Designation: Associate Professor
Department: Engineering Sciences
Honour: Ph.D. (IIT Roorkee)
Experience: 12 years
Area of Interest: Mathematical Biology, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Information Security, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Office Phone : +91-751-2449831
Residence Phone: 9759057310
Address: Room No. 115, Block-II, ABV-IIITM Gwalior, Morena Link Road, Gwalior-474015 (M.P.), India
Sponsored Projects Undertaken:
SERB funded project titled “Study of Impact of Integration, Seasonality and Control on Ecological and Epidemiological Models”, under Core Research Grant (CRG), Total Cost: Rs. 2156264, Duration: March 2022-March 2025.
SERB funded project titled “Graph-Theoretic Approach in Large Scale Epidemic and Ecological Models” under MATRICS, Total cost: Rs. 660000, Duration: March
2021-March 2024.
SERB funded project titled “Complexity and its control in nonlinear dynamical systems” under Early Career Research Award, Total cost: Rs. 1557580, Duration: Jan 2017-Jan 2020.
Ph.D. Students guided:
1. Dr. Vijay Shankar Sharma (Thesis Title: Study of Bifurcation, Resonance and Control in Discrete-Time Ecological Systems)
2. Dr. Ankit Parwaliya (Thesis Title: Study of Impact of Delay(s) in Different Prey-Predator Models)
Workshop/Faculty Development Program (FDP) Organised:
1. Coordinator, Workshop on Applications of Dynamical Systems in Health and Environment during June 05-06, 2023, ABV-IIITM Gwalior
2. Coordinator, Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena in Mathematical Biology (Online mode) during Dec 19-23, 2022, ABV-IIITM Gwalior
3. Coordinator, Faculty Development Program on Statistics for Machine Learning and Data Science during November 21-26, 2022, ABV-IIITM Gwalior
Academic Awards and Recognitions: :
In International Journals
Deepak Tripathi, Anuraj Singh, Harvesting strategies in ecological systems: Evaluating their efficiency in infection dominance Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2024 (Impact factor-2.9).
Deepak Tripathi, Anuraj Singh, Impact of harvesting intervention and additional food on natural enemy-pest dynamics in agro-ecosystem, Iranian Journal of Science, 1-15, 2024, (Impact factor-1.5).
Anuraj Singh, Ankit Parwaliya, Ajay Kumar, Amr Elsonbaty, AA Elsadany, Complex dynamics and bifurcations analysis of discrete-time modified Leslie-Gower system, New Mathematics and Natural Computation, 20 (03), 857-882, 2024 (Impact factor-0.7).
Vijay Shankar Sharma, Anuraj Singh, P. Malik, Bifurcation patterns in a discrete predator-prey model incorporating ratio-dependent functional response and prey harvesting Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 23 (2), 74, 2023 (Impact factor-1.9).
Surabhi Rani, Sunita Gakkhar, Anuraj Singh, Complex Dynamics of a Four Species Food-Web Model: An Analysis through Beddington-DeAngelis Functional Response in the Presence of Additional Food Computational and Mathematical Biophysics, 11 (1), 20230116, 2023.
Anuraj Singh, Deepak Tripathi, Y. Kang, A modified May Holling Tanner Model: the role of dynamic alternative resources on species’ survival, Journal of Biological Systems, 2023 (Impact factor-1.3).
Deepak Tripathi, Anuraj Singh, An eco-epidemiological model with predator switching behavior, Computational and Mathematical Biophysics, 11 (1), 20230101, 2023.
Vijay Shankar Sharma, Anuraj Singh, Strong resonance bifurcations and state feedback control in a discrete prey-predator model with harvesting effect, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 22(3), 109, 2023 (Impact factor-1.9).
Ankit Parwaliya, Anuraj Singh, Ajay Kumar, Hopf bifurcation in a delayed prey-predator model with prey refuge involving fear effect, International Journal of Biomathematics, 17(05), 2350042, 2023 (Impact factor-2.4).
Vijay Shankar Sharma, Anuraj Singh, Amr Elsonbaty, AA Elsadany, Codimension-one and -two bifurcation analysis of a discrete-time prey-predator model, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 1-15, 2023 (Impact factor-2.2).
Anuraj Singh, Vijay Shankar Sharma, Bifurcations and chaos control in a discrete-time prey-predator model with Holling type-II functional response and prey refuge. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 418, 114666, 2023 (Impact factor-2.4).
Anuraj Singh, Vijay Shankar Sharma, Codimension-2 bifurcation in a discrete predator-prey system with constant yield predator harvesting, International Journal of Biomathematics, 16(5), 2250109, 2022 (Impact factor-2.4).
Anuraj Singh, Preeti Deolia. COVID-19 outbreak: A predictive mathematical study incorporating shedding effect, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 69, 01-30, 2022 (Impact factor-2.4).
Anuraj Singh, Haritha Nair, A neural architecture search for automated multimodal learning, Expert Systems with Applications, 207, 118051, 2022 (Impact factor-8.5).
Anuraj Singh, Preeti Deolia, Bifurcation and chaos in a discrete predator-prey model with Holling type-III functional response and harvesting effect, Journal of Biological Systems, 29(2), 451- 478, 2021 (Impact factor-1.3).
Anuraj Singh, Ankit Parwaliya, Ajay Kumar. Hopf bifurcation and global stability of density-dependent model with discrete delays involving Beddington-DeAngelis functional response, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 44(11), 8838-8861, 2021, (Impact factor-2.9).
Anuraj Singh, P. Malik. Bifurcations in a modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey discrete model with Michaelis-Menten prey harvesting, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 67(1), 143-174, 2021 (Impact factor-2.4).
Ashish Sharma, Nikita Sharma, Yatharth Saxena, Anuraj Singh, DebanjanSadhya. Benchmarking deep neural network approaches for Indian Sign Language recognition. Neural Computing and Applications, 33, 6685-6696, 2021 (Impact factor-6.0).
Anuraj Singh, Binayak Nath, Subhabrata Ghosh. Density-dependent mortality and weak Allee effect modulate the chaotic behaviour conclusion from a tri-trophic food chain study, Nonlinear Studies, 28 (4) 1011-1033, 2021.
Anuraj Singh, K P Das, Binayak Nath, Somnath Maiti, Q J A Khan. Stabilization of chaos in an eco-epidemiological model with Allee effect in the prey population, Nonlinear Studies, 28(2), 689-703, 2021.
Anuraj Singh, Preeti, P. Malik. Hopf bifurcation and chaos in a Leslie-Gower prey-predator model with discrete delays, International Journal of Biomathematics, 13(06), 2050048, 2020 (Impact factor-2.4).
Anuraj Singh, Preeti Deolia. Dynamical analysis and chaos control in discrete-time prey-predator model, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 90, 10531, 2020 (Impact factor-3.9).
Binayak Nath, JingjingLyu, Rana D. Parshad, K P Das, Anuraj Singh, A study of chaos and its control in a harvested tri-trophic food chain model with alternative food source and diffusion effect, Nonlinear Studies, 27(2), 505-528, 2020.
Anuraj Singh, Sumit Raj, Securing password using dynamic password policy generator algorithm, Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 34(4) (2019) 1357-1361 ([Impact factor-6.9).
Anuraj Singh, E. Elsadany., A. Elsonbaty. Complex dynamics of a discrete fractional-order Leslie-Gower predator-prey model, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 42(11), 3992-4007, 2019 (Impact factor-2.9).
Anuraj Singh, Sunita Gakkhar. Controlling Chaos in a Food Chain Model, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 115, 24-36, 2019 (Impact factor-4.6).
Anuraj Singh, Sunita Gakkhar. Stabilization of modified Leslie-Gower prey-predator, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 22(3), 239-249, 2014.
Sunita Gakkhar, Anuraj Singh, Control of chaos due to additional predator in Hastings Powell food chain, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 385, 423-438, 2012 (Impact Factor-1.3).
Sunita Gakkhar, Anuraj Singh, Complex dynamics in a prey-predator system with multiple delays, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 17, 914-929, 2012 (Impact Factor-3.9).
Sunita Gakkhar, Anuraj Singh, B.P. Singh. Effects of delay and seasonality on toxin-producing Phytoplankton-Zooplankton system. International Journal of Biomathematics, 5 (2), 1250047-1-21, 2012, (Impact factor-2.2).
Anuraj Singh, Sunita Gakkhar. State-dependent impulsive control of a delayed prey-predator system, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 18 (2012) 231-249, 2012.
Sunita Gakkhar, Anuraj Singh, A delay model for viral infection in toxin-producing phytoplankton and Zooplankton system, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 15(11), 3607-3620, 2010 (Impact Factor-3.9).
Anuraj Singh, Sunita Gakkhar. Analysis of delayed toxin-producing phytoplankton zooplankton system, International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 2(6), 677-680, 2012.
In International Conferences :
Anuraj Singh. Journey from Order to Chaos and Returning. Mathematical Concepts and applications in Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, IGI Global, 379-389, 2016,
Preeti Deolia, Anuraj Singh, P. Malik. COVID-19 Outbreak: A predictive mathematical study. Computing and Simulation for Engineers (CASE), CRC Press, 79-88, 2022.
ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, Morena Link Road, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India,474015
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