Fully Funded by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India

शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा वित्त पोषित

Dr. Poornima Singh Thakur

Dr. Poornima Singh Thakur

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: Information Technology

Honour: Ph.D. IIITDM Jabalpur

Experience: Software Devloper at Alfa TKG Pvt. ltd. from Feb 2024 to October 2024

Area of Interest: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Vision Transformer, Explainable AI, Object Detection, Blockchain Technology, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing

Address: Room No. A-209, Department of Information Technology, A Block, ABV-IIITM Gwalior, 474015

Email: poornima@iiitm.ac.in, t.poornimasingh@gmail.com



Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering (2018–2024)
Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM), Jabalpur

  • Thesis: Plant Disease Identification using Interpretable and Lightweight Deep Learning Models

Master of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering (2014–2017)
Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV), Bhopal

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering (2010–2014)
Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV), Bhopal


Academic and Industry Experience

Software Developer
alfaTKG Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Chennai (February 2024–October 2024)

  • Developed software solutions for industrial applications using advanced technologies in computer vision.

Teaching Assistant
IIT Kanpur (Oct–Dec 2023, Apr–Jun 2024)

  • Supported eMasters program courses in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies.

Software Developer
Aims Interactive Private Limited (2017–2018)

Teaching Experience

  • UG and PG courses: C Programming, Data Structures, DBMS, Python, Deep Learning, and Blockchain Labs at IIITDM Jabalpur.
  • Delivered hands-on sessions on GANs at ATAL Faculty Development Program (FDP), ABV-IIITM Gwalior.
  • Presented an online lecture on Recent Advancements in Image Programming and Computer Vision at LBS Institute of Technology, Trivandrum.
  • Lab instructor for over ten FDPs on Python Programming, Deep Learning, Blockchain, and Robotics under the Electronics and ICT Academy and Asi@Connect project at IIITDM Jabalpur.

Research Grant

Agency/organization Title Amount (INR) Status
Faculty Initiation Grant, ABV IIITM, Gwalior Early Detection of Disease and Stress of Kharif Crops using Multimodal Data 10,00,000/- Ongoing (2024-2026)


Research Projects

  • Blockchain Technology Enabled Plant Disease Control System
    Agency: DIC (2021)

    Developed a blockchain-based solution to improve plant disease control systems.

  • Plant Disease Detection using Deep Learning Techniques
    Agency: DIC (2018–2020)

    Focused on building lightweight and interpretable models for disease identification.

  • Annotation Removal in Industrial Part Drawing Images
    Agency: AlfaTKG Co. Ltd. (2020)

    Developed image processing solutions to automate annotation removal.


Journals: 8

  1. Chaturvedi, S., Thakur, P. S., Khanna, P., Ojha, A., Song, Y., & Awange, J. L. (2025). Satellite Image-Based Surveillance and Early Wildfire Smoke Detection Using a Multiattention Interlaced Network. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.(SCI, IF: 11.7) https://doi.org/10.1109/TII.2025.3528549
  2. Thakur, P.S., Chaturvedi, S., Seal, A., Sheorey, T., Khanna, P., and Ojha, A., ‘An ultra lightweight interpretable convolution-vision transformer fusion model for plant disease identification: ConViTX .' (IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics) (SCI, IF: 3.6) https://doi.org/10.1109/TCBBIO.2024.3515149
  3. Chaturvedi, S., Chandravanshi, S.A.; Thakur, P.S., Khanna, P., Ojha, A., (2024). ‘Smoke Detection in Foggy Surveillance Environment using Parallel Vision Transformer Network.’ Neural Computing and Application  (SCI, IF: 4.5)  https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-024-10230-1
  4. Chaturvedi, S., Chandravanshi S.A.; Thakur, P.S., Khanna, P., Ojha, (2024). ‘A. Ultra Lightweight Convolution-Transformer Network for Early Fire-Smoke Detection ’. Fire Ecology 20, 83 (SCI, IF:3.6) https://doi.org/10.1109/TCBBIO.2024.3515149
  5. Thakur, P.S., Chaturvedi, S., Sheorey, T., Khanna, P., and Ojha, A., (2024) ‘Real Time Plant Disease Identification: Fusion of Vision Transformer and Conditional Convolutional Network with C3GAN based Data Augmentation.' in IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics https://doi.org/10.1109/TAFE.2024.3447792
  6. Thakur, P.S., Sheorey, T., Khanna, P., and Ojha, A. (2023). ‘Vision transformer meets convolutional neural network for plant disease classification.’ Ecological Informatics, vol. 77, p. 102245 (SCI, IF:5.8) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102245
  7. Thakur, P.S., Khanna, P., Sheorey, T. and Ojha, A. (2022). ‘Trends in vision-based machine learning techniques for plant disease identification: A systematic review.’ Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 208, p. 118117  (SCI, IF: 7.5) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.118117
  8. Thakur, P.S., Sheorey, T. and Ojha, A. (2023). ‘VGG-ICNN: a lightweight CNN model for crop disease identification.’ Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 82(1), p. 497-520 (SCI, IF: 3.0) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-13144-z

Conferences: 5

  1. Thakur, P.S., Khanna, P., Sheorey, T. and Ojha, A. (2022). ‘Attention-based twin convolutional neural network with inception blocks for plant disease detection using wavelet transform.’ In International Conference on Neural Information Processing p. 308-319. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore 26 (CORE Ranking B) https://www.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-1648-1
  2. Thakur, P.S., Khanna, P., Sheorey, T. and Ojha, A. (2021). ‘Vision transformer for plant disease detection: PlantViT.’ In International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing p. 501-511. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-11346-8
  3. Thakur, P.S., Sheorey, T. and Ojha, A. (2021). ‘Crop disease identification using state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural networks.’ In Smart Computing p. 160-169. CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003167488
  4. Khare, N., Thakur, P.S., Khanna, P., Ojha, A. (2021). ‘Analysis of Loss Functions for Image Reconstruction using Convolutional Autoencoder.’ International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-11349-9_30
  5. Jain, S., Thakur, P.S., Bharti, K., Khanna, P., Ojha, A. (2020). ‘A Lightweight Multi-label Image Classification Model Based on Inception Module.’ International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-1103-2_20


  1. Submitted 

Outreach activities:

  1. Two expert sessions in the Faculty Development Programme on "AI & DL , February 1-23, 2025" in E&ICT academy, IIITDM Jabalpur.
  2. One expert session  in joint Faculty Development Programme on "Technology-enabled Teaching, Learning & process for Institutes" in E&ICT academy, IIT Guwahati.
  3. Two sessions in the Faculty Development Programme on " Deep Learning with Generative AI for Computer Vision " in E&ICT academy, IIITDM Jabalpur.


  • Programming Languages: Python, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, PHP, JavaScript, C/C++.
  • Server Management: NVIDIA DGX A100 GPU-based server (April 2021 - April 2023).
  • Subjects: Database Management Systems, Deep Learning, Big Data Analytics, Research Methodology, and Data Structures.
  • Member of the Student Senate Committee, Student Counselling Committee, and Student Mess Committee at PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur.
  • Volunteer in the Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP 2018), Conference on Information and Communication Technology (CICT 2018), Design Workshop (Dew 2019), Machine Vision and Augmented Intelligence (MAI 2021), and Innovations in Software Engineering Conference (ISEC, 2020) at IIIT Jabalpur.

Connect with us

ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, Morena Link Road, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India,474015

  • dummy website@iiitm.ac.in
    (only for website related queries)

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