Page 6 - IIITM Placement Brochure
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Academic Programmes
Integrated Post Graduate Programme B. Tech Programme
This is a 5 year course leading to: Dual Degree in Information 4-Year Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science has also
Technology (IT). The first three years cover the B. Tech been included since 2017 Admission is through JEE (Mains)
curriculum while the remaining 2 years could be focused on held annually, and subsequent CSAB (Central Seat Allocation
either M.Tech or MBA depending upon the student’s choice. Board) counselling.
Admission is through JEE (Mains) held annually, and
subsequent CSAB (Central Seat Allocation Board) counselling.
M. Tech Programme MBA Programme
This is a 2 year programme leading to M.Tech degree in area of: This is a 2 year program leading to MBA degree. Candidates
may opt for any of the under mentioned programs:
- Computer Networking (CN)
• MBA (Business Analytics)
- Digital Communication (DC)
• MBA (Finance)
- Information Security (IS) • MBA (Operations)
-Very Large Scale integration (VLSI) and Embedded Systems • MBA (Sales and Marketing)
Admission through CCMT based on GATE score annually. • MBA (HRM)
Admission to this course is through written examination
(CAT), group discussion and interview.
Ph.D Programme
IIITM offers doctoral programs in areas of IT and Management. A candidate to this program is selected on the basis of entrance test
and subsequent interview. Admission is through GATE and UGC NET conducted by CBSE.