Page 5 - IIITM Placement Brochure
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          Atal Bihari Vajpayee-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, hence forth referred as IIITM, is an autonomous
          institute set by Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in 1997. It is an effort by MHRD towards creating
          professionals, in areas of Management and Information Technology from the same Institute. This Institute was created for facilitating higher
          education, research and consultancy in areas of IT and Business Management.
          We are delighted to inform you that the institute has been ranked amongst 100 and 76 best institutes of India in Engineering and
          Management respectively by NIRF-MHRD. We are happy to share the following past year achievements of our institute and students.

                                                  National Leadership     Lokmat Leadership
                                                   Award for B school
                          Accredited A Grade by      with industry        Award for B School
                                NAAC.             related curriculum in   Rural Research Initiative
                                                 Information Technology   completed by one of our
                                                                            MBA Students.
                                                   by Mohan Group.

          Institute of National Importance (INI) is a status that may be conferred to a premier public higher education institution in India by an
          act of parliament, an institution which “serves as a pivotal player in developing highly skilled personnel within the specified region of the
          country/state. “ INIs receive special recognition and funding.

          Special Manpower Development Program or SMDP is project undertaken by Ministry of Information Technology of the Government of
          India aiming to import training in VLSI design and related software to engineering students pursuing Masters or Doctoral programmes in
          domains of Computer Science, Electronics and IT etc.

                  A                100 th               76 th               21 st              32  nd

                 RANK               RANK                 RANK               RANK                RANK
           Grade Accredited by   Rank in “Engineering”   Rank in “MBA” catagory   Rank in India today to   Rank in the Week-Hansa
                 NAAC         catagory of NIRF 2020   of NIRF 2020 which is   Engineering clolleges   best technical universities
                              which is conducted by   conducted by MHRD     survey             of India

                AAA+               37  th              92  nd              108  th              15 th

                RATING              RANK                 RANK               RANK                RANK

            Grading by Careers   Rank in management   Rank among B schools   Rank in UI Green Metric   Dataquest-DQS
           360 under engineering   category by careers   by Outlook 2020  Global ranking by   Survey of Top 25
            colleges category        360                               Universitas Indonesia   T-Schools
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10