Fully Funded by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India

शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा वित्त पोषित

Integrated Post Graduate - IPG


This is a 5-year or 10 semester course leading to: B.Tech + M.Tech in IT (Information Technology); or B.Tech (IT) + MBA. Candidates opting for M.Tech are entitled to stipends in fifth year after clearing GATE exam..


This 5-year IPG was initiated to offer a synchronized curriculum covering facets of IT and management. Keeping in line with market requirements it is essential to groom professionals who are adept in handling demanding management or IT issues. This course has been particularly designed to address situations that demand a comprehensive solution synchronizing management and IT. Candidates after successful completion of this study course are expected to tackle specific

5 Year IMT - B.Tech + M.Tech

Objective of this 5-year course is to create professionals who are capable of integrating technologies of different levels for offering competitive edge to industrial processes and business. Candidates after successful completion of this 5-year program are typically engaged in database management systems, computer networking, software engineering, and multimedia applications.

5 Year IMG - B.Tech + MBA

This 5-year integrated program is particularly aimed at creating professionals who not only are efficient business managers but also capable of providing viable solutions integrating business and IT. With a comprehensive knowledge about marketing, finance, human resources, and business operations these candidates are typically engaged in SCM (supply chain management), ERP (enterprise resource planning), CRM (customer relationship management), IT strategy, and e-Commerce.  


Admission to this 5-year IPG (B.Tech + M.Tech in IT (Information Technology); or B.Tech (IT) + MBA) .is through JEE (Mains) held annually, and subsequent JoSSA/CSAB (Central Seat Allocation Board) counseling.

Lateral Exit Option: The student of 5 year IPG program dual degree of B Tech + M tech/MBA will have the option of lateral exit from IPG program after four year with b tech degree. Such students have to exercise their choice at the end of 3rd year.
Fees:  First semester Tuition Fees Rs 72000, Other fees Rs 8000, One time fees Rs 27250, Total Rs.107250. Subsequent semester Rs 80000. Hostel Fees  Rs 12000 per semester, Mess Fees Rs 16000 per semester. Hostel Mess Security deposit Rs 5000.
  • All fees are subject to be revised at the discretion of the institute.
  • The tuition fees for the SC/ST candidates are exempt.
  • Separate hostel is available for boys and girls.

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ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, Morena Link Road, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India,474015

  • dummy website@iiitm.ac.in
    (only for website related queries)

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