Fully Funded by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India

शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा वित्त पोषित

Dr. Binod Prasad

Dr. Binod Prasad

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: Electrical / Electronics

Honour: Ph.D. (NIT Durgapur)

Area of Interest: Wireless Communication, Cognitive radio network, Cooperative communication, RF energy harvesting, IRS aided Communication

Office Phone : +91-751-2449733

Address: C Block -109, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ABV-IIITM, Morena Link Road, Gwalior-474015 (M.P.)

Email: binod@iiitm.ac.in


Dr. Binod Prasad is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Atal Bihari Vajpayee-Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Gwalior. Prior to this, he was associated with Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati as a Post-Doctoral Fellow.

He completed his Ph.D. from National Institute of Technology Durgapur in the area of wireless communication in 2017. His research interest includes Cognitive radio networks, Cooperative Communication, Energy Harvesting in Cognitive Radio Networks and Physical Layer Security. He is also serving as a reviewer to IEEE Access and Wiley journals.


ORCID ID                    : orcid.org/0000-0002-5453-2075

Research Interests: Wireless Communication, Cognitive Radio Networks, Cooperative Communication, IRS aided Communication

Sponsored Projects:

1. Title: Machine Learning Aided Self Sustainable Future Wireless Networks

Role: Principal Investigator, Funding Agency: DST- SERB, Govt. of India, (2022-25)
Amount: Rs 2762475/-

2. Title: AUTOEMR: An AI-based System for Generating Structured Medical Information
Role: Co-Principal Investigator, Funding Agency: TIIC, ABV-IIITM Gwalior, (2021-22)
Amount: 3,00,000/

3. Title: Design of NextGen Hearing Aids
Role: Co-Principal Investigator, Funding Agency: TIIC, ABV-IIITM Gwalior, (2021-22)
Amount: 3,00,000/-

Journal Publication

  1. B. Prasad, S. D. Roy, and S. Kundu. Performance of a Cognitive Relay Network under AF Relay Selection Scheme with Imperfect Channel Estimation. Radioengineering, Proceedings of Czech and Slovak Technical Universities vol. 25, no. 2, pages 289-296, 2016.
  2. B. Prasad, A. Bhowmick, S. D. Roy and S. Kundu. Performance of Cognitive Relay Network with Novel Hybrid Spectrum Access Schemes with Imperfect CSI. International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, Vol. 29, No. 11, pp.1761-1776, 2016.
  3. A. Bhowmick, B. Prasad, S. D. Roy and S. Kundu. Performance of Cognitive Radio Network with Novel Hybrid Spectrum Access Schemes. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Vol, 91, no. 2, pp 541-560, June 2016.
  4. K. Yadav, B. Prasad, A. Bhowmick, S. D. Roy, and S. Kundu. Throughput Performance under Primary User Emulation Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks. International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS), Wiley, Vol. 30, no. 18, pp- e3371, 2017.
  5. P. Maji, B. Prasad, S. D. Roy, S. Kundu. Secrecy Outage of a Cognitive Radio Network with Selection of Energy Harvesting Relay and Imperfect CSI. Wireless Personal communication, Springer, Vol. 100, no. 02, pp.-571-586, 2018.
  6. B. Prasad, S. D. Roy and S. Kundu. Performance of Cognitive Relay Network with Energy Harvesting Relay under Imperfect CSI. International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, Vol. 31, no. 09, pp.-e3549, 2018.
  7. C. Das, B. Prasad, A. Bhowmick, S. D. Roy, and S. Kundu. Performance of an Energy harvesting Cooperative Cognitive Radio Network with Hybrid Spectrum Access Scheme. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, Vol. 99, no. 4, pp. 1503-1520, 2018.
  8. S. Nallagonda, A. Bhowmick, B. Prasad. Throughput performance of cooperative spectrum sensing network with improved energy detectors and SC diversity over fading channels. Wireless Networks, Vol. 27, no. 6, pp-1-12, 2021.
  9. S. Nallagonda, A. Bhowmick and B. Prasad. On Selection of Parameters for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Schemes over κμ Fading Channels, IETE Journal of Research, pp. 1-11, 2022.
  10. A. Gupta, A. Trivedi, and  B. Prasad. B-GWO based multi-UAV deployment and power allocation in NOMA assisted wireless networks, Wireless Networks., Pp. 1-13, 2022.
  11. A. Gupta, A. Trivedi, and  B. Prasad. Multi-UAV deployment for NOMA-enabled wireless networks based on IMOGWO algorithm, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 153,  pp. 15429, 2022.
  12. A. Gupta, A. Trivedi, and  B. Prasad. Deployment and trajectory design of fixed-wing UAVs in NOMA assisted wireless networks, Physical Communication, Vol. 54, 2022.
  13. A. Bhowmick, B. Prasad, and S. NallagondaThroughput and harvesting time trade-off in a energy harvesting cognitive radio network Wireless Networks., Vol. 29, pp. 2619–2633, 2023.
  14. A. Gupta, A. Trivedi, and  B. Prasad. Multi-UAV and IRS placement for secure data transmission in NOMA-enabled wireless networks, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 178, 2024.
  15. V. Srivastava, B. Prasad, IRS assisted spectrum sensing in cognitive radio network with grey wolf optimizationPhysical CommunicationVolume 66, 2024.
  16. S Chatterjee, D Bhardwaj, B. Prasad, K Sarawadekar. Scalable Matrix Decomposition-Based Less-Complex HEVC Transform Architecture, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 6691-6699, 2024.

Conference Publication

  1. B. Prasad, S. D. Roy and S. Kundu. Computation of Coverage Area of Cognitive Radio Network under Shadowed Environment with Spectrum Underlay. in Proc. of IEEE CIEC (intl Conf. on Control, Instrumentation, Energy and Communication), Kolkata, Jan 2014.
  1. B. Prasad, S. D. Roy and S. Kundu. Outage and SEP of Secondary User with Imperfect Channel Estimation and Primary user interference. in Proc. of IEEE CONECCT, Bangalore, Jan 2014.
  1. B. Prasad, S. D. Roy and S. Kundu. Outage Performance of Cognitive Relay Network with Imperfect Channel Estimation Under Proactive DF Relaying. in Proc.of IEEE NCC, IIT Kanpur, Feb 2014.
  1. B. Prasad, S. D. Roy and S. Kundu. Outage and SEP Performance of Secondary User in Spectrum Sharing with Imperfect Channel Estimation. in Proc. of ICACC, Cochin, Aug. 2014.
  1. B. Prasad, S. D. Roy and S. Kundu. Outage performance of SU under spectrum sharing with imperfect CSI and primary user interference. in Proc. of ICACCI, New Delhi, Sept. 2014.
  1. B. Prasad, A. Roy, S. D. Roy and S. Kundu. Effects of Primary User Interference and Channel Estimation Errors on Ergodic Capacity of Secondary User. in Proc. of IEEE TENCON, Bangkok, Oct. 2014.
  1. S. Kundu, B. Prasad, S Dhar Roy. Spectrum sharing networks with imperfect channel state information. in Proc. of International Conference on Computer,Communication, Control and Information Technology (C3IT), pp.1-6, Feb. 2015.
  1. B. Prasad, S. D. Roy and S. Kundu. Throughput of Secondary User in Underlay Cognitive Relay Network with Energy Harvesting. in Proc. of 18th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC-15), Hyderabad, India.
  1. B. Prasad, S. D. Roy and S. Kundu. Secondary Throughput in Underlay Cognitive Radio Network with Imperfect CSI and Energy Harvesting Relay. in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS-2015), Kolkata, India.
  1. P. Maji, B. Prasad, S. D. Roy, S. Kundu. Secrecy Outage of a Cognitive Relay Network with Energy Harvesting and Imperfect CSI. in Proc. of 18th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC-15), Hyderabad, India.
  1. R. Sanyal, B. Prasad, S. D. Roy and S. Kundu. Performance Analysis of Power Controlled Cognitive Radio with Imperfect Nakagami-m Fading CSI. in Proc. of International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication (MicroCom 2016), Durgapur, Jan. 2016.
  1. S. Sharma, B. Prasad, S. D. Roy and S. Kundu. Outage Performance of Secondary User in Cognitive Relay Network with Multiple PUs. in proc. of International conference Recent Advances on Information Technology (RAIT), ISM Dhanbad, March 2016.
  1. B. Prasad, A. U G Sankararao, S. D. Roy and S. Kundu. Throughput and Outage of a Wireless Energy Harvesting Based Cognitive Relay Network. in Proc. of ICACCI, Jaipur, India.
  2. B. Prasad, R. Bhattacharjee and S. K. Bose, "Cooperative Communication under Nonlinear Energy Harvesting Model and Interference Signal," in proc. of IEEE TENCON , Kochi, India, Oct. 2019.

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