Fully Funded by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India

शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा वित्त पोषित

List of Sponsored Projects

IIITM carries out research projects sponsored by external agencies. These projects are across several fields of technology and management. Research is an important area for us, and the best human and technological resources are deployed for successful completion these projects. These external projects are normally placed under a faculty's supervision. For us research is integral to learning and thus a continuous process. Some of our ongoing sponsored projects are as here under.
Research Projects:

S. No. Title of the Project Name of Principal Investigator  Funding Agency
1 Technology Incubation & Development of Entrepreneurs (TIDE 2.0) in the areas of Electronics and ICT Dr. Manoj Kumar Dash MCIT, DIT, New Delhi
3 Assistive Learning Device for Children with Hearing Loss Dr Vinal Patel SERB NEW DELHI
4 Compact Modelling for Quasi-Ballistic Transport in GAA MOSFET and Design of Radiation Hardened SRAM Array Dr Gaurav Kaushal  SERB NEW DELHI
5 Malware Analysis using Machine Learning Techniques for Industrial Control  Prof Aditya Trivedi IIT Kanpur
6 Design of Privacy -preserving and efficient mechanisms for handling heterogeneous biometric data in the context of Aadhaar Dr  Debanjan Sadhya SERB,New Delhi
7 Artificial Intelligence Enabled Dialogue based Online Medical System Development for Precision Healthcare Dr  Santosh Singh Rathore SERB,New Delhi
8 Research Productivity and Performance Enhancement System (CARS) Prof   Gyan Prakash DRDO,AGRA
9 Study of Impact of Integration, Seasonality and Control on Ecological and Epidemiological Models  Dr  Anuraj Singh SERB,NEW DELHI
10 Dynamic Bayesian Network model for behavioural study of autonomous data agents" Dr  K K Pattanaik  SERB,NEW DELHI
11 Machine Learning Aided Self Sustainable Future Wireless Networks  Dr  Binod Prasad SERB,NEW DELHI
12 Developing a framework for assessing innovation readiness, research intensity and technology resilience of firms  Prof   Gyan Prakash DSIR,NEW DELHI
13 Chips to Startup (C2S) Programme Prof Manisha Pattanaik  Chief Investigator MeitY New Delhi
14 Purification and Valorization through Indigenous Tailoring of Raw Polymeric Waste into Advanced Multidimensional Carbon Nano Materials (PAVITRAM) for Large Scale Energy Storage Applications Including Supercapacitors and Batteries" Prof  Anurag Srivastava  Kumaun University , Nainital
15 “ Puff Dispersion Model for Instantaneous Release of Heavy Gas Chemicals" Prof Joydip Dhar DRDE , Gwalior
16 “ Impact Analysis of Women Police Station (WPS) to reduce crime against women in the state of Madhya Pradesh " Prof Anurag Srivastava National Commission for Women , New Delhi
17 Exploring Trends in Science Technology and Innovation (STI) Indicators for Policy Planning Dr Vishal Vyas DST , New Delhi
18 “ Design of Metamaterials for biosening and ICT applications .  Dr  Pinku Ranjan DST , New Delhi
19 “ Service Quality Index for In house Medical Facilities Case of Private and Public Higher Educational Institutional Institutions in India .  Dr  Arun kumar  ICSSR, New Delhi
20 Development of an Adaptive Smart City Framework to solve urban area problems using Internet of Things Dr  Veena  Anand SERB New Delhi
21 Development of Prototype Assistive Listening Device by Incorporating a Microphone Array and Haptic Stimulation Dr Vinal Patel DBT ,New Delhi
22 Design and Development of Intelligent Physical Layer Security Techniques for Wireless Health Monitoring Applications Dr  Mahendra Kumar Shukla SERB New Delhi
23 Design and Analysis of Hybrid FSO/THZ- based Backhaul Networks for 6G Communications  Dr  Praveen  Kumar Singhya SERB New Delhi
24 Design and Development of a Millimeter wave Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Ka -Band (26.5 GHz-40 GHz) Satellite IoT Applications  Dr  Rakesh  Chowdhury  SERB New Delhi
25 A conceptual study on Model based Systems Engineering in the context of Comple Systems from DRDO ADRDE through contract for acquisition of research services mode Prof Gyan Prakash ADRDE AGRADRDO
26 Unifying Goals in Smart EV Charging through Game Theory and Multi- Objective Optimization Prof Pramod Kumar Singh SPARC , IIT Kharagpur
27 Two Dimensional Graphitic Carbon Nitride Hybrids based Solid State Flexible Supercapacitors Synthesis Simulation Characterization and Fabrication of High Energy and Power Density Devices Prof Anurag Srivastava SPARC , IIT Kharagpur
28  A Scalable Consensus and Energy Efficient Blockchain Enabled Healthcare System Dr Amrendra Singh Yadav C3IHUB'S IIT Kanpur
29 Design and analysis of Reconfigurable THz antenna with Machine learning approach for 6G Application Dr Pinku Ranjan TCoE India
30 Multihop Hybrid THz FSO Assisted Backhaul Links for Sixth Generation Communication Dr Gaurav Pandey TCoE India
31 Design and analysis of a semantic learning based architecture for end-to-end communication with resource management Prof Aditya Trivedi and CO-PI Dr Mahendra Kumar Shukla TCoE India
32 Trackling Channel Estimation in 6G based ISAC System aided by Intelligent Reflecting Surface Prof Aditya Trivedi and CO-PI Dr Mahendra Kumar Shukla TCoE India
33 Development of multi-refrence active noise cancellation and bone conduction headset for cleare communication under an extremely noisy environment of flight operation Dr Vinal Patel DRDO New Delhi
34 Behavior -Conditioned Safety Aware Synthetic Generation for the Indian traffic  Dr Rahul Kala IIIT Hyderabad
35 Conceptual mathematical modeling for ecological sustainability Dr Purnenu Mishra Norwegian University of Life Sciences
36 Wellness Sense: Autonomous System for Smart Preventive Lifestyle Management Dr Anjali IIT MANDI
37 Delopment of Relayed Terahertz/Free space optical based communication systems over fadin and turbulent environment Dr Gaurav Sharma DRDO,New Delhi

Consultancy Projects:

S. No. Title of the Project Name of Principal Investigator  Funding Agency
1 Various ranking principles on difference generalized classes of intuitionistic fuzzy numbers and its applications Dr Jeevraj S King Faisal University
2 A I Model development and subsequent approval Dr W W Godfrey Tribmoon Agroforestry Pvt Ltd
3 “ Integrating social sustainability into supplier selection: case evaluation and development of methodologies" Dr  Rajesh Rajagopal “ Logistics and Artificial Intelligence Consulting Office ,Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 
4 Marathwada Centre for Economic Development (MCED) of GSM  Dr Manoj K Dash Gramaudyogik Shikshan Mandal Aurangabad
5 “The Use Case Analysis of Blockchain Technology in Textile Quality Management -An Exploratory”  Dr Vinay Singh Yagya Enterprises
6 Streamlining the Innovation Management Process and Developing a Blockchain-Enabled  Innovation Management System for Intellectual Capital Protection at E-Spin Nanotech Pvt. Ltd Dr Vinay Singh E-Spin Nanotech Pvt Ltd.
7 Development of a self -updated recommendation system incorporating risk factors for tourism Industry using time series models Dr Ajay Kumar Yagya Enterprises
8 Regarding the role of entertainment industry in removal of distress from young adults – An Exploratory Study Dr Ajay Kumar UNZIP Communication

हमसे जुडे

एबीवी-भारतीय सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी और प्रबंधन संस्थान ग्वालियर, मोरेना लिंक रोड, ग्वालियर, मध्य प्रदेश, भारत, 474015

  • dummy info@iiitm.ac.in

वेबसाइट में खोजें


  • Centres
  • Popularizing scheme of Prime Minister Research Fellow (PMRF)
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