Fully Funded by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India

शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा वित्त पोषित

Dr. Amrendra Singh Yadav

Dr. Amrendra Singh Yadav

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: Computer Science

Honour: Ph.D. (MNNIT Allahabad)

Area of Interest: Blockchain Technology, Consensus Algorithms, Distributed Ledger Technology, Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, Internet of Vehicles, and Computer Network

Office Phone : +91-751-2449822

Address: Block-V, Room Number-208, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, Morena Link Road, Gwalior-474015 (M.P.), India.

Email: asy@iiitm.ac.in


Dr. Amrendra Singh Yadav is currently working as an Assistant Professor at Atal Bihari Vajpayee - Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management Gwalior, India. He received his Doctorate from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, M.Tech from Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, and B.Tech in Information Technology from State University, Uttar Pradesh India. His research focuses on improving the scalability of blockchain network, developing use-case-specific consensus algorithms, and the security of blockchains. His research interest includes Blockchain Technology, Peer to Peer systems, Consensus Algorithms, Distributed Ledger Technology, and Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, and Computer Network. He has published more than 30 research articles in reputed journal (SCI/SCIE) indexed journals and conferences. Dr. Yadav has been an expert speaker in various Faculty Development Programmes and has organized a number of Conferences, Workshops and Short term courses.

हमसे जुडे

एबीवी-भारतीय सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी और प्रबंधन संस्थान ग्वालियर, मोरेना लिंक रोड, ग्वालियर, मध्य प्रदेश, भारत, 474015

  • dummy info@iiitm.ac.in

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