Fully Funded by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India

शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा वित्त पोषित

Dr. Anuraj Singh

Dr. Anuraj Singh

Designation: Associate Professor

Department: Engineering Sciences

Honour: Ph.D. (IIT Roorkee)

Experience: 12 years

Area of Interest: Mathematical Biology, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Information Security, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Office Phone : +91-751-2449831

Residence Phone: 9759057310

Address: Room No. 115, Block-II, ABV-IIITM Gwalior, Morena Link Road, Gwalior-474015 (M.P.), India

Email: anuraj@iiitm.ac.in, anurajiitr@gmail.com

Website: https://www.iiitm.ac.in/index.php/en/component/splms/teacher/Dr.AnurajSingh


Sponsored Projects Undertaken:

  • SERB funded project titled “Study of Impact of Integration, Seasonality and Control on  Ecological and Epidemiological Models”, under Core Research Grant (CRG), Total Cost: Rs. 2156264, Duration: March 2022-March 2025.

  • SERB funded project titled “Graph-Theoretic Approach in Large Scale Epidemic and Ecological Models” under MATRICS, Total cost: Rs. 660000, Duration: March

    2021-March 2024.

  •  SERB funded project  titled “Complexity and its control in nonlinear dynamical systems” under Early Career Research Award, Total cost: Rs. 1557580, Duration: Jan 2017-Jan 2020.

    Ph.D. Students guided:

    1. Dr. Vijay Shankar Sharma (Thesis Title: Study of Bifurcation, Resonance and Control in Discrete-Time Ecological Systems)

    2. Dr. Ankit Parwaliya (Thesis Title: Study of Impact of Delay(s) in Different Prey-Predator Models)

 Workshop/Faculty Development Program (FDP) Organised:

1. Coordinator, Workshop on Applications of Dynamical Systems in Health and Environment during June 05-06, 2023, ABV-IIITM Gwalior

2. Coordinator, Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena in Mathematical Biology (Online mode) during Dec 19-23, 2022, ABV-IIITM Gwalior

3. Coordinator, Faculty Development Program on Statistics for Machine Learning and Data Science during November 21-26, 2022, ABV-IIITM Gwalior

Academic Awards and Recognitions:                                                      :

  • Received membership of Indian National Young Academy of Sciences (INYAS): Feb 2024-Feb 2029.
  • Received Institute ABV-Young Faculty Award, 2022, ABV-IIITM Gwalior on Jan 17, 2023.
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship from National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM).
  • DST Travel Grant 2011 for presenting a paper at International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling & Computational Science (AMMCS-2011) at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, held on July 25-29, 2011.
  • Young Researcher Travel Award (Field Institute, Toronto) for AMMCS-2011, Ontario, Canada.
  • ICTP Travel Grant 2009 for attending the workshop on Theoretical Ecology and Climate Change at International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy, held on March 02-13, 2009.
  • ICTP Travel Grant 2009 for attending the workshop on Pseudochaos and Stable-chaos in Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Physics at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy, held on September 21-25, 2009.
  • MHRD Fellowship, Ph.D. (IIT Roorkee): 2008-2012.
  • Best Poster prize in National Meet of Research Scholars in Mathematical Sciences-2009, IIT Roorkee.
  • GATE 2009 in Mathematics, AIR-145.
  • GATE 2007 in Mathematics, AIR-268.


In International Journals

  • Preeti Deolia, Anuraj Singh, Data-driven dynamical analysis of an age-structured model: a graph-theoretic approach, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 48 (02), 2446-2473, 2024 (Impact factor-2.9).
  • Deepak Tripathi, Anuraj Singh, Harvesting strategies in ecological systems: Evaluating their efficiency in infection dominance Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2024 (Impact factor-2.9).

  • Deepak Tripathi, Anuraj Singh, Preeti Deolia, Cannibalism, Harvesting and Disease: Complex Interactions in Ecological Model. International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science, 2025 (Impact factor-0.1).
  • Deepak Tripathi, Anuraj Singh, Impact of harvesting intervention and additional food on natural enemy-pest dynamics in agro-ecosystem, Iranian Journal of Science, 1-15, 2024, (Impact factor-1.5).

  • Ankit Parwaliya, Anuraj Singh, Ajay Kumar, D. Barman. The impact of delays on prey-predator dynamics with predation-induced fear, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 1-31, 2024 (Impact factor-2.4).
  • Anuraj Singh, Ankit Parwaliya, Ajay Kumar, Amr Elsonbaty, AA Elsadany, Complex dynamics and bifurcations analysis of discrete-time modified Leslie-Gower system, New Mathematics and Natural Computation, 20 (03), 857-882, 2024 (Impact factor-0.7).

  • Preeti Deolia, Anuraj Singh, Analysing the probable insights of ADE in dengue vaccination embodying sequential Zika infection and waning immunity The European Physical Journal Plus, 2024, 139 (1), 1-29 (Impact factor-2.8).
  • Vijay Shankar Sharma, Anuraj Singh, P. Malik, Bifurcation patterns in a discrete predator-prey model incorporating ratio-dependent functional response and prey harvesting Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 23 (2), 74, 2023 (Impact factor-1.9).

  • Surabhi Rani, Sunita Gakkhar, Anuraj Singh, Complex Dynamics of a Four Species Food-Web Model: An Analysis through Beddington-DeAngelis Functional Response in the Presence of Additional Food Computational and Mathematical Biophysics, 11 (1), 20230116, 2023.

  • Anuraj Singh, Deepak Tripathi, Y. Kang, A modified May Holling Tanner Model: the role of dynamic alternative resources on species’ survival, Journal of Biological Systems, 2023 (Impact factor-1.3).

  •  Deepak Tripathi, Anuraj Singh, An eco-epidemiological model with predator switching behavior,  Computational and Mathematical Biophysics, 11 (1), 20230101, 2023.

  •  Vijay Shankar Sharma, Anuraj Singh, Strong resonance bifurcations and state feedback control in a discrete prey-predator model with harvesting effect, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 22(3), 109, 2023 (Impact factor-1.9).

  •  Ankit Parwaliya, Anuraj Singh, Ajay Kumar, Hopf bifurcation in a delayed prey-predator model with prey refuge involving fear effect, International Journal of Biomathematics, 17(05), 2350042, 2023 (Impact factor-2.4).

  •  Vijay Shankar Sharma, Anuraj Singh, Amr Elsonbaty, AA Elsadany, Codimension-one and -two bifurcation analysis of a discrete-time prey-predator model, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 1-15, 2023 (Impact factor-2.2).

  • Anuraj Singh, Vijay Shankar Sharma,  Bifurcations and chaos control in a discrete-time prey-predator model with Holling type-II functional response and prey refuge. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 418, 114666, 2023 (Impact factor-2.4).

  •  Anuraj Singh, Vijay Shankar Sharma, Codimension-2 bifurcation in a discrete predator-prey system with constant yield predator harvesting, International Journal of Biomathematics, 16(5), 2250109, 2022 (Impact factor-2.4).

  •  Anuraj Singh, Preeti Deolia. COVID-19 outbreak: A predictive mathematical study incorporating shedding effect, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 69, 01-30, 2022 (Impact factor-2.4).

  •  Anuraj Singh, Haritha Nair, A neural architecture search for automated multimodal learning, Expert Systems with Applications, 207, 118051, 2022 (Impact factor-8.5).

  • Anuraj Singh, Preeti Deolia, Bifurcation and chaos in a discrete predator-prey model with Holling type-III functional response and harvesting effect, Journal of Biological Systems, 29(2), 451- 478, 2021 (Impact factor-1.3).

  • Anuraj Singh, Ankit Parwaliya, Ajay Kumar. Hopf bifurcation and global stability of density-dependent model with discrete delays involving Beddington-DeAngelis functional response,  Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 44(11), 8838-8861, 2021, (Impact factor-2.9).

  • Anuraj Singh, P. Malik. Bifurcations in a modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey discrete model with Michaelis-Menten prey harvesting, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 67(1), 143-174, 2021 (Impact factor-2.4).

  • Ashish Sharma, Nikita Sharma, Yatharth Saxena, Anuraj Singh, DebanjanSadhya. Benchmarking deep neural network approaches for Indian Sign Language recognition. Neural Computing and Applications, 33, 6685-6696, 2021 (Impact factor-6.0).

  • Anuraj Singh, Binayak Nath, Subhabrata Ghosh. Density-dependent mortality and weak Allee effect modulate the chaotic behaviour conclusion from a tri-trophic food chain study, Nonlinear Studies, 28 (4) 1011-1033, 2021. 

  • Anuraj Singh, K P Das, Binayak Nath, Somnath Maiti, Q J A Khan. Stabilization of chaos in an eco-epidemiological model with Allee effect in the prey population, Nonlinear Studies, 28(2), 689-703, 2021.

  •  Anuraj Singh, Preeti, P. Malik. Hopf bifurcation and chaos in a Leslie-Gower prey-predator model with discrete delays, International Journal of Biomathematics,  13(06), 2050048, 2020 (Impact factor-2.4).

  •  Anuraj Singh, Preeti Deolia. Dynamical analysis and chaos control in discrete-time prey-predator model, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 90, 10531, 2020 (Impact factor-3.9).

  •  Binayak Nath, JingjingLyu, Rana D. Parshad, K P Das, Anuraj Singh,  A study of chaos and its control in a harvested tri-trophic food chain model with alternative food source and diffusion effect, Nonlinear Studies, 27(2), 505-528, 2020.

  •  Anuraj Singh, Sumit Raj, Securing password using dynamic password policy generator algorithm,  Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 34(4) (2019) 1357-1361 ([Impact factor-6.9).

  •  Anuraj Singh, E. Elsadany., A. Elsonbaty. Complex dynamics of a discrete fractional-order Leslie-Gower predator-prey model, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,  42(11), 3992-4007, 2019 (Impact factor-2.9).

  •  Anuraj Singh, Sunita Gakkhar. Controlling Chaos in a Food Chain Model, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 115, 24-36, 2019 (Impact factor-4.6).

  •  Anuraj Singh, Sunita Gakkhar. Stabilization of modified Leslie-Gower prey-predator, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 22(3), 239-249, 2014.

  •  Sunita Gakkhar, Anuraj Singh, Control of chaos due to additional predator in Hastings Powell food chain, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 385, 423-438, 2012 (Impact Factor-1.3).

  •  Sunita Gakkhar, Anuraj Singh, Complex dynamics in a prey-predator system with multiple delays, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 17, 914-929, 2012 (Impact Factor-3.9).

  •  Sunita Gakkhar, Anuraj Singh, B.P. Singh. Effects of delay and seasonality on toxin-producing Phytoplankton-Zooplankton system. International Journal of Biomathematics, 5 (2), 1250047-1-21, 2012, (Impact factor-2.2).

  •  Anuraj Singh, Sunita Gakkhar. State-dependent impulsive control of a delayed prey-predator system, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 18 (2012) 231-249, 2012.

  •  Sunita Gakkhar, Anuraj Singh, A delay model for viral infection in toxin-producing phytoplankton and Zooplankton system, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 15(11), 3607-3620, 2010 (Impact Factor-3.9).

  •  Anuraj Singh, Sunita Gakkhar. Analysis of delayed toxin-producing phytoplankton zooplankton system, International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 2(6), 677-680, 2012.

In International Conferences                                                       :

  • Harshita Agrawal, Anuraj Singh, Shashi Kumar. Utilizing Transfer Learning for Crop Suggestions and Plant Disease Identification. IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI) Gwalior, India, 1-6. 2024, 10.1109/IATMSI60426. 2024.10502718.
  • Jithendra Kanamarlapudi, Anuraj Singh, Puneet Garg. Privacy Preserving for Electronic Health Records Using Enhanced Attribute-based Encryption with Blockchain. IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI) Gwalior, India, 1-6, 2024, 10.1109/IATMSI60426.2024.10503075.
  • Utkarsh Meena, Anuraj Singh, Sanskar Rathore. Offline Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expression using Neural Networks.  IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI) Gwalior, India, 2024, 10.1109/IATMSI60426.2024.10502862.
  • Nikita Sharma, Anuraj Singh. Semantic Image Inpainting with Generative Adversarial Models and Skip Connections. International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Mechatronics Engineering (ICMAME 2023) Dubai, UAE, 29-30 April 2023, https://doi.org/10.53375/icmame.2023.243.
  • Anuraj Singh, Kaustubh Pathak. Sentiment Analysis through Fourier Transform Techniques in NLP. 3rd Congress on Intelligent Systems CIS 2022 Bengaluru, India, 505-514, 2023, https://doi.org/10. 1007/978-981-19-9225-4_37.
  • Anuraj Singh, Amit Kumar Bhamboo. Crop Recommendation and Disease Detection using Deep Neural Networks. IEEE 6th Conference on Information and Communication Technology 2022, Gwalior, India, 1-5, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1109 CICT56698.2022.9997839.
  • Anuraj Singh, Puneet Garg and Himanshu Singh. Effect of Timers on the Keystroke Pattern of the Student in a Computer Based Exam. IEEE 6th Conference on Information and Communication Technology 2022, Gwalior, India, 1-6, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1109/CICT56698.2022.9997843.
  •  Anuraj Singh, Vishwas Singh Kushwaha. Result Publishing System using Asymmetric Key Encryption. IEEE 6th Conference on Information and Communication Technology 2022, Gwalior, India, 1-4, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1109/CICT56698.2022.9997843.
  • Anuraj Singh, Vaibhav Garg, PK Sahu. Scalable Regression Model for Pulmonary Fibrosis. IEEE 6th Conference on Information and Communication Technology 2022, Gwalior, India, 1-5, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1109/CICT56698.2022.9997907.
  • Anuraj Singh, Mehul Jain, Sakshi Goyal. A 3-Lock based Password Hashing Algorithm. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation, Gwalior, India, 1-6, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1109/IATMSI56455.2022.10119411.
  • Anuraj Singh, Anurag Srivastava, Evi Agarwal. A Non-Content based Optimized Approach for Image Spam Detection. IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation, Gwalior, India, 1-6, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1109/IATMSI56455. 2022.10119397.
  • Anuraj Singh, Praveen Kumar Sahu, Lakshya Bhardwaj. Feedback mechanism for Customer Care Service via Speech Emotion Recognition. IEEE International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation Gwalior, India, 1-5, 2022https://doi.org/10.1109/IATMSI56455.2022.10119392.
  • Juhi Purswani, Rajesh Rajagopal, Riya Khandelwal, Anuraj Singh. Chaos Theory on Generative Adversarial Networks for Encryption and Decryption of Data. Advances in Bioinformatics, Multimedia, and Electronics Circuits and Signals, Springer, GUCON, G. Noida, India, 251-260, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0339-9_20.
  • Ankur Singhal, Anuraj Singh, Devasheesh Roy, Joydeep Dhar, Somit Mittal. A new computational approach to identify essential genes in bacterial organisms using Machine learning. Proc. of International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Theories, Applications and Future Directions, Springer, Kanpur, India, 798, 67-79, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1132-1_6.
  • Kriti Singhal, Evi Agrawal, Arpit Yadav, Anuraj Singh. Classification of Hand Movement Stages for Brain Computer Interface using Convolutional Neural Network. Proc. of International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Theories, Applications And Future Directions, Springer, Kanpur, India, 799, 189-199, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1135-2_15.
  • Anuraj Singh. Stabilization of Prey Predator Model via Feedback Control. Applied Analysis with Applications to the Biological and Physical Sciences, Springer, International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Biology, Analysis and Applications, Aligarh, India, 177-186, 2016, https: //doi.org/10.1007/978-81-322-3640-5_10.
  • Anuraj Singh. Complex dynamics in a Leslie-Gower prey-predator model with multiple delays. International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, Tamil Nadu, India, Elsevier Proceedings, 94-97, 2014.
  • Anuraj Singh, Sunita Gakkhar. Synchronization of chaos in food chain. International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Computing (ICMOC) 2010, Durgapur, India, AIP Proceedings, 1298, 205-212, 2011, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3516303.
  • Anuraj Singh, Sunita Gakkhar. The dynamics of a delayed predator-prey model with state dependent feedback control. International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science, 2011, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, AIP Proceedings, 171-174, 2011, https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3663487.
  • Anuraj Singh, Sunita Gakkhar. Synchronization of chaos in food web in ecological system, International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Ecology (ICMBE) 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Proceedings of WASET, 70, 94-98, 2011.
  • Book Chapters
  •  Anuraj Singh. Journey from Order to Chaos and Returning. Mathematical Concepts and applications in Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, IGI Global, 379-389, 2016, https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-1639-2.ch018.

  • Preeti Deolia, Anuraj Singh, P. Malik. COVID-19 Outbreak: A predictive mathematical study. Computing and Simulation for Engineers (CASE), CRC Press, 79-88, 2022.

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