19, 2022.
      186. Ankit Srivastava, A.N. Tiwari and Sri Niwas Singh, Deployment of MEMO-ESPRIT python tool at GIFT City testbed for Harmonic/Interharmonic analysis, IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT), The Maldives National University, Male City (Maldives), March 11-12, 2023.


      1. Agarwal, R., Jalal, A.S., Agrawal, S.C. & Arya, K.V. 2021, Fake and Live Fingerprint Detection Using Local Diagonal Extrema Pattern and Local Phase Quantization.
      2. Agarwal, R., Jalal, A.S. & Arya, K.V. 2021, "Local binary hexagonal extrema pattern (LBHXEP): a new feature descriptor for fake iris detection", Visual Computer, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 1357-1368.
      3. Agarwal, V., Tapaswi, S. & Chanak, P. 2021, "A Survey on Path Planning Techniques for Mobile Sink in IoT-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks", Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 119, no. 1, pp. 211-238.
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      5. Agrawal, N. & Tapaswi, S. 2021, "An SDN-Assisted Defense Mechanism for the Shrew DDoS Attack in a Cloud Computing Environment'', Journal of Network and Systems Management, vol. 29, no. 2.
      6. Agrawal, S., Kaushal, G. & Srivastava, A. 2021, "Electron transport in C3N monolayer: DFT analysis of volatile organic compound sensing", Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 762.
      7. Agrawal, S., Kaushal, G. & Srivastava, A. 2021, "Enhanced metallicity in defected Zigzag graphene nanoribbons: Role of oxygen doping", MRS Advances, vol. 6, no. 30, pp. 723-728.
      8. Agrawal, S., Khandelwal, U. & Bajpai, N. 2021, "Anthropomorphism in advertising: the effect of media on audience attitude", Journal of Marketing Communications, vol. 27, no. 8, pp. 799-815.
      9. Agrawal, S., Singh, V. & Upadhyay, Y. 2021, "Structural model of information quality framework to e-agri supply chain", Journal of Advances in Management Research, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 609-634.
      10. Agrawal, S., Srivastava, A. & Kaushal, G. 2021, "Bandgap engineering in Ga and P doped armchair graphene nanoribbons: DFT analysis", Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 48, pp. 647-649.
      11. Agrawal, S., Srivastava, A. & Kaushal, G. 2021, "DFT analysis of different shaped cu nanowires for interconnect application", CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 70.
      12. Agrawal, S., Srivastava, A. & Kaushal, G. 2021, "Electron transport in boron functionalized armchair graphene nanoribbons: Potential interconnects", Solid State Communications, vol. 327.
      13. Agrawal, S., Srivastava, A. & Kaushal, G. 2021, "Modeling of interface trap charges induced degradation in underlap DG and GAA MOSFETs", Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 125.
      14. Agrawal, S., Srivastava, A. & Kaushal, G. 2021, "Understanding Electron Transport in oxygen decorated Zigzag Graphene nanoribbons for nanoscale interconnects", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, pp. 21.
      15. Agrawalla, C. & Patel, V. 2021, "Modified Momentum Based Active Noise Control System with Improved Convergence Characteristics", 2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology, I2CT 2021.
      16. Anu, Srivastava, A. & Khan, M.S. 2021, "Principal component analysis for nonlinear optical properties of thiophene-based metal complexes", Journal of Molecular Modeling, vol. 27, no. 11.
      17. Arya, N., Pattanaik, M. & Sharma, G.K. 2021, "Energy-Efficient Logarithmic Square Rooter for Error-Resilient Applications", IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, .
      18. Arya, N., Soni, T., Pattanaik, M. & Sharma, G.K. 2021, "READ: A fixed restoring array based accuracy-configurable approximate divider for energy efficiency", Integration, vol. 76, pp. 1-12.
      19. Bansal, P., Kumar, R. & Kumar, S. 2021, "Disease detection in apple leaves using deep convolutional neural network", Agriculture (Switzerland), vol. 11, no. 7.
      20. Bansal, S.A., Singh, S., Srivastava, A., Singh, A.P. & Kumar, S. 2021, "Covalent attachment of 2D graphene oxide (GO) sheets with poly allylamine (PAA) for enhanced mechanical performance: Theoretical and experimental study", Polymer, vol. 213.
      21. Bharti, S., Pattanaik, K.K. & Bellavista, P. 2021, "Value of information based sensor ranking for efficient sensor service allocation in service oriented wireless sensor networks", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 823-838.
      22. Bhattacharyya, J. & Dash, M.K. 2021, "Investigation of customer churn insights and intelligence from social media: a netnographic research", Online Information Review, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 174-206.
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      24. Bhattacharyya, J., Dash, M.K., Hewege, C.R., Balaji, M.S. & Lim, W.M. 2021, "Social and Sustainability Marketing: A Casebook for Reaching Your Socially Responsible Consumers through Marketing Science" in Social and Sustainability Marketing: A Casebook for Reaching Your Socially Responsible Consumers through Marketing Science, pp. 1-900.
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      26. Ch, N.R., Gupta, B. & Kaushal, G. 2021, "Single-event multiple effect tolerant rhb d14t sram cell design for space applications", IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 48-56.
      27. Chanak, P. & Banerjee, I. 2021, "Internet-of-Things-Enabled Smart Villages: An Overview", IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 12-18.
      28. Charak, I., Manhas, M., Bedyal, A.K., Singh, S., Srivastava, A., Swart, H.C. & Kumar, V. 2021, "Structural and spectral studies of highly pure red-emitting Ca3B2O6:Eu3+ phosphors for white light emitting diodes", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 869.
      29. Chauhan, S.S., Narwariya, P., Shrivasatava, A.K. & Srivastava, P. 2021, "Electronic and transport properties of nitrogen and boron doped zigzag silicon carbide nanoribbons: First principle study", Solid State Communications, vol. 338.
      30. Chauhan, S.S., Narwariya, P., Srivasatava, A.K. & Srivastava, P. 2021, "Electronic and transport properties of chemically functionalized zig-zag graphene nanoribbons: First principle study", Pramana - Journal of Physics, vol. 95, no. 2.
      31. Chibisova, M.A., Chibisov, A.N. & Srivastava, A. 2021, "Behavior of two hole qubits of boron atoms in silicene", CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 79.
      32. Chopra, C. & Verma, R. 2021, Novel methods based on CNN for improved bacteria classification.
      33. Chopra, R., Dhar, J. & Patel, V. 2021, "LinArc - Deep Face Recognition Using LinCos And Arc Face", 2021 Advanced Communication Technologies and Signal Processing, ACTS 2021.
      34. Choudhary, H., Sadhya, D. & Patel, V. 2021, "Automatic Speaker Verification using Gammatone Frequency Cepstral Coefficients", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks, SPIN 2021, pp. 424.
      35. Chouhan, S.S. & Rathore, S.S. 2021, "Generative Adversarial Networks-Based Imbalance Learning in Software Aging-Related Bug Prediction", IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 626-642.
      36. Dang, N., Tiwari, S., Khurana, M. & Arya, K.V. 2021, Recent Advancements in Medical Imaging: A Machine Learning Approach.
      37. Dey, S., Pattanaik, M. & Kaushal, G. 2021, "A low power low noise analog front-end for ECG recording", Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 109, no. 2, pp. 449-458.
      38. Divya, Kumar, S., Sadhya, D. & Rathore, S.S. 2021, "Efficient Text Normalization via Hybrid Bi-directional LSTM", 2021 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference, IBSSC 2021.
      39. Dwivedi, A.K., Sharma, A. & Ranjan, P. 2021, "Dual-band modified rectangular shaped dielectric resonator antenna with diversified polarization feature", International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 3434-3442.
      40. Garg, R. & Jeevaraj, S. 2021, "Effective Fake News Classifier and its Applications to COVID-19", 2021 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference, IBSSC 2021.
      41. Garg, R., Maheshwari, S. & Shukla, A. 2021, Decision Support System for Detection and Classification of Skin Cancer Using CNN.
      42. Garg, V. 2021, "Cooperative Multi-robot Target Searching and Tracking Using Velocity Inspired Robotic Fruit Fly Algorithm", SN Computer Science, vol. 2, no. 6.
      43. Garg, V., Sachan, A., Kumar, N. & Mittal, S. 2021, "Congestion Control utilizing Software Defined Control Architecture at the Traffic Light Intersection", Proceedings - 2021 IEEE 18th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems, MASS 2021, pp. 597.
      44. Gaurav, K., SanthiBhushan, B., Mino-Galaz, G., Gutierrez, G. & Srivastava, A. 2021, "Hybridization and torsion defects influenced electron transport in trans-polyacetylene", Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, vol. 129.
      45. Gaurav, K. & Srivastava, A. 2021, "Electron Transport in Trans-polyacetylene with Heterogeneous Electrodes: A DFT Study", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, pp. 185.
      46. Goyal, C. & Patwardhan, M. 2021, "Strengthening work engagement through high-performance human resource practices", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 2052-2069.
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      49. Gupta, J., Dhar, J. & Sinha, P. 2021, "Mathematical study of the influence of canine distemper virus on tigers: an eco-epidemic dynamics with incubation delay", Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, .
      50. Gupta, N., Rajesh, R. & Daultani, Y. 2021, Investigation on Supply Chain Vulnerabilities and Risk Management Practices in Indian Manufacturing Industries.
      51. Gupta, S., Kaur, G. & Chanak, P. 2021, "A deep Bi-LSTM based Fault Detection Algorithm for WSNs", 2021 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference, IBSSC 2021.
      52. Gupta, S., Kumar, R. & Kumar, S. 2021, "Quantum Cost-Efficient Design of Synchronous Reversible Shift Registers using Reversible Logic", 2021 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference, IBSSC 2021.
      53. Gupta, V., Jeevaraj, S. & Kumar, S. 2021, "Songs Recommendation using Context-Based Semantic Similarity between Lyrics", 2021 IEEE India Council International Subsections Conference, INDISCON 2021.
      54. Jain, A., Pattanaik, K.K., Kumar, A. & Bellavista, P. 2021, "Energy and congestion aware routing based on hybrid gradient fields for wireless sensor networks", Wireless Networks, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 175-193.
      55. Jain, D., Dash, M.K., Kumar, A. & Luthra, S. 2021, "How is Blockchain used in marketing: A review and research agenda", International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, vol. 1, no. 2.
      56. Jain, D., Dash, M.K. & Thakur, K.S. 2021, "Development of research agenda on demonetization based on bibliometric visualization", International Journal of Emerging Markets, .
      57. Jain, S., Pattanaik, K.K., Verma, R.K., Bharti, S. & Shukla, A. 2021, "Delay-Aware Green Routing for Mobile-Sink-Based Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 4882-4892.
      58. Jain, S., Pattanaik, K.K., Verma, R.K. & Shukla, A. 2021, "Correction to: EDVWDD: Event Driven Virtual Wheel Based Data Dissemination for Mobile SinkEnabled Wireless Sensor Networks (The Journal of Supercomputing, (2021), 77, 10, (11432-11457), 10.1007/s11227-021-03714-7)", Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 77, no. 10, pp. 11458-11459.
      59. Jain, S., Pattanaik, K.K., Verma, R.K. & Shukla, A. 2021, "EDVWDD: Event-Driven Virtual Wheel-based Data Dissemination for Mobile Sink-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks", Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 77, no. 10, pp. 11432-11457.
      60. Jeevaraj, S. 2021, Ranking of trapezoidal bipolar fuzzy numbers based on a new improved score function.
      61. Jenkin Suji, R., Wilfred Godfrey, W. & Dhar, J. 2021, Border to Border Distance Based Method for Detecting Juxta-Pleural Nodules.
      62. Jindal, R., Kumar, N. & Patidar, S. 2021, IoT Stream Data Compression Using LDPC Coding.
      63. Joshi, C., Arya, K.V., Shukla, A.K., Shree, R., Pandey, R.P., Shukla, V. & Dhadwal, M.K. 2021, "An overview of emerging updates in blockchain technology: Analysis and recommendations" in Blockchain in Digital Healthcare, pp. 1-13.
      64. Kalra, H., Singh, A.P. & Sadhya, D. 2021, "Anomaly detection in Border Gateway Protocol using supervised machine learning", 2021 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference, IBSSC 2021.
      65. Kaur, G. & Chanak, P. 2021, "A Resource Aware Routing Algorithm for IoT-enabled WSNs", 2021 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference, IBSSC 2021.
      66. Kaur, G., Chanak, P. & Bhattacharya, M. 2021, "Energy-Efficient Intelligent Routing Scheme for IoT-Enabled WSNs", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 14, pp. 11440-11449.
      67. Kaur, G., Chanak, P. & Bhattacharya, M. 2021, "Obstacle Aware Intelligent Fault Detection Scheme for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
      68. Kaur, L., Mahendia, S., Saini, S. & Srivastava, A. 2021, "Arsenic sensing using Al/Fe doped armchair graphene nanoribbons: Theoretical investigations", Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol. 152.
      69. Khare, K.P., Kathal, R., Shukla, N., Srivastava, R. & Srivastava, A. 2021, "6 thioguanine sensing using poly pyrrole: DFT study", AIP Conference Proceedings.
      70. Khare, K.P., Kathal, R., Shukla, N., Srivastava, R. & Srivastava, A. 2021, "Copolymerization of aniline and 9 vinyl carbazole: A DFT study", Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 48, pp. 602-604.
      71. Khare, K.P., Kathal, R., Shukla, N., Srivastava, R. & Srivastava, A. 2021, "Sensing behavior of poly-9 vinyl carbazole for 6-Thioguanine anti-cancer drug: A DFT study", AIP Conference Proceedings.
      72. Khare, K.P., Kathal, R. & Srivastava, R. 2021, "6-Thioguanine sensing using Poly-pyrrole and Poly 9-vinyl carbazole: Ab-initio Analysis", Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 48, pp. 641-643.
      73. Kulshreshtha, K., Sharma, G. & Bajpai, N. 2021, "Conjoint analysis: the assumptions, applications, concerns, remedies and future research direction", International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management.
      74. Kumar, A. & Patel, V. 2021, "Sound Event Detection: A Wavelet Based Approach for Weakly Labeled Data", 2021 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference, IBSSC 2021.
      75. Kumar, D., Srivastava, A., Singh, K., Kumar, A. & Bhat, R.A. 2021, "Experimental and Quantum chemical analyses of S-benzyl-b-N-(1-(4- fluorophenyl)ethylidene)dithiocarbazate as biologically active agent", Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 48, pp. 593-598.
      76. Kumar, N., Rahman, S.S. & Dhakad, N. 2021, "Fuzzy Inference Enabled Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Traffic Light Control for Intelligent Transportation System", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 4919-4928.
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      85. Mathur, K.S., Srivastava, A. & Dhar, J. 2021, "Dynamics of a stage-structured SI model for food adulteration with media-induced response function", Journal of Engineering Mathematics, vol. 127, no. 1.
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      101. Pandey, P., Kumar, J.P. & Agariya, A.K. 2021, "Comparison between Fingerprint-Based Biometric Recognition Systems and QR Code-Based Authentication Systems: Challenges, Solutions, and Applications", 2021 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference, IBSSC 2021.
      102. Pandey, S., Karakoti, M., Surana, K., Dhapola, P.S., SanthiBhushan, B., Ganguly, S., Singh, P.K., Abbas, A., Srivastava, A. & Sahoo, N.G. 2021, "Graphene nanosheets derived from plastic waste for the application of DSSCs and supercapacitors", Scientific Reports, vol. 11, no. 1.
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      122. Ranjan, P. & Gupta, H. 2021, "Investigation of Dual-Band Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna with DGS for Wireless Applications", 2021 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference, IBSSC 2021.
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      125. Rathor, V.S., Garg, B., Patil, M. & Sharma, G.K. 2021, "Security analysis of image CAPTCHA using a mask R-CNN-based attack model", International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 238-247.
      126. Rathor, V.S. & Sharma, G.K. 2021, "A lightweight robust logic locking technique to thwart sensitization and cone-based attacks", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 811-822.
      127. Rathore, S.S. 2021, "An exploratory analysis of regression methods for predicting faults in software systems", Soft Computing, vol. 25, no. 23, pp. 14841-14872.
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      138. Shahzad Khan, M., Guo, Q., Slough, W., Srivastava, A. & Pandey, R. 2021, "Enhanced quantum capacitance in 3d-transition metal porphyrin functionalized graphene", Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, vol. 272.
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      10. Rathor, V.S., Garg, B., Sharma, G.K.
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        Optical Flow Methods for Lung Nodule Segmentation on LIDC-IDRI Images
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      15. Verma, R.K., Pattanaik, K.K., Bharti, S., Saxena, D., Cao, J.
        A query processing framework for efficient network resource utilization in shared sensor networks
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      16. Jeevaraj, S.
        Similarity measure on interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers based on non-hesitance score and its application to pattern recognition
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      17. Rajput, S.S., Arya, K.V.
        A robust face super-resolution algorithm and its application in low-resolution face recognition system
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      18. Rajput, R.S., Gupta, R., Trivedi, A.
        An Adaptive Covariance Matrix Based on Combined Fully Blind Self Adapted Method for Cognitive Radio Spectrum Sensing
        (2020) Wireless Personal Communications, 114 (1), pp. 93-111. 
      19. Srivastava, P., Abhishek, Sharma, V., Jaiswal, N.K.
        First-principle insights of CO and NO detection via antimonene nanoribbons
        (2020) Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 126 (9), .
      20. Srivastava, P., Abhishek, Sharma, V., Jaiswal, N.K.
        First-Principles Investigation of Antimonene Nanoribbons for Sensing Toxic NO2 Gas
        (2020) Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 257 (9), art. no. 2000034, .
      21. Morampudi, M.K., Veldandi, S., Prasad, M.V.N.K., Raju, U.S.N.
        Multi-instance iris remote authentication using private multi-class perceptron on malicious cloud server
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      22. Kumar, R., Kumar, A., Guglani, S., Kumar, S., Roy, S., Kaushik, B.K., Sharma, R., Achar, R.
        A Temperature and Dielectric Roughness-Aware Matrix Rational Approximation Model for the Reliability Assessment of Copper- Graphene Hybrid On-Chip Interconnects
        (2020) IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 10 (9), art. no. 9123443, pp. 1454-1465.
      23. Bajpai, N., Sharma, G., Dubey, P., Kulshreshtha, K.
        An empirical examination of elder abuse through the lens of mens rea
        (2020) Journal of Adult Protection, 22 (5), pp. 269-297. 
      24. Verma, R., Mehrotra, R., Rane, C., Tiwari, R., Agariya, A.K.
        Synthetic image augmentation with generative adversarial network for enhanced performance in protein classification
        (2020) Biomedical Engineering Letters, 10 (3), pp. 443-452. 
      25. Maheshwari, S., Agarwal, A., Shukla, A., Tiwari, R.
        A comprehensive evaluation for the prediction of mortality in intensive care units with LSTM networks: Patients with cardiovascular disease
        (2020) Biomedizinische Technik, 65 (4), pp. 435-446. 
      26. Singh, A., Preeti, Malik, P.
        Hopf bifurcation and chaos in a Leslie-Gower prey-predator model with discrete delays
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      27. Chanak, P., Banerjee, I.
        Congestion Free Routing Mechanism for IoT-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart Healthcare Applications
        (2020) IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 66 (3), pp. 223-232.
      28. Verma, R.K., Pattanaik, K.K., Bharti, S.
        Query similarity index based query preprocessing mechanism for multiapplication sharing wireless sensor networks
        (2020) Telecommunication Systems, 74 (4), pp. 477-485. 
      29. Dubey, P., Bajpai, N., Guha, S., Kulshreshtha, K.
        Mapping gender and marital roles on customer delight by value perception for mobile technology in India
        (2020) Technology in Society, 62, .
      30. Dhali, S., Karakoti, M., Pandey, S., SanthiBhushan, B., Verma, R.K., Srivastava, A., Bal, R., Mehta, S.P.S., Sahoo, N.G.
        Graphene oxide supported Pd-Fe nanohybrid as an efficient electrocatalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cells
        (2020) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45 (37), pp. 18704-18715. 
      31. Mehto, A., Tapaswi, S., Pattanaik, K.K.
        Virtual grid-based rendezvous point and sojourn location selection for energy and delay efficient data acquisition in wireless sensor networks with mobile sink
        (2020) Wireless Networks, 26 (5), pp. 3763-3779.
      32. Mishra, N.K., Singh, P.K.
        FS-MLC: Feature selection for multi-label classification using clustering in feature space
        (2020) Information Processing and Management, 57 (4), .
      33. Rathor, V.S., Garg, B., Sharma, G.K.
        A Novel Low Complexity Logic Encryption Technique for Design-for-Trust
        (2020) IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 8 (3), art. no. 8263404, pp. 688-699.
      34. Anu, Srivastava, A., Khan, M.S.
        DFT Analysis of Vanadium Tris(Dithiolene)-Based Double-Gated Single-Electron Transistor
        (2020) Journal of Electronic Materials, 49 (7), pp. 4203-4211.
      35. Srivastava, M., Srivastava, A., Pandey, S.K.
        Suitability of graphene monolayer as sensor for carcinogenic heavy metals in water: A DFT investigation
        (2020) Applied Surface Science, 517, . 
      36. Kumar, V., Dhar, J., Bhatti, H.S.
        Stability Switching Dynamics of a Food Chain System Incorporating Gestation Delays
        (2020) Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 28 (3), pp. 685-705.
      37. Singh, K.R., Trivedi, A.
        Physical Layer Security for Wireless Powered Massive MIMO Decode and Forward Relay Systems with Hardware Impairments: Performance Analysis
        (2020) Wireless Personal Communications, 112 (3), pp. 1537-1547.
      38. Rajesh, R.
        Network design for resilience in supply chains using novel crazy elitist TLBO
        (2020) Neural Computing and Applications, 32 (11), pp. 7421-7437.
      39. Pawar, P., Trivedi, A., Mishra, M.K.
        Outage and ASE Analyses for Power Controlled D2D Communication
        (2020) IEEE Systems Journal, 14 (2), pp. 2269-2280. 
      40. Sharma, V., Srivastava, P.
        Probing Gold-Doped Germanene Nanoribbons for Nanoscale Interconnects Under DFT-NEGF Framework
        (2020) Journal of Electronic Materials, 49 (6), pp. 3938-3946.
      41. Agrawal, N., Tapaswi, S.
        Detection of Low-Rate Cloud DDoS Attacks in Frequency Domain Using Fast Hartley Transform
        (2020) Wireless Personal Communications, 112 (3), pp. 1735-1762. 
      42. Chanak, P., Banerjee, I., Sherratt, R.S.
        A green cluster-based routing scheme for large-scale wireless sensor networks
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      43. Singh, V., Verma, P., Muthukumaar, V., Kumar, V., Tewari, M., Lai, K.-K., Chang, Y.-H.
        Immunization strategy for epidemic spreading based on membership (m) over a multilayer network
        (2020) Business Strategy and Development, 3 (2), pp. 185-194.
      44. Pandey, A., Sahu, R.
        Modeling the relationship between service quality, destination attachment and eWOM intention in heritage tourism
        (2020) International Journal of Tourism Cities, 6 (4), pp. 769-784. 
      45. Dewangan, R.K., Shukla, A., Godfrey, W.W.
        A solution for priority-based multi-robot path planning problem with obstacles using ant lion optimization
        (2020) Modern Physics Letters B, 34 (13), . 
      46. Sharma, M., Bhattacharya, M.
        Discrimination and quantification of live/dead rat brain cells using a non-linear segmentation model
        (2020) Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 58 (5), pp. 1127-1146.
      47. Rajesh, R.
        Sustainable supply chains in the Indian context: An integrative decision-making model
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      48. Mehto, A., Tapaswi, S., Pattanaik, K.K.
        A review on rendezvous based data acquisition methods in wireless sensor networks with mobile sink
        (2020) Wireless Networks, 26 (4), pp. 2639-2663.
      49. Kumar, A., Pattanaik, M., Srivastava, P., Jha, K.K.
        Reduction of Drain Induced Barrier Lowering in DM-HD-NA GAAFET for RF Applications
        (2020) IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, 14 (3), pp. 270-275.
      50. Jain, A., Dhar, J., Gupta, V.
        Rumor model on homogeneous social network incorporating delay in expert intervention and government action
        (2020) Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 84, .
      51. Suman, H., Srivastava, R., Shrivastava, S., Srivastava, A., Jacob, A.P., Malvi, C.S.
        DFT analysis of H2S adsorbed zigzag and armchair graphene nanoribbons
        (2020) Chemical Physics Letters, 745, .
      52. Shanker, R., Bhattacharya, M.
        An automated computer-aided diagnosis system for classification of MR images using texture features and gbest-guided gravitational search algorithm
        (2020) Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 40 (2), pp. 815-835.
      53. Nagar, S., Jain, A., Singh, P.K., Kumar, A.
        Pixel-wise dictionary learning based locality-constrained representation for noise robust face hallucination
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      54. Singh, P., Trivedi, A.
        NOMA and massive MIMO assisted physical layer security using artificial noise precoding
        (2020) Physical Communication, 39, .
      55. Verma, P., Tapaswi, S., Godfrey, W.W.
        An Adaptive Threshold-Based Attribute Selection to Classify Requests Under DDoS Attack in Cloud-Based Systems
        (2020) Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 45 (4), pp. 2813-2834.
      56. Patel, V., George, N.V.
        Multi-channel spline adaptive filters for non-linear active noise control
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      57. Nayagam, V.L.G., Ponnialagan, D., Jeevaraj, S.
        Similarity measure on incomplete imprecise interval information and its applications
        (2020) Neural Computing and Applications, 32 (8), pp. 3749-3761.
      58. Bharti, S., Pattanaik, K.K., Pandey, A.
        Contextual outlier detection for wireless sensor networks
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      59. Vyas, V., Jain, P.
        Prioritization of financial performance determinants in Indian SMEs
        (2020) Journal of Indian Business Research, 12 (2), pp. 169-190.
      60. Kushwah, R., Tapaswi, S., Kumar, A.
        Multipath Delay Analysis Using Queuing Theory for Gateway Selection in Hybrid MANET
        (2020) Wireless Personal Communications, 111 (1), pp. 9-32. 
      61. Naga Raghuram, C.H., Gupta, B., Kaushal, G.
        Double Node Upset Tolerant RHBD15T SRAM Cell Design for Space Applications
        (2020) IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 20 (1), pp. 181-190. 
      62. Agrawal, N., Tapaswi, S.
        A proactive defense method for the stealthy EDoS attacks in a cloud environment
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      63. Rajesh, R., Rajendran, C.
        Relating Environmental, Social, and Governance scores and sustainability performances of firms: An empirical analysis
        (2020) Business Strategy and the Environment, 29 (3), pp. 1247-1267.
      64. Ranjan, P., Patil, M., Chand, S., Ranjan, A., Singh, S., Sharma, A.
        Investigation on dual-port printed MIMO antenna with reduced RCS for C-band radar application
        (2020) International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 30 (3), . 
      65. Rajesh, R.
        Exploring the sustainability performances of firms using environmental, social, and governance scores
        (2020) Journal of Cleaner Production, 247, . 
      66. Yogi, R., Jaiswal, N.K., Srivastava, P.
        First-principles study of sensing SO2 adsorption on III–V nitride nanoribbons
        (2020) Materials Chemistry and Physics, 242, .
      67. Rajoria, S., Trivedi, A., Godfrey, W.W.
        Performance analysis of two tier HetNets with massive MIMO enabled wireless backhauling
        (2020) Wireless Networks, 26 (2), pp. 1459-1472. 
      68. Upadhyay, S., Srivastava, P.
        Modelling of antimonene as an anode material in sodium-ion battery: A first-principles study
        (2020) Materials Chemistry and Physics, 241, . 
      69. Patel, V., Cheer, J., Fontana, S.
        Design and Implementation of an Active Noise Control Headphone with Directional Hear-Through Capability
        (2020) IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 66 (1), pp. 32-40.
      70. Sadhya, D., De, K., Raman, B., Roy, P.P.
        Efficient extraction of consistent bit locations from binarized iris features
        (2020) Expert Systems with Applications, 140, . 
      71. Bhat, R.A., Kumar, D., Singh, K., Srivastava, A., Khan, M.D.S., Malla, M.A., Ganie, J.A., Mir, M.A.
        Synthesis and spectral characterization of Zn(II) complex of S-benzyl-β-N-[3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-phenylallylidene)]dithiocarbazate: An approach to antibacterial, thermal studies and DFT calculations
        (2020) Journal of Molecular Structure, 1199, . 
      72. Sharma, V., Srivastava, P.
        Aluminum Doped Germanene Nanoribbons: A First Principles Investigation
        (2020) Integrated Ferroelectrics, 204 (1), pp. 58-62.
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        Flexible business strategies to enhance resilience in manufacturing supply chains: An empirical study
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      74. Rajesh, R.
        Sustainability performance predictions in supply chains: grey and rough set theoretical approaches
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      75. Sharma, A., Sharma, N., Saxena, Y., Singh, A., Sadhya, D.
        Benchmarking deep neural network approaches for Indian Sign Language recognition
        (2020) Neural Computing and Applications, . 
      76. Pandey, A., Sahu, R.
        Mapping heritage tourism service quality using the Kano model: A case study of Indian tourism
        (2020) International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 37 (2), pp. 264-283.
      77. Goyal, C., Patwardhan, M.
        Strengthening work engagement through high-performance human resource practices
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      78. Rane, C., Mehrotra, R., Bhattacharyya, S., Sharma, M., Bhattacharya, M.
        A novel attention fusion network-based framework to ensemble the predictions of CNNs for lymph node metastasis detection
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      79. Rajesh, R.
        A novel advanced grey incidence analysis for investigating the level of resilience in supply chains
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      80. Rajesh, R.
        A grey-layered ANP based decision support model for analyzing strategies of resilience in electronic supply chains
        (2020) Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 87, . 
      81. Jain, A., Singh, P.K., Dhar, J.
        Multi-objective item evaluation for diverse as well as novel item recommendations
        (2020) Expert Systems with Applications, 139, .
      82. Raikwar, S.C., Tapaswi, S.
        Tight lower bound on transmission for single image dehazing
        (2020) Visual Computer, 36 (1), pp. 191-209. 
      83. Agariya, A.K., Tikoria, J.
        Development and validation of service quality scale for Indian telecom sector
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      84. Gupta, A., Mahaur, B.
        An Improved DV-maxHop Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
        (2020) Wireless Personal Communications, . 
      85. Rathore, S.S., Kumar, S.
        An empirical study of ensemble techniques for software fault prediction
        (2020) Applied Intelligence, . 
      86. Srivastava, S., Prakash, G., Gauba, R.
        Modelling Teachers Accountability in the Higher Educational Institutions Using Decision-making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Approach
        (2020) Business Perspectives and Research, . 
      87. Vyas, V., Mehta, K., Sharma, R.
        Investigating socially responsible investing behaviour of Indian investors using structural equation modelling
        (2020) Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, pp. 1-23. 
      88. Kumar, N., Vidyarthi, D.P.
        A novel energy-efficient scheduling model for multi-core systems
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      89. Agarwal, R., Jalal, A.S., Arya, K.V.
        Local binary hexagonal extrema pattern (LBHXEP): a new feature descriptor for fake iris detection
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      90. Kumari, V., Chauhan, S., Dhar, J.
        Controlling pest by integrated pest management: A dynamical approach
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      91. Mangion, R.S., Garg, L., Garg, G., Falzon, O.
        Emotional Testing on Facebook's User Experience
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      92. Anu, Srivastava, A., Khan, M.S.
        Density functional theory calculations for electronic, optoelectronic and thermodynamic properties of dibenzothiophene metal complexes
        (2020) Materials Research Express, 7 (1), . 
      93. Ranjan, P., Gangwar, R.K.
        Investigation of wideband multi-element multi-segment half-sectored cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna for wireless applications
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      94. Singh, D., Bajpai, N., Kulshreshtha, K.
        Brand Experience-Brand Love Relationship for Indian Hypermarket Brands: The Moderating Role of Customer Personality Traits
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      95. Raikwar, S.C., Tapaswi, S.
        Adaptive dehazing control factor based fast single image dehazing
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      96. Pandey, A., Sahu, R., Joshi, Y.
        Kano Model Application in the Tourism Industry: A Systematic Literature Review
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      97. Sharma, A., Ranjan, P., Sikandar
        Dual Band Ring Shaped Dielectric Resonator Based Radiator with Left and Right Handed Sense Circularly Polarized Features
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      98. Raikwar, S.C., Tapaswi, S.
        Lower Bound on Transmission Using Non-Linear Bounding Function in Single Image Dehazing
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      99. Suji, R.J., Bhadouria, S.S., Godfrey, W.W.
        Effect of thresholding using groundtruth pixel intensities on lung image database consortium-image database resource initiative lung cancer dataset
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      100. Kumar, S., Bhuyan, M.K., Iwahori, Y.
        Multi-level uncorrelated discriminative shared Gaussian process for multi-view facial expression recognition
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      101. Garg, L., Chukwu, E., Nasser, N., Chakraborty, C., Garg, G.
        Anonymity Preserving IoT-Based COVID-19 and Other Infectious Disease Contact Tracing Model
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        A bibliometric analysis of research on entrepreneurial intentions from 2000 to 2018
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      2. Kumar, V., Dhar, J., Bhatti, H.S.
        Bifurcation in Plant-Pest-Natural Enemy Interaction Dynamics with Gestation Delay for Both Pest and Natural Enemy
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      3. Prakash, G., Srivastava, S.
        Exploring value-dense environment in the healthcare service delivery: A patient-centric perspective
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        Cryptanalysis of hash based multi-server key exchange protocol using smart card
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        Interference-aware channel assignment and power allocation for device-to-device communication underlaying cellular network
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      6. Jain, S., Pattanaik, K.K., Shukla, A.
        QWRP: Query-driven virtual wheel based routing protocol for wireless sensor networks with mobile sink
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      7. Mishra, S.R., Korukonda, M.P., Behera, L., Shukla, A.
        Enabling cyber-physical demand response in smart grids via conjoint communication and controller design
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      8. Jain, A., Mishra, A., Shukla, A., Tiwari, R.
        A Novel Genetically Optimized Convolutional Neural Network for Traffic Sign Recognition: A New Benchmark on Belgium and Chinese Traffic Sign Datasets
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      10. Daultani, Y., Goswami, M., Vaidya, O.S., Kumar, S.
        Inclusive risk modeling for manufacturing firms: a Bayesian network approach
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        An economic group model for innovation diffusion of new product with delay of adoption for low income group
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      12. Jha, K.K., Tyagi, N., Jaiswal, N.K., Srivastava, P.
        Structural and electronic properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons functionalized with fluorine
        (2019) Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 383 (32), . 
      13. Shanker, R., Bhattacharya, M.
        Brain tumor segmentation of normal and lesion tissues using hybrid clustering and hierarchical centroid shape descriptor
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      14. Chaudhry, R., Tapaswi, S.
        Bio-inspired energy conserving adaptive power and rate control in MANET
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      15. Sadhya, D., Raman, B.
        Generation of Cancelable Iris Templates via Randomized Bit Sampling
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      16. Tewari, C., Tatrari, G., Karakoti, M., Pandey, S., Pal, M., Rana, S., SanthiBhushan, B., Melkani, A.B., Srivastava, A., Sahoo, N.G.
        A simple, eco-friendly and green approach to synthesis of blue photoluminescent potassium-doped graphene oxide from agriculture waste for bio-imaging applications
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      17. Bilgaye, M., Kumar, A., Srivastava, A., Dua, P.
        Memristive phase change memory
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      18. Pathania, S., Kumar, S., Sharma, R.
        Analyzing Crosstalk-Induced Effects in Rough On-Chip Copper Interconnects
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      19. Agrawal, N., Tapaswi, S.
        Defense Mechanisms against DDoS Attacks in a Cloud Computing Environment: State-of-the-Art and Research Challenges
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        A robust facial image super-resolution model via mirror-patch based neighbor representation
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        Joint source and relay precoder design for energy-efficient MIMO-cognitive relay networks
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      22. Sadhya, D., Singh, S.K.
        A comprehensive survey of unimodal facial databases in 2D and 3D domains
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      23. Srivastava, R., Suman, H., Shrivastava, S., Srivastava, A.
        DFT analysis of pristine and functionalized zigzag CNT: A case of H2S sensing
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      24. Chaudhry, R., Tapaswi, S., Kumar, N.
        FZ enabled Multi-objective PSO for multicasting in IoT based Wireless Sensor Networks
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      25. Mishra, K., Trivedi, A., Gupta, R.
        Power allocation in cognitive radio networks using genetic algorithm
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      26. Chauhan, S.S., Ferwani, S., Srivasatava, P.
        The electronic and transport properties of Li-doped graphene nanoribbons: An ab-initio approach
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        Strategic analysis of the Indian agri-food supply chain
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      28. Chauhan, S.S., Ferwani, S., Srivastava, P.
        Effect of strain on the structural and electronic properties of transition metal-doped arsenene nanoribbons: An ab-initio approach
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        Electron transport in CO2 adsorbed ZnO nanowire: DFT study
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      30. Singh, A., Elsadany, A.A., Elsonbaty, A.
        Complex dynamics of a discrete fractional-order Leslie-Gower predator-prey model
        (2019) Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 42 (11), pp. 3992-4007.
      31. Dubey, P., Bajpai, N., Guha, S., Kulshreshtha, K.
        Entrepreneurial marketing: an analytical viewpoint on perceived quality and customer delight
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      32. Anand, V., Jain, A., Pattanaik, K.K., Kumar, A.
        Traffic aware field-based routing for wireless sensor networks
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      33. Singh, V.P., Srivastava, R., Pathak, Y., Tiwari, S., Kaur, K.
        Content-based image retrieval based on supervised learning and statistical-based moments
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      34. Dutta, U., Soni, M.K., Pattanaik, M.
        Design and analysis of gate all around tunnel FET based ring oscillator circuit
        (2019) International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8 (2), pp. 2415-2420. 
      35. Mishra, M.K., Trivedi, A.
        Spectral efficiency and deployment cost efficiency analysis of mmW/UHF-based cellular network
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      36. Pandey, B., Kumar, K., Ahmad, S., Pandit, A.K., Singh, D., Akbar Hussain, D.M.
        Leakage power consumption of address register interfacing with different families of FPGA
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      37. Kumar, K., Ahmad, S., Pandey, B., Pandit, A.K., Singh, D., Hussain, D.M.A.
        Power efficient frequency scaled and thermal-aware control unit design on FPGA
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      38. Mehta, K., Sharma, R., Vyas, V.
        Efficiency and ranking of sustainability index of India using DEA-TOPSIS
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      39. Dewangan, R.K., Shukla, A., Godfrey, W.W.
        Three dimensional path planning using Grey wolf optimizer for UAVs
        (2019) Applied Intelligence, 49 (6), pp. 2201-2217.
      40. Pathak, Y., Arya, K.V., Tiwari, S.
        An efficient low-dose CT reconstruction technique using partial derivatives based guided image filter
        (2019) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78 (11), pp. 14733-14752. 
      41. Srivastava, S., Prakash, G.
        Internal Service Quality: Insights from Healthcare Sector
        (2019) Journal of Health Management, 21 (2), pp. 294-312. 
      42. Kumar, N., Vidyarthi, D.P.
        A green SLA constrained scheduling algorithm for parallel/scientific applications in heterogeneous cluster systems
        (2019) Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 22, pp. 107-119. 
      43. Garg, B., Rai, S.K., Puranik, A., Sharma, G.K.
        ES-COINA: A novel energy scalable quality-aware color interpolation architecture
        (2019) Microprocessors and Microsystems, 67, pp. 8-17.
      44. Tuli, R., Dhar, J., Bhatti, H.S.
        Sustaining of two competing products under the impact of the media including the experience of adopters
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      45. Kumar, V., Dhar, J., Bhatti, H.S.
        A Stage-Structured Pest-Natural Enemy Dynamics with Holling Type-II Interaction and Maturation Delay for Pest Species
        (2019) Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 24 (3), pp. 355-363.
      46. Rajesh, R., Rajendran, C.
        Grey- and rough-set-based seasonal disaster predictions: an analysis of flood data in India
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      47. Jain, U., Tiwari, R., Godfrey, W.W.
        Multiple odor source localization using diverse-PSO and group-based strategies in an unknown environment
        (2019) Journal of Computational Science, 34, pp. 33-47.
      48. Swain, A.K., Rajput, A.K., Mahapatra, K.K.
        Network on Chip for Consumer Electronics Devices: An Architectural and Performance Exploration of Synchronous and Asynchronous Network-on-Chip-Based Systems
        (2019) IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 8 (3), pp. 50-54.
      49. Cheer, J., Patel, V., Fontana, S.
        The application of a multi-reference control strategy to noise cancelling headphones
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      50. Pawar, P., Yadav, S.M., Trivedi, A.
        Performance Study of Dual Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Underlaid Device-to-Device Communications
        (2019) Wireless Personal Communications, 105 (3), pp. 1111-1132. 
      51. Rajput, S.S., Bohat, V.K., Arya, K.V.
        Grey wolf optimization algorithm for facial image super-resolution
        (2019) Applied Intelligence, 49 (4), pp. 1324-1338.
      52. Sharma, G., Bajpai, N., Kulshreshtha, K., Tripathi, V., Dubey, P.
        Foresight for online shopping behavior: a study of attribution for “what next syndrome”
        (2019) Foresight, 21 (2), pp. 285-317.
      53. Prakash, J., Singh, P.K., Kishor, A.
        Integrating fitness predator optimizer with multi-objective PSO for dynamic partitional clustering
        (2019) Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 8 (1), pp. 83-99. 
      54. Jain, A., Dhar, J., Gupta, V.
        Stochastic model of rumor propagation dynamics on homogeneous social network with expert interaction and fluctuations in contact transmissions
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      55. Pandey, S., Karakoti, M., Dhali, S., Karki, N., SanthiBhushan, B., Tewari, C., Rana, S., Srivastava, A., Melkani, A.B., Sahoo, N.G.
        Bulk synthesis of graphene nanosheets from plastic waste: An invincible method of solid waste management for better tomorrow
        (2019) Waste Management, 88, pp. 48-55. 
      56. Prakash, J., Singh, P.K.
        Gravitational search algorithm and K-means for simultaneous feature selection and data clustering: a multi-objective approach
        (2019) Soft Computing, 23 (6), pp. 2083-2100.
      57. Dandeliya, S., Anurag, S.
        Defected Graphene as Ammonia Sensor: Theoretical Insight
        (2019) IEEE Sensors Journal, 19 (6), pp. 2031-2038.
      58. Verma, R.K., Pattanaik, K.K., Bharti, S., Saxena, D.
        In-network context inference in IoT sensory environment for efficient network resource utilization
        (2019) Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 130, pp. 89-103.
      59. Kumar, V., Dhar, J., Bhatti, H.S.
        Stage-structured plant-pest-natural enemy interaction dynamics incorporating gestation delay for both pest and natural enemy
        (2019) Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 5 (1), pp. 59-69. 
      60. Agrawal, V., Tapaswi, S.
        Forensic analysis of Google Allo messenger on Android platform
        (2019) Information and Computer Security, 27 (1), pp. 62-80. 
      61. Chaudhry, R., Tapaswi, S., Kumar, N.
        A Green Multicast Routing Algorithm for Smart Sensor Networks in Disaster Management
        (2019) IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 3 (1), pp. 215-226. 
      62. Bohat, V.K., Arya, K.V.
        A new heuristic for multilevel thresholding of images
        (2019) Expert Systems with Applications, 117, pp. 176-203.
      63. Kushwah, R., Tapaswi, S., Kumar, A.
        A Detailed Study on Internet Connectivity Schemes for Mobile ad Hoc Network
        (2019) Wireless Personal Communications, 104 (4), pp. 1433-1471. 
      64. Tiwari, S., Kaur, K., Pathak, Y., Shivani, S., Kaur, K.
        Computed tomography reconstruction on distributed storage using hybrid regularization approach
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      65. Rayal, R., Khanna, D., Sandhu, J.K., Hooda, N., Rana, P.S.
        N-semble: neural network based ensemble approach
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      66. Kumar, N., Vidyarthi, D.P.
        A hybrid heuristic for load-balanced scheduling of heterogeneous workload on heterogeneous systems
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      67. Dutta, U., Soni, M.K., Pattanaik, M.
        Simulation study of hetero dielectric tri material gate tunnel FET based common source amplifier circuit
        (2019) AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 99, pp. 258-263. 
      68. Pachauri, B., Kumar, A., Dhar, J.
        Reliability analysis of open source software systems considering the effect of previously released version
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      69. Rathor, V.S., Sharma, G.K.
        A Lightweight Robust Logic Locking Technique to Thwart Sensitization and Cone Based Attacks
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      70. Singh, A., Raj, S.
        Securing password using dynamic password policy generator algorithm
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      71. Prakash, G., Srivastava, S.
        Exploring antecedents and consequences of care coordinated pathways using organization routines
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      72. Tomar, A., Dhar, J.
        An ECC Based Secure Authentication and Key Exchange Scheme in Multi-server Environment
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      73. Agrawal, N., Tapaswi, S.
        A trustworthy agent-based encrypted access control method for mobile cloud computing environment
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      74. Jain, P., Agarwal, G.
        Factors affecting mobile banking adoption: An empirical study in gwalior region
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      75. Garg, B., Sharma, G.K.
        A process-tolerant low-power adder architecture for image processing applications
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      76. Kulshreshtha, K., Bajpai, N., Tripathi, V., Sharma, G.
        Consumer preference for eco-friendly appliances in trade-off: A conjoint analysis approach
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      77. Pathak, Y., Arya, K.V., Tiwari, S.
        Feature selection for image steganalysis using levy flight-based grey wolf optimization
        (2019) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78 (2), pp. 1473-1494. 
      78. Gaurav, K., Santhibhushan, B., Ray, S.J., Srivastava, A.
        Acridinium Based Organic Molecular Single Electron Transistor for High Performance Switching Applications
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      79. Rawat, P., Jain, V.K., Chamola, P.
        Identifying enablers of social entrepreneurship: Interpretive structural modelling
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      80. Chaudhary, M., Dhar, J., Misra, O.P., Baghel, R.S.
        Spatiotemporal based predator-prey harvesting model for fishery with Beddington-DeAngelis type functional response and tax as the control entity
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      81. Siva Prasanna Sanka, R.V., Balaji, K., Leterrier, Y., Pandey, S., Srivastava, M., Srivastava, A., Binder, W.H., Rana, S., Michaud, V.
        Nitrogen-doped graphene stabilized copper nanoparticles for Huisgen [3+2] cycloaddition "click" chemistry
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      1. Bhat, R.A., Kumar, D., Alam, A., Mir, B.A., Srivastava, A., Malla, M.A., Mir, M.A.
        Synthesis, characterization, thermal and DFT studies of S-methyl-β-N-(3-(2-nitrophenyl)allylidene)dithiocarbazate as anti-bacterial agent
        (2018) Journal of Molecular Structure, 1173, pp. 72-80. 
      2. Jain, B., Vinod Kumar, K., SanthiBhushan, B., Gaurav, K., Pattanaik, M., Srivastava, A.
        A tetracene-based single-electron transistor as a chlorine sensor
        (2018) Journal of Computational Electronics, 17 (4), pp. 1515-1520. 
      3. Rathor, V.S., Garg, B., Sharma, G.K.
        New Lightweight Architectures for Secure FSM Design to Thwart Fault Injection and Trojan Attacks
        (2018) Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), 34 (6), pp. 697-708. 
      4. Tuli, R., Dhar, J., Bhatti, H.S.
        Innovation Diffusion Model for the Marketing of a Product with Interactions and Delay in Adoption for Two Different Patches
        (2018) International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 4 (6), .
      5. Pandey, S., Siva Prasanna, S.R.V., Karakoti, M., Tewari, C., SanthiBhushan, B., Pandey, J.K., Srivastava, A., Rana, S., Sahoo, N.G.
        Dispersion and stability study of carbon nanotubes in pH and temperature responsive polymeric matrix: Experiment and dispersion-corrected DFT study
        (2018) Materials Today Communications, 17, pp. 187-193. 
      6. Srivastava, S., Prakash, G.
        Care coordination in the health-care service delivery: an elderly care perspective
        (2018) Journal of Indian Business Research, 11 (4), pp. 388-404. 
      7. Kumar, N., Vidyarthi, D.P.
        A Green Routing Algorithm for IoT-Enabled Software Defined Wireless Sensor Network
        (2018) IEEE Sensors Journal, 18 (22), pp. 9449-9460. 
      8. Jha, K.K., Jaiswal, N.K., Pattanaik, M., Srivastava, P.
        First-principle investigations for electronic transport in nitrogen-doped disconnected zigzag graphene nanoribbons
        (2018) Microelectronic Engineering, 199, pp. 96-100.
      9. Chaudhry, R., Tapaswi, S.
        Optimized power control and efficient energy conservation for topology management of MANET with an adaptive Gabriel graph
        (2018) Computers and Electrical Engineering, 72, pp. 1021-1036. 
      10. Kulshreshtha, K., Tripathi, V., Bajpai, N.
        1971–2017: Evolution, exploration and test of time of conjoint analysis
        (2018) Quality and Quantity, 52 (6), pp. 2893-2919. 
      11. Agrawal, N., Tapaswi, S.
        Low rate cloud DDoS attack defense method based on power spectral density analysis
        (2018) Information Processing Letters, 138, pp. 44-50. 
      12. Rajput, S.S., Arya, K.V., Singh, V.
        Robust face super-resolution via iterative sparsity and locality-constrained representation
        (2018) Information Sciences, 463-464, pp. 227-244.
      13. Pathak, Y., Arya, K.V., Tiwari, S.
        Fourth-order partial differential equations based anisotropic diffusion model for low-dose CT images
        (2018) Modern Physics Letters B, 32 (25), . 
      14. Chaudhry, R., Tapaswi, S., Kumar, N.
        Forwarding Zone enabled PSO routing with Network lifetime maximization in MANET
        (2018) Applied Intelligence, 48 (9), pp. 3053-3080. 
      15. Sharma, V., Srivastava, P., Jaiswal, N.K.
        Edge-Oxidized Germanene Nanoribbons for Nanoscale Metal Interconnect Applications
        (2018) IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65 (9), pp. 3893-3900. 
      16. Agrawal, A., Singh, V., Jain, S., Gupta, R.K.
        GCRP: Grid-cycle routing protocol for wireless sensor network with mobile sink
        (2018) AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 94, pp. 1-11.
      17. Raikwar, S.C., Tapaswi, S.
        An improved linear depth model for single image fog removal
        (2018) Multimedia Tools and Applications, 77 (15), pp. 19719-19744. 
      18. Prakash, J., Singh, P.K.
        Hybrid Gbest-guided Artificial Bee Colony for hard partitional clustering
        (2018) International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, 9 (4), pp. 911-928. 
      19. Anu, Srivastava, A., Khan, M.S.
        Charge stability diagram and addition energy spectrum for single-electron transistor based on Ni-dithiolene derivatives
        (2018) Organic Electronics, 59, pp. 125-130. 
      20. Jadon, S.S., Sharma, H., Tiwari, R., Bansal, J.C.
        Self-adaptive position update in artificial bee colony
        (2018) International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, 9 (4), pp. 802-810. 
      21. Bhat, R.A., Kumar, D., Srivastava, A., Mir, B.A., Malla, M.A., Bhat, M.A., Mir, M.A.
        Experimental, DFT Studies and Biological Evaluation of S-methyl-β-N-(3-(2-nitrophenyl)allylidene)dithiocarbazate
        (2018) ChemistrySelect, 3 (25), pp. 7363-7369. 
      22. Sharma, A., Srivastava, A., Husain, M., Khan, M.S.
        Computational investigations of Cu-embedded MoS2 sheet for CO oxidation catalysis
        (2018) Journal of Materials Science, 53 (13), pp. 9578-9588. 
      23. Mishra, A., Shukla, A.
        A new insight into the schema survival after crossover and mutation for genetic algorithms having distributed population set
        (2018) International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore), 10 (2), pp. 165-168. 
      24. Jadon, S.S., Bansal, J.C., Tiwari, R., Sharma, H.
        Artificial bee colony algorithm with global and local neighborhoods
        (2018) International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, 9 (3), pp. 589-601. 
      25. Barsing, P., Daultani, Y., Vaidya, O.S., Kumar, S.
        Cross-docking Centre Location in a Supply Chain Network: A Social Network Analysis Approach
        (2018) Global Business Review, 19 (3_suppl), pp. S218-S234. 
      26. Rajput, S.S., Singh, A., Arya, K.V., Jiang, J.
        Noise robust face hallucination algorithm using local content prior based error shrunk nearest neighbors representation
        (2018) Signal Processing, 147, pp. 233-246. 
      27. Kumar, V., Dhar, J., Bhatti, H.S.
        Stability and Hopf bifurcation dynamics of a food chain system: plant–pest–natural enemy with dual gestation delay as a biological control strategy
        (2018) Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 4 (2), pp. 881-889. 
      28. Pathak, Y., Arya, K.V., Tiwari, S.
        Low-dose CT image reconstruction using gain intervention-based dictionary learning
        (2018) Modern Physics Letters B, 32 (14), . 
      29. Pragya, M., Arya, K.V., Pal, S.H.
        Intrusion Detection System Against Colluding Misbehavior in MANETs
        (2018) Wireless Personal Communications, 100 (2), pp. 491-503. 
      30. Kushwah, R., Tapaswi, S., Kumar, A., Pattanaik, K.K., Yousef, S., Cole, M.
        Gateway load balancing using multiple QoS parameters in a hybrid MANET
        (2018) Wireless Networks, 24 (4), pp. 1071-1082. 
      31. Srivastava, A., SanthiBhushan, B.
        Trade-off between quantum capacitance and thermodynamic stability of defected graphene: an implication for supercapacitor electrodes
        (2018) Applied Nanoscience (Switzerland), 8 (4), pp. 637-644. 
      32. Faridi, A.Q., Sharma, S., Shukla, A., Tiwari, R., Dhar, J.
        Multi-robot multi-target dynamic path planning using artificial bee colony and evolutionary programming in unknown environment
        (2018) Intelligent Service Robotics, 11 (2), pp. 171-186. 
      33. Gunnery, S., Mishra, S., Trivedi, A.
        Hybrid cognitive Gaussian two-way relay channel: Performance analysis and optimal resource allocation
        (2018) Physical Communication, 27, pp. 106-115. 
      34. Mishra, M.K., Trivedi, A., Pattanaik, K.K.
        Outage and energy efficiency analysis for cognitive based heterogeneous cellular networks
        (2018) Wireless Networks, 24 (3), pp. 847-865. 
      35. Sisodiya, O.S., Misra, O.P., Dhar, J.
        Pathogen Induced Infection and Its Control by Vaccination: A Mathematical Model for Cholera Disease
        (2018) International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 4 (2), . 
      36. Sisodiya, O.S., Misra, O.P., Dhar, J.
        Dynamics of cholera epidemics with impulsive vaccination and disinfection
        (2018) Mathematical Biosciences, 298, pp. 46-57. 
      37. Sharma, A., Anu, Khan, M.S., Husain, M., Khan, M.S., Srivastava, A.
        Sensing of CO and NO on Cu-Doped MoS2 Monolayer-Based Single Electron Transistor: A First Principles Study
        (2018) IEEE Sensors Journal, 18 (7), pp. 2853-2860. 
      38. Srivastava, A., Khan, M.S., Ahuja, R.
        Electron transport in NH3/NO2 sensed buckled antimonene
        (2018) Solid State Communications, 272, pp. 1-7. 
      39. Bhat, R.A., Kumar, D., Malla, M.A., Bhat, S.U., Khan, M.S., Manzoor, O., Srivastava, A., Naikoo, R.A., Mohsin, M., Mir, M.A.
        Synthesis, characterization, computational studies and biological evaluation of S-benzyl-β-N-[3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-phenylallylidene)]dithiocarbazate
        (2018) Journal of Molecular Structure, 1156, pp. 280-289. 
      40. Bohat, V.K., Arya, K.V.
        An effective gbest-guided gravitational search algorithm for real-parameter optimization and its application in training of feedforward neural networks
        (2018) Knowledge-Based Systems, 143, pp. 192-207. 
      41. Mishra, A., Shukla, A.
        Mathematical analysis of schema survival for genetic algorithms having dual mutation
        (2018) Soft Computing, 22 (6), pp. 1763-1771. 
      42. Mathur, K.S., Dhar, J.
        Stability and permanence of an eco-epidemiological SEIN model with impulsive biological control
        (2018) Computational and Applied Mathematics, 37 (1), pp. 675-692. 
      43. SanthiBhushan, B., Khan, M.S., Bohat, V.K., Srivastava, A.
        Quantum capacitance estimations of pyrrolic-rich graphene for supercapacitor electrodes
        (2018) IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 17 (2), pp. 205-211. 
      44. Kukkonen, A., Ylä-Anttila, T., Swarnakar, P., Broadbent, J., Lahsen, M., Stoddart, M.C.J.
        International organizations, advocacy coalitions, and domestication of global norms: Debates on climate change in Canada, the US, Brazil, and India
        (2018) Environmental Science and Policy, 81, pp. 54-62. 
      45. Mahor, V., Pattanaik, M.
        A State-of-the-Art Current Mirror-Based Reliable Wide Fan-in FinFET Domino OR Gate Design
        (2018) Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 37 (2), pp. 475-499. 
      46. Sekhar, C., Patwardhan, M., Vyas, V.
        Linking Work Engagement to Job Performance Through Flexible Human Resource Management
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      47. Rajoria, S., Trivedi, A., Godfrey, W.W.
        A comprehensive survey: Small cell meets massive MIMO
        (2018) Physical Communication, 26, pp. 40-49. 
      48. Mishra, S., Trivedi, A.
        Performance Study of an Improved Resource Allocation Scheme with Full-Duplex Relaying
        (2018) Wireless Personal Communications, 98 (3), pp. 2819-2836. 
      49. Srivastava, A., Gupta, P., Khan, M.S., Kanoun, M.B., Goumri-Said, S.
        Electronic and optical properties of functionalized zigzag ZnO nanotubes
        (2018) Journal of Molecular Modeling, 24 (2), . 
      50. Anu, Srivastava, A., Khan, M.S.
        First principle study of single electron transistor based on metal-organic complex of dibenzothiophene
        (2018) Organic Electronics, 53, pp. 227-234. 
      51. Bharot, N., Verma, P., Sharma, S., Suraparaju, V.
        Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack Detection and Mitigation Using Feature Selection and Intensive Care Request Processing Unit
        (2018) Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 43 (2), pp. 959-967. 
      52. Goyal, C., Patwardhan, M.
        Role of change management using ADKAR model: A study of the gender perspective in a leading bank organisation of India
        (2018) International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 18 (3-4), pp. 297-316. 
      53. Sharma, S., Maheshwari, S., Shukla, A.
        An intelligible deep convolution neural network based approach for classification of diabetic retinopathy
        (2018) Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems, 14 (2), . 
      54. Pandey, A., Sahu, R., Dash, M.K.
        Social media marketing impact on the purchase intention of millennials
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      55. Chaurasia, N., Tapaswi, S., Dhar, J.
        A Resource Efficient Expectation Maximization Clustering Approach for Cloud
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      56. Singh, V., Singh, G.
        Citizen centric assessment framework for e-governance services quality
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      57. Shanker, R., Bhattacharya, M.
        Brain tumor segmentation of normal and pathological tissues using K-mean clustering with fuzzy C-mean clustering
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      58. Raghavendra, A.J., Zhu, J., Gregory, W., Case, F., Mulpur, P., Khan, S., Srivastava, A., Podila, R.
        Chemiplasmonics for high-throughput biosensors
        (2018) International Journal of Nanomedicine, 13, pp. 8051-8062. 
      59. Dutta, U., Soni, M.K., Pattanaik, M.
        Design & Optimization of gate-all-around tunnel FET for low power applications
        (2018) International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), 7 (4), pp. 2263-2270. 
      60. Singh, V., Purohit, D.K., Kumar, V., Verma, P., Malviya, A.
        Predictive auto-completion for query in search engine
        (2018) International Journal of Business Information Systems, 28 (3), pp. 299-314. 
      61. Vyas, V., Raitani, S.
        Understanding the role of web-benefits in cross-buying
        (2018) International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 9 (1), pp. 1-21. 
      62. Singh, V., Singh, A., Jain, D., Kumar, V., Verma, P.
        Patterns affecting structural properties of social networking site ‘Twitter’
        (2018) International Journal of Business Information Systems, 27 (4), pp. 411-432. 
      63. Vyas, V., Roy, A., Raitani, S.
        Do the competitors affect cross-buying decisions?
        (2018) International Journal of Bank Marketing, 36 (1), pp. 2-18. 
      64. Dubey, P., Bajpai, N., Guha, S.
        Classifying customer ‘wow’, ‘AHA’, and ‘cool’ affect through arousal: A study on mobile users
        (2018) International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 9 (1), pp. 37-58. 


      1. Chaudhary, M., Dhar, J., Misra, O.P.
        Analysis of Exploitation of Forestry Biomass by Industrialization: Effect of Harvesting and Taxation
        (2017) International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 3, pp. 311-325. 
      2. Chaudhary, M., Pathak, R.
        A dynamical approach to the legal and illegal logging of forestry population and conservation using taxation
        (2017) Advances in Difference Equations, 2017 (1), . 
      3. Bansal, J.C., Jadon, S.S., Tiwari, R., Kiran, D., Panigrahi, B.K.
        Optimal power flow using artificial bee colony algorithm with global and local neighborhoods
        (2017) International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, 8, pp. 2158-2169. 
      4. Mahor, V., Pattanaik, M.
        An Aging-Aware Reliable FinFET-Based Low-Power 32-Word × 32-bit Register File
        (2017) Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 36 (12), pp. 4789-4808. 
      5. Janghel, R.R., Shukla, A., Rathore, C.P., Verma, K., Rathore, S.
        A comparison of soft computing models for Parkinson’s disease diagnosis using voice and gait features
        (2017) Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, 6 (1), . 
      6. Mishra, M.K., Trivedi, A., Pattanaik, K.K.
        An Analytical Model for LoS Probability and Area Transport Efficiency of Millimeter Wave Cellular Network
        (2017) Wireless Personal Communications, 97 (2), pp. 2383-2398. 
      7. Yousef, S., Albonda, H., Tapaswi, S., Cole, M., Deshmukh, S.
        The impact of mobility and node capacity on voice traffic
        (2017) International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, 8, pp. 1374-1382. 
      8. Fakrudeen, M., Yousef, S., Tapaswi, S., Patnaik, K.K., Cole, M.
        Voice performance analysis using voice codec by packet fragmentation and contention free periods in wireless networks
        (2017) International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, 8, pp. 758-764. 
      9. Kulshreshtha, K., Tripathi, V., Bajpai, N.
        Impact of Brand Cues on Young Consumers’ Preference for Mobile Phones: A Conjoint Analysis and Simulation Modelling
        (2017) Journal of Creative Communications, 12 (3), pp. 205-222. 
      10. Anu, Sharma, A., Khan, M.S., Srivastava, A., Husain, M., Khan, M.S.
        High-Performance Single-Electron Transistor Based on Metal-Organic Complex of Thiophene: First Principle Study
        (2017) IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 64 (11), pp. 4628-4635. 
      11. Tyagi, N., Jaiswal, N.K., Jha, K.K., Sharma, V., Srivastava, P.
        Structural, magnetic and electronic properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons interacting with Co: DFT investigations
        (2017) Ferroelectrics, 519 (1), pp. 178-186. 
      12. Agarwal, A., Singh, D., Agariya, A.K.
        What Really Leads to Partner Relationship Management? A Review of Literature
        (2017) Journal of Relationship Marketing, 16 (4), pp. 245-285. 
      13. Rathor, V.S., Garg, B., Sharma, G.K.
        New Light Weight Threshold Voltage Defined Camouflaged Gates for Trustworthy Designs
        (2017) Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), 33 (5), pp. 657-668. 
      14. Kumar, N., Vidyarthi, D.P.
        A GA based energy aware scheduler for DVFS enabled multicore systems
        (2017) Computing, 99 (10), pp. 955-977. 
      15. Swami, P., Mishra, M.K., Trivedi, A.
        Analysis of downlink power control and cooperation scheme for two-tier heterogeneous cellular network
        (2017) International Journal of Communication Systems, 30 (13), . 
      16. Shashwat, Y., Pandey, P., Arya, K.V., Kumar, S.
        A modified AODV protocol for preventing blackhole attack in MANETs
        (2017) Information Security Journal, 26 (5), pp. 240-248. 
      17. Sekhar, C., Patwardhan, M., Vyas, V.
        Study of Intellectual Capital Dimensions in IT Industry Using DEMATEL Method
        (2017) Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 16 (3), . 
      18. Mishra, S., Trivedi, A.
        Performance Study of MIMO Transmissions with Joint Channel Allocation and Relay Assignment
        (2017) Wireless Personal Communications, 96 (2), pp. 2651-2665. 
      19. Jadon, S.S., Tiwari, R., Sharma, H., Bansal, J.C.
        Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony algorithm with Differential Evolution
        (2017) Applied Soft Computing Journal, 58, pp. 11-24. 
      20. Mushtaque, M., Avecilla, F., Khan, M.S., Hafeez, Z.B., Rezvi, M.M.A., Srivastava, A.
        Synthesis, characterization, cytotoxicity, cell cycle analysis of 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1-(pyridin-2-ylmethyl)thiourea and quantum chemical analyses
        (2017) Journal of Molecular Structure, 1141, pp. 119-132. 
      21. Mushtaque, M., Avecilla, F., Haque, A., Perwez, A., Khan, M.S., Rizvi, M.M.A.
        Experimental and theoretical studies of a pyrazole-thiazolidin-2,4-di-one hybrid
        (2017) Journal of Molecular Structure, 1141, pp. 417-427. 
      22. Garg, B., Sharma, G.K.
        ACM: An Energy-Efficient Accuracy Configurable Multiplier for Error-Resilient Applications
        (2017) Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), 33 (4), pp. 479-489. 
      23. Kushwah, R., Tapaswi, S., Kumar, A.
        Modeling of an Efficient Integration of MANET and Internet Using Queuing Theory
        (2017) Wireless Personal Communications, 95 (3), pp. 3253-3270. 
      24. Goswami, M., Daultani, Y., Tiwari, M.K.
        An integrated framework for product line design for modular products: product attribute and functionality-driven perspective
        (2017) International Journal of Production Research, 55 (13), pp. 3862-3885. 
      25. Santhibhushan, B., Soni, M., Srivastava, A.
        Optical properties of boron-group (V) hexagonal nanowires: DFT investigation
        (2017) Pramana - Journal of Physics, 89 (1), . 
      26. Kashyap, M., Bhattacharya, M.
        A density invariant approach to clustering
        (2017) Neural Computing and Applications, 28 (7), pp. 1695-1713. 
      27. Mondal, A., Behera, L., Sahoo, S.R., Shukla, A.
        A novel multi-agent formation control law with collision avoidance
        (2017) IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 4 (3), pp. 558-568. 
      28. Khan, M.S., Ratn, R., Srivastava, A.
        Electronic and structural investigation of buckled antimonene using density functional theory calculation
        (2017) Pramana - Journal of Physics, 89 (1), . 
      29. Kumar, N., Vidyarthi, D.P.
        An Energy Aware Cost Effective Scheduling Framework for Heterogeneous Cluster System
        (2017) Future Generation Computer Systems, 71, pp. 73-88. 
      30. Chauhan, S.S., Sharma, G., Srivastava, P.
        Oxygen doped armchair graphene nanoribbons with tunable electronic properties-insight from density functional calculations
        (2017) Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 14 (5), pp. 2397-2400. 
      31. Parashar, S., Srivastava, P.
        Modeling of asymmetric biphenyl molecular devices using palladium electrodes
        (2017) Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 14 (5), pp. 2345-2348. 
      32. Chandiramouli, R., Srivastava, A., Nagarajan, V.
        First-Principles Insights of CO Adsorption Characteristics on Ge and In Substituted Silicene Nanosheet
        (2017) Silicon, 9 (3), pp. 327-337. 
      33. Kumar, M., Puri, N.K., Tyagi, N., Srivastava, P.
        Band gap engineering of armchair graphene nanoribbons via Mn/Cr termination
        (2017) Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 14 (5), pp. 2401-2404. 
      34. Tyagi, N., Jaiswal, N.K., Kovačević, G., Srivastava, P.
        On the evolution and electronic properties of self-assembled gold nanowires
        (2017) Computational Materials Science, 130, pp. 222-231. 
      35. Agrawal, N., Tapaswi, S.
        Defense schemes for variants of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks in cloud computing: A survey
        (2017) Information Security Journal, 26 (2), pp. 61-73.
      36. Agrawal, N., Tapaswi, S.
        The Performance Analysis of Honeypot Based Intrusion Detection System for Wireless Network
        (2017) International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 24 (1), pp. 14-26. 
      37. Mishra, A., Shukla, A.
        Mathematical analysis of the cumulative effect of novel ternary crossover operator and mutation on probability of survival of a schema
        (2017) Theoretical Computer Science, 666, pp. 1-11. 
      38. Sharma, V., Srivastava, P., Jaiswal, N.K.
        Prospects of asymmetrically H-terminated zigzag germanene nanoribbons for spintronic application
        (2017) Applied Surface Science, 396, pp. 1352-1359. 
      39. Jaiswal, N.K., Tyagi, N., Kumar, A., Srivastava, P.
        Inducing half-metallicity with enhanced stability in zigzag graphene nanoribbons via fluorine passivation
        (2017) Applied Surface Science, 396, pp. 471-479. 
      40. Mushtaque, M., Avecilla, F., Hafeez, Z.B., Jahan, M., Khan, M.S., Rizvi, M.M.A., Khan, M.S., Srivastava, A., Mallik, A., Verma, S.
        Synthesis, stereochemistry determination, pharmacological studies and quantum chemical analyses of bisthiazolidinone derivative
        (2017) Journal of Molecular Structure, 1127, pp. 99-113. 
      41. Mishra, A., Anand, P., Shukla, A.
        Convergence analysis of the ternary crossover operator
        (2017) Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (Specialissue2), pp. 6143-6147. 
      42. Sekhar, C., Patwardhan, M., Vyas, V.
        Causal modelling of HR flexibility and firm performance in Indian IT industries
        (2017) Journal of Modelling in Management, 12 (4), pp. 631-651. 
      43. Sekhar, C., Patwardhan, M., Vyas, V.
        Causal modelling between Human Capital and firm performance indicators: An IT industries' perspective
        (2017) International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 14 (3), pp. 277-294. 
      44. Swarnakar, P., Kumar, A., Tyagi, H.
        Network dynamics in friend recommendation: A study of Indian engineering students
        (2017) International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 16 (3), pp. 287-300. 
      45. Singh, V., Vyas, V., Jadon, S.S.
        Role of technology in brand management of Indian SMEs: An exploratory study
        (2017) World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 13 (2), pp. 174-191. 
      46. Khan, M.S., Srivastava, A.
        Geometry dependent structural and electronic properties of CdS nanowires: An ab-inito study
        (2017) Superlattices and Microstructures, 101, pp. 306-314. 
      47. Kumar, A., Dash, M.K., Seharawat, R.
        Using entropy and AHP-TOPSIS for comprehensive evaluation of internet shopping malls and solution optimality
        (2017) International Journal of Business Excellence, 11 (4), pp. 487-504. 
      48. Srivastava, R., Shahzad Khan, M., Shrivastava, S., Srivastava, A.
        Electron transport in HBr adsorbed boron doped carbon nanotube
        (2017) Chemical Physics Letters, 667, pp. 199-205. 
      49. Kulshreshtha, K., Tripathi, V., Bajpai, N., Dubey, P.
        Discriminating market segments using preferential green shift: a conjoint approach
        (2017) Foresight, 19 (4), pp. 386-408. 
      50. Jain, P., Vyas, V., Roy, A.
        Exploring the mediating role of intellectual capital and competitive advantage on the relation between CSR and financial performance in SMEs
        (2017) Social Responsibility Journal, 13 (1), pp. 1-23. 
      51. Podili, P., Pattanaik, K.K., Rana, P.S.
        BAT and Hybrid BAT Meta-Heuristic for Quality of Service-Based Web Service Selection
        (2017) Journal of Intelligent Systems, 26 (1), pp. 123-137. 
      52. Agarwal, A., Singh, D., Agrawal, G.
        PRM index: A customer satisfaction enhancement tool for Indian automobile sector
        (2017) International Journal of Management Practice, 10 (1), pp. 49-74. 
      53. Tyagi, N., Jaiswal, N.K., Sharma, V., Jha, K.K., Srivastava, P.
        Intrinsic half metallicity in lithium terminated zigzag graphene nanoribbons
        (2017) Solid State Communications, 250, pp. 112-118. 
      54. Singh, V., Sharma, R.R.K., Papadopoulos, T., Dubey, R.
        Differences in information system for exploratory and exploitative processes of innovation and UDR/USR type of innovators
        (2017) International Journal of Business Information Systems, 25 (3), pp. 352-372.

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