Fully Funded by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India

शिक्षा मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा वित्त पोषित

Dr. Manoj Kumar Dash

Dr. Manoj Kumar Dash Specialist:

Designation: Associate Professor

Department: Management Studies

Honour: M.A( Economics); M.Phil (Economics); MBA(Marketing); Ph.D (Berhampur University, Orissa)

Experience: Total of 22 Years of Teaching and Research Experiences (IIITM Gwalior from 31st March 2010 to Contd.)

Area of Interest: Marketing Analytics, Social and Sustainability Marketing; Consumer Decision Modeling, Digital Marketing, ; Behavioural Economics & Finance, and Entrepreneurship

Office Phone : +91-751-244905

Residence Phone: 9981388256

Address: E Block -116, ABV-IIITM, Morena Link Road, Gwalior-474015 (M.P.)

Email: manojdash@iiitm.ac.in


I.Brief CV:

Dr. Manoj Kumar Dash has been an Associate Professor in the Department of Management Studies at ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Gwalior (M.P.), since June 2023. He has a distinguished academic background, having earned M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. degrees in Economics, along with an M.B.A. in Marketing from Berhampur University, Odisha. His association with ABV IIITM Gwalior began on March 31, 2010. Possessing over 21 years of extensive teaching and research experience, Dr. Dash is recognized for his expertise in Econometrics Modeling, Marketing Analytics, Consumer Decision-Making Styles, MCDM approaches in management, Behavioural Finance and Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Management. Dr Dash received the Atal Outstanding Faculty Award for the year  2023 from the Indian Institute of Information Technology and  Management Gwalior. 

Dr. Dash's scholarly contributions include 71 published research papers in esteemed international journals. He is also the author of seven well-received research books, including titles such as 'Customer-Centricity in Organized Retailing: A Guide to Winning Strategies' and 'Social and Sustainability Marketing: A Casebook for Reaching Your Socially Responsible Consumers through Marketing Science,' published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis in New York, U.S.A. His other works include 'Applying Predictive Analytics in the Service Sector,' 'Intelligent Techniques and Modelling Applications in Marketing Analytics,' and 'Fuzzy Optimization and Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Digital Marketing,' published by I.G.I. Global in the U.S.A. Additionally, Dr. Dash has authored two textbooks on 'Managerial Economics,' published by Global Professional Publication in the United Kingdom, and has recently edited five books.

In academia, Dr. Dash has contributed significantly as a visiting faculty member for the E.P.G.P. Programme at the Indian Institute of Management Indore, an Adjunct faculty at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom, and a visiting Professor for the University of Bordeaux, France. His mentoring extended to the 'Research Methods in Management Research for D.B.A. program.' Dr. Dash also served as a Visiting Professor at the Indian Institute of Science and Education Research, Berhampur.

Dr. Dash's commitment to professional development is evident through his facilitation of 35 Faculty Development programs and six M.D.P. programs. He has organized 18 conferences, symposiums, and conclaves to date. Furthermore, he has delivered lectures as a resource person and Keynote speaker in 104  programs organized by reputed institutes in India and abroad, including the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, L.I.M. Rohtak, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Vietnam. His roles as Chair Member of the International Conference of Arts and Science held at Harvard University, Boston (U.S.A.), and Chair of the World Finance Conference held in Cyprus underscore his global impact.

Under Dr. Dash's mentorship, eight research scholars have been awarded their Ph.D. degrees. He has completed Seven funded projects sponsored by I.C.S.S.R., MP School of Governance, State Open University Odisha, and M.H.R.D., with an ongoing project funded by M.S.M.E. Dr. Dash also presented a paper at an international conference at Harvard University, Boston (U.S.A.), and Cyprus, showcasing his commitment to advancing knowledge globally. 

Throughout his 14-year tenure at the institute, Dr. Dash has been integral to academic and research activities, assuming various administrative roles. These include serving as the Management Representative ISO 9001-2008, Convenor of the Placement Cell, M.D.P. Centre, Faculty Coordinator of E-Cell,  Faculty Coordinator T.I.I.C., and overseeing Manpower and Outsourcing. Additionally, he has held positions such as Joint Registrar in Finance and Accounts, Joint Registrar in Charge of Store and Purchase, and Chairman of the Central Purchase Committee. He has actively contributed to several committees within the institute. His engagement as a Faculty Coordinator extends to diverse academic, social, and cultural activities. Currently, He holds the post of  Associate Dean (Institute Service), Chairman Standing Purchase Committee, and Faculty Coordinator of the Technology Incubation and Innovation Center( TIIC).  He can be reached by email at manojdash@iiitm.ac.in

 *Scopus Indexed Research Paper: 70,  Scopus Citation: 822,  h-Index- 15https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57394911300

**Google Scholar Citation: 3103, h-index-30; i-10 index:64  (https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=r_0bfEUAAAAJ&hl=en

***Received ATAL Outstanding Teacher Award( AOTA) 2023, in  ABV- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior on January 17, 2024. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC2vn6G0OOk)

My Books:  https://www.amazon.in/Business-Economics-Manoj-Kumar-Dash-Books/s?rh=n%3A1318068031%2Cp_27%3AManoj+Kumar+Dash 


  1. Basic: Marketing Analytics, Retail Analytics, Business Analytics. Digital Marketing; Decision Science. Advertising and Sales Promotion, Consumer Behaviour and Entrepreneurship
  2. Specialization: Consumer Behaviour; Social and Sustainability Marketing; Digital Marketing; Multivariate and Multi-Criteria Technique, Behavioural Finance, and Econometrics Modelling 
  3. Research Interest: Behavioural Analytics, Social and Sustainability Marketing; Consumer Decision Modelling, Digital Marketing, and Consumer Behaviour;  Behavioural Finance and Entrepreneurship  

III.A. Visiting Faculty

  1. Institute: Indian Institute of Management Indore (From 2016 to 2021.); Subject: Marketing Analytics (2 Credit) Batch: E.P.G.P. 2015-16 and 2016-17 Year: Jan- March 2016; Nov - Dec 2016.Oct-Dec 2017; Oct-Dec 2018, Oct- Dec 2019. Oct 2020- March  2021 Oct2021-Jan-2022.
  2.  Institute: Indian Institute of Management Indore (From 2016 to 2020);      Subject: Retail Analytic (2 Credit) Batch: E.P.G.P. 2015-16 Batch and 2016-17 Batch; Year: Jan- March 2016; Dec- Feb 2017, Dec- Feb 2018; Oct-Dec 2019
  3. Institute- Indian Institute of Science and Education Research Berhampur Visiting Faculty ( From Jan 2020 to April 2020) and ( Jan 2021 to April 2021 )
  4. Institute: G D Goenka World Institute Gurgaon (From Jan 2017 to Contd.); Subject: Quantitative Analysis in Research Batch: M.S. Research (Course affiliated with Lancaster University, the United Kingdom; Jan 2017 to Jan 2018.
  5. Institute: Symbiosis Institute of Operation Management, Nashik (2016 to 2018.); Subject: Marketing Analytics (3 Credit) Batch: M.B.A. 2015-17 Batch; Year: June- October 2016 and June- October 2017
  6. Institute: B.M. Munjal University Gurgaon (2017 to 2018.); Subject: Marketing Science (3 Credit) Batch: Executive M.B.A. 2018-2020 Batch  and 2019-21 batch
  7. Institute: I.M.S. Ghaziabad (From June 2020- December 2020); Subject: Marketing Analytics
  8. Institute: I.M.I. Kolkatta (From Jan 2021 to May 2021) and From ( August 2021 to December 2021); Subject: Sales Analytics

III.B. Invited Talk (International)

  1. 'Visiting Professor" for the University of Bordeaux, France, Transnational Doctoral Programs for mentoring in 'Research methods in Management Research for D.B.A. program
  2. Talk on Research Documentation through Meta and Bibliometric Analysis on June 10, 2021, at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education Vietnam.
  3. Talk on advanced tools and Techniques in Management research on May 11, 2021, at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education Vietnam.
  4. Visiting professor and conducted 16 Hrs. The session for M.S. Research (Course affiliated with Lancaster University the United Kingdom; Jan 2017 to Jan 2018

 IV.PUBLICATION OF BOOK-  ( Edited, Text, and Research Book) 

    1. Jain Deepa, Dash, Manoj Kumar and Thakur K S (2023), The Sustainability of Financial Innovation in E-Payment System, Publisher‏: ‎ Emerald Publishing Limited, ISBN: 9781804558850 (Research Book)
    2. Dash, Manoj Kumar, Sahu, Manas, Bhattacharyya, Jishnu and Sakshi Sivam (2022), Customer-Centricity in Organized Retailing: A Guide to the Basis of Winning Strategies, Springer Verlag, Singapore, ISBN-13: 9789811935923. ed.
    3. Bhattacharyya, Jishnu & Dash, Manoj Kumar & Hewege, Chandana & Balaji, M S & Marc, Lim. (2021). Social and Sustainability Marketing: A Casebook for Reaching Your Socially Responsible Consumers through Marketing Science. Routledge, Taylor & Francis New York USA. ISBN 9780367553630 ed
    4. Swain Mrutyunjay, Dash, Manoj Kumar and Patniak Umesh (2022),  COVID-19, Health and Rural Economy-Indian Experience, Kunal Books, New Delhi. ISBN 9789395651264 (edited)
    5. Mishra M, Dash, Manoj Kumar, Uppdhaya, D & Kampa R (2021) Resource Efficiency, Sustainability, and Globalization Exploring India-European Union Cooperation, Apple Academic Press, CRC Group (A unit of Taylor and Francis Group) ISBN 9781771889599 ed
    6. Tripathy T, Dash, Manoj Kumar and Agarwal G (2019). Behavioral Finance and Decision-Making Models. IGI Global, USA. 1522573992, 9781522573999. ed
    7. Kapse C P and Dash, Manoj Kumar (2018).  An Investigation of Entrepreneurial Inclination Among Engineering Students A Study Based on Multi-Criteria Decision Approach. Global Research Publications India. ISBN No. 9788193342046 book
    8. Dash, Manoj Kumar, Sahu R and Kumar Anil (2017). Applying Predictive Analytics in Service Sector. IGI Global, USA. ISBN10: 1522521488 ed
    9. Dash, Manoj Kumar and Kumar, A, Trivedi, S, and Panda Tapan (2016). Intelligent Techniques and Modeling Applications in Marketing Analytics. IGI Global, USA. (in Press). ISBN13: 9781522509974ed
    10. Kumar, A., & Dash, Manoj Kumar (2015). Fuzzy Optimization and Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Digital Marketing (pp. 1-300). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. ISBN 9-781-4666-88808-7 ed
    11. Dash, Manoj Kumar. and Bishnoee, R. (2012). UID in Informal Sector: Prospects of UID in Informal Sector: A Case Study of Street Vendors of Gwalior. Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN13 9783845440699 book
    12. Dash, Manoj Kumar Patwardhan, M., and Kabra, G. (2011). Think New- Think Better- a select case study on Entrepreneurship (Ed). New Delhi: Serial Publication India. ISBN13 9788183875601 book
    13. Dash, Manoj Kumar and Beg, M. (2010). Managerial Economics. London: Global Professional Publication, United Kingdom (UK). ISBN13 9781906403393 book
    14. Dash, Manoj Kumar., Dwivedi, R., and Mallik, P. (2010). Indian Financial Sector Thriving in today’s Economy (Ed). New Delhi: Wisdom Publication India. ISBN 13 9788189547738 ed
    15. Dash, Manoj Kumar. and Beg, M. (2010). Managerial Economics. New Delhi: Serial Publication India. ISBN 13 9789380156927(Second Edition) book
    16. Dash, Manoj Kumar and Beg, M. (2009). Managerial Economics. New Delhi: Serial Publication India. ISBN 13 9789380156927 (First Edition)
    17. Dash, Manoj Kumar and Panda, B. (2009). Applied Demand Analysis. New Delhi: Serial Publication India. ISBN-13: 978-8183873253 book
    18. Dash, Manoj Kumar and Rakesh, S. (2009). Marketing Innovations for Reaching Consumers, (Ed). New Delhi: Wisdom Publication India. ISBN 13 9788189547493 ed.
    19. Dash, Manoj Kumar and Malik, P. (2008). Emerging Business Strategies: Road Map and Road Block for Indian Subcontinent (Ed). New Delhi: Wisdom Publication India. ISBN 13 9788189547448ed


    1. Panda, G., Padhi, A.and Dash, Manoj Kumar . (2024), "Change Management in the Adoption of Disruptive Innovation: A Critical Review", Singh Kaurav, R.P. and Mishra, V. (Ed.) Review of Technologies and Disruptive Business Strategies (Review of Management Literature, Vol. 3), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 19-45. https://doi.org/10.1108/S2754-586520240000003002
    2. Panda G, Dash, Manoj Kumar, Kumar Arun, and  Arvind Upadhyay (2023), Artificial intelligence integrated approach for healthcare management: a critical analysis, Technologies for Healthcare 4.0: From AI and IoT to blockchain,( ed) https://doi.org/10.1049/PBHE058E_ch6
    3. Jain, D., Dash, Manoj Kumar., & Thakur, K. S. (2023). Financial Market and Overview. In The Sustainability of Financial Innovation in E-Payment Systems (pp. 1-22). Emerald Publishing Limited.
    4. Jain, D., Dash, Manoj Kumar & Thakur, K. S. (2023). Financial Market Research Insights–Past, Present and Future. The Sustainability of Financial Innovation in E-Payment Systems, 23-55.
    5. Jain, D., Dash, Manoj Kumar & Thakur, K. S. (2023). Framework and Design in Financial Market Research. In The Sustainability of Financial Innovation in E-Payment Systems (pp. 57-71). Emerald Publishing Limited.
    6. Jain, D., Dash, Manoj Kumar., & Thakur, K. S. (2023). Customer Perception Towards Financial Innovation. In The Sustainability of Financial Innovation in E-Payment Systems (pp. 73-114). Emerald Publishing Limited.
    7. Jain, D., Dash, Manoj Kumar., & Thakur, K. S. (2023). Identification and Validation of Sustainability Factors in Financial Innovation. In The Sustainability of Financial Innovation in E-Payment Systems (pp. 115-153). Emerald Publishing Limited.
    8. Jain, D., Dash, Manoj Kumar & Thakur, K. S. (2023). Sustainability of Financial Innovation. In The Sustainability of Financial Innovation in E-Payment Systems (pp. 155-184). Emerald Publishing Limited.
    9. Jain, D., Dash, Manoj Kumar., & Thakur, K. S. (2023). Strategy Development and Innovation in Financial Market. In The Sustainability of Financial Innovation in E-Payment Systems (pp. 185-192). Emerald Publishing Limited.
    10. Dash, Manoj Kumar., Sahu, M. K., Bhattacharyya, J., & Sakshi, S. (2023). Introduction: Customer-Centric Retailing in Emerging Markets. In Customer-Centricity in Organized Retailing: A Guide to the Basis of Winning Strategies (pp. 3-8). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    11. Dash, Manoj Kumar Sahu, M. K., Bhattacharyya, J., & Sakshi, S. (2023). Customer-Centricity: The Quest for Customer Focus. In Customer-Centricity in Organized Retailing: A Guide to the Basis of Winning Strategies (pp. 9-23). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    12. Dash, Manoj Kumar Sahu, M. K., Bhattacharyya, J., & Sakshi, S. (2023). Organized Retailing: A Brief Introduction. In Customer-Centricity in Organized Retailing: A Guide to the Basis of Winning Strategies (pp. 25-35). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    13. Dash, Manoj Kumar Sahu, M. K., Bhattacharyya, J., & Sakshi, S. (2023). Customer Segmentation: SMPI Model. In Customer-Centricity in Organized Retailing: A Guide to the Basis of Winning Strategies (pp. 39-90). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    14. Dash, Manoj Kumar Sahu, M. K., Bhattacharyya, J., & Sakshi, S. (2023). Strategic Mismatch: IAHP. In Customer-Centricity in Organized Retailing: A Guide to the Basis of Winning Strategies (pp. 91-170). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
    15. Dash, Manoj Kumar., & Tripti, T. (2019). An Impact Assessment of Goods and Services Tax in India Through Strategic Analysis Approach (SAA). In T. Tripti, D. Manoj Kumar & A. Gaurab, Behavioral Finance and Decision-Making Models (1st ed., pp. 269-280). IGI Global Publication USA. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7399-9.ch015.
    16. Dash, Manoj Kumar and Kumar, A. (2017). Sustainability and Future Generation Infrastructure on Digital Platform: A Study of Generation Y. Nilanjan Rayed., Business Infrastructure for Sustainability in Developing Economies. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0143-5.ch07, ISBN13: 9781522520412
    17. Dash, Manoj Kumar and Kumar, A. (2016). Consumer's Perception and Behavioural Reaction: Qualitative Analysis on Viral Marketing. Panwar. U; Kumar. Raj and Ray. Nilanjan, ed., Handbook of Research on Promotional Strategies and Consumer Influence in the Service Sector. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0143-5.ch024 ISBN13: 9781522501435.
    18. Dash, Manoj Kumar and Kumar, A. (2015). Fuzzy Structural Models and Based Applications in Digital Marketplace. In: M. Dash and A. Kumar, ed., Fuzzy Optimization and Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Digital Marketing, 1st ed. USA: IG Global USA. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8808-7.ch003. ISBN: 13: 9781466688087.
    19. Dash, Manoj Kumar and Kumar, A. (2015). Using DEMATEL to Build Decision Model of Online Reputation Management for Improving the Services of Marketing. In: M. Dash and A. Kumar, ed., Fuzzy Optimization and Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Digital     Marketing, 1st ed. USA: IGI Global Publication. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8808-7.ch06 ISBN: 13: 9781466688087  
    20. Megha and Dash, Manoj Kumar (2009): Modelling Buying Pattern in Emerging Indian Urban Families, In S Rakesh, Bhattrchya and Dash Manoj Kumar, ed., Marketing Innovation for Reaching Consumer, Wisdom Publication India, Ch04.
    21. Dash, Manoj Kumar and Bhawania Vikash (2009). Change Management with Information Technology Perspective, In Pandey D K, Mohan Puneet, and Dash Manoj Kumar ed., Need For HR Renaissance in India(Ed.). New Delhi: Wisdom Publication India. Ch -6.ISBN:978-81-89541-47-9.
    22. Megha and Dash, Manoj Kumar (2009): Leading Change: Guide Line for Manger In Pandey D K, Mohan Puneet, and Dash Manoj Kumar ed. Need For HR Renaissance in India(Ed.). New Delhi: Wisdom Publication India. Ch -11ISBN:978-81-89547-47-9.
    23. Dash, Manoj Kumar and Patnaik Susmita (2008). Women In Management of Micro Enterprises in Orissa: Problem and Prospects, In Meenu Gupta and Gautam Saha, ed., Entrepreneur Perspective and Paradigm, Macmillan India Ch 12. ISBN:10-0230-636-70-5.
    24. Dash, Manoj Kumar, Jha M and Bhattacharyya S (2008): Trends of Retailing Business in India: SWOT Analysis approach, In S Rakesh and Dubra Roy ed., Reconfiguration Marketing in the Changing Environment, Wisdom Publication India. . Ch.16ISBN:81-89-547-38-0.
    25. Dash, Manoj Kumar and Pandey D (2009). Managing Workforce Diversity: Challenges and Prospects. In: Anita Mathew, Leadership and Its Role in Preparing the Organisation unprecedented Change, Excel Publication India Ch.13. ISBN: 0978-93-80043-24-1.
    26. Megha and Dash, Manoj Kumar (2009): Leading Change: Guide Line for Manger In Pandey D K, Mohan Puneet, and Dash Manoj Kumar ed. Need For HR Renaissance in India(Ed.). New Delhi: Wisdom Publication India. Ch -6. ISBN:978-81-89547-47-9.
    27. Dash, Manoj Kumar, Sahu, Dasrathi and Dash Saroj Kumar (2009). Accessing Supply Chain Management Success Factors: A Case Study with Hotel Industry. Supply Chain Management in SMEs: Gaining Competitive Advantages. Vikash Singh (Ed). Chapter -4. ISBN: 0978-81-89547-47-9.
    28. Dash, Manoj Kumar (2011). The Factor Predicting Student’s Satisfaction with Hostels: A Case Study on National Level Reputed Institute in India, In-Dash Saroj Kumar, S Prakash, and G Parkas, Contemporary Issues in Services Marketing Challenges for 21st Century, Global Research publication India Ch-07. ISBN: 978-81-89547-49-3.

  VI. Research Paper ( Scopus Indexed/S.C.I. Indexed):72 nos

    1. Panda, G.Dash, M.K.Kaswan, M.S. and Chaudhary, R. (2025), "Exploring the impact of digital technology in Indian higher education: a comprehensive analysis", The TQM Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/TQM-02-2024-0093.
    2. Singh, C., Dash, Manoj Kumar., Sahu, R., Kumar, A. Artificial intelligence in customer retention: a bibliometric analysis and future research framework (2024) Kybernetes, 53 (11), pp. 4863-4888. DOI: 10.1108/K-02-2023-0245
    3. Panda, G., Padhi, A., Dash, Manoj Kumar.,. CHANGE MANAGEMENT IN THE ADOPTION OF DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION: A CRITICAL REVIEW (2024) Review of Management Literature, 3, pp. 19-45. DOI: 10.1108/S2754-586520240000003002
    4. Dash, Manoj Kumar., Singh, G., Singh, C. ANALYZING THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN ADDRESSING PUBLIC HEALTH DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA THROUGH A MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION-MAKING APPROACH (2024) RAIRO - Operations Research, 58 (5), pp. 3621-3636. DOI: 10.1051/ro/2024009
    5. Panda, G., Dash, Manoj Kumar., Samadhiya, A., Kumar, A., Mulat-weldemeskel, E. Artificial intelligence as an enabler for achieving human resource resiliency: past literature, present debate and future research directions (2024) International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 6 (4), pp. 326-347. DOI: 10.1108/IJIEOM-05-2023-0047
    6. Singh, C., Dash, Manoj Kumar. Sahu, R., Kumar, A. Investigating the acceptance intentions of online shopping assistants in E-commerce interactions: Mediating role of trust and effects of consumer demographics (2024) Heliyon, 10 (3), DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon. 2024.e25031
    7. Mallela, G., Sahu, R., Dash, Manoj Kumar. AI-Enhanced Geospatial Analysis for Global Small and Medium Enterprises Market (2024) 8th International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud), I-SMAC 2024 - Proceedings, pp. 1660-1665. DOI: 10.1109/I-SMAC61858.2024.10714641. 
    1. Acharya, D., Dash, Manoj Kumar. Sustainability of healthcare supply chain management: a panoramic approach through SLR and bibliometric (2024) Kybernetes, DOI: 10.1108/K-11-2023-2487
    2. Dash, Manoj Kumar., Sahu, R., Panda, G., Jain, D., Singh, G., Singh, C. Social media role in public health development: a bibliometric approach (2023) Kybernetes, 52 (11), pp. 5460-5479. DOI: 10.1108/K-02-2022-0294
    3. Bhattacharyya, J., Dash, Manoj Kumar. Kundu, S., Sakshi, S., Bhattacharyya, K., Kakkar, K.B. No Virus on Me: The Indian Ways of Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic: Marine to Mountain (2023) Asian Journal of Management Cases, 20 (2), pp. 128-156. DOI:  1177/09728201221080712
    4. Jain, D., Dash, Manoj Kumar.,., Thakur, K.S. The sustainability of financial innovation in E-payment systems (2023) The Sustainability of Financial Innovation in E-Payment Systems, pp. 1-217. DOI: 10.1108/9781804558843
    5. Dash, Manoj Kumar. Singh, C., Panda, G., Sharma, D. ICT for sustainability and socio-economic development in fishery: a bibliometric analysis and future research agenda (2023) Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25 (3), pp. 2201-2233. DOI: 10.1007/s10668-022-02131-x
    6. Panda, G., Dash, Manoj Kumar. Kumar, A., Upadhyay, A. Artificial intelligence integrated approach for healthcare management: A critical analysis (2023) Technologies for Healthcare 4.0: From AI and IoT to blockchain, pp. 107-130.
    7. Singh, C., Dash, Manoj Kumar. Sahu, R., Singh, G. Evaluating Critical Success Factors for Acceptance of Digital Assistants for Online Shopping Using Grey–DEMATEL (2023) International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, .DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2023.2286124
    8. Panda, G., Dash, Manoj Kumar. Factor structure of managerial competencies, training need assessment and employee productivity of mid-level information technology managers using principal component analysis (2023) International Journal of Business Excellence, 31 (1), .DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2023.133558
    9. Jain, D., Dash, Manoj Kumar. Thakur, K.S. Is the e-payment gateway system sustainable in India? – Analysis through the interpretive structural model approach (2023) International Journal of Business Excellence, 29 (4), pp. 455-484. DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2023.130227
    10. Mishra, M., Acharyya, T., Pattnaik, N., Dash, Manoj Kumar Das, P.P., Mishra, S.K. The long-term frequency and intensity of cyclonic storms and associated losses in Odisha, India (2023) Environmental Hazards, 22 (1), pp. 65-78. DOI: 10.1080/17477891.2022.2069665
    11. Jain, D., Dash, Manoj Kumar. Thakur, K.S. Development of research agenda on demonetization based on bibliometric visualization (2022) International Journal of Emerging Markets, 17 (10), pp. 2584-2604. DOI: 10.1108/IJOEM-12-2019-1085. 
    1. Parida, R., Dash, Manoj Kumar., Kumar, A., Zavadskas, E.K., Luthra, S., Mulat-weldemeskel, E.(2022) Evolution of supply chain finance: A comprehensive review and proposed research directions with network clustering analysis (2022) Sustainable Development, 30 (5), pp. 1343-1369. DOI: 10.1002/sd.2272
    2. Bhattacharyya, J., Dash, Manoj Kumar. What Do We Know About Customer Churn Behaviour in the Telecommunication Industry? A Bibliometric Analysis f Research Trends, 1985–2019 (2022) FIIB Business Review, 11 (3), pp. 280-302. DOI: 10.1177/23197145211062687
    3. Dash, Manoj Kumar. Panda, G., Kumar, A., Luthra, S. Applications of blockchain in government education sector: a comprehensive review and future research potentials (2022) Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 15 (3), pp. 449-472. DOI: 10.1108/JGOSS-09-2021-0076
    4. Mishra, M., Dash, Manoj Kumar. Sudarsan, D., Santos, C.A.G., Mishra, S.K., Kar, D., Bhat, I.A., Panda, B.K., Sethy, M., Silva, R.M.D. Assessment of trend and current pattern of open educational resources: A bibliometric analysis (2022) Journal of Academic Librarianship, 48 (3), art. no. 102520,
    5. Mishra, M., Santos, C.A.G..imento, T.V.M.D., Dash, Manoj Kumar. Silva, R.M.D., Kar, D., Acharyya, T. Mining impacts on forest cover change in a tropical forest using remote sensing and spatial information from 2001–2019: A case study of Odisha (India) (2022) Journal of Environmental Management, 302, art. no. 114067, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114067
    6. Chhatoi, B.P., Sahoo, S.P., Dash, Manoj Kumar. Practical gender needs and women empowerment: an impact assessment of microfinance (2022) International Journal of Business Excellence, 28 (4), pp. 522-543. DOI: 10.1504/ijbex.2022.127499
    7. Sahu, R., Dash, Manoj Kumar. Verra, D. Optimizing Image Captioning using Deep Learning based Object Detection (2022) Proceedings - 2022 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technologies, CCICT 2022, pp. 439-446. DOI: 10.1109/CCiCT56684.2022.00084
    8. Sharma, D., Patnaik, S., Sharma, J.P., Dash, Manoj Kumar. (2022) A meta-analysis of research on entrepreneur inclination in small and medium enterprises in global scenario (2022) International Journal of Business Excellence, 26 (3), pp. 321-341.   DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2022.122473
    9. Jain, D., Dash, Manoj Kumar. Kumar, A., Luthra, S. How is Blockchain used in marketing: A review and research agenda (2021) International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 1 (2), art. no. 100044, .DOI: 10.1016/j.jjimei.2021.100044
    10. Bhattacharyya, J., Kundu, S., Dash, Manoj Kumar Dolhey, S. An investigation on consumer switching behavior in an Asian telecommunication market (2021) International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, 12 (6), pp. 105-125. DOI: 10.4018/IJSSMET.2021110107. 
    1. Bhattacharyya, J., Dash, Manoj Kumar, Investigation of customer churn insights and intelligence from social media: a netnographic research (2021) Online Information Review, 45 (1), pp. 174-206. DOI: 10.1108/OIR-02-2020-0048
    2. Bhattacharyya, J., Dash, Manoj Kumar, Kundu, S., Sakshi, S., Bhattacharyya, K., Kakkar, K.B. No Virus on Me: The Indian Ways of Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic: Marine to Mountain (2022) Asian Journal of Management Cases, DOI: 10.1177/09728201221080712
    3. Diya Jain, Dash, Manoj Kumar., and K S Thakur(2021) Development of research agenda on demonetization based on bibliometric visualization, International Journal of Emerging Markets DOI 10.1108/IJOEM-12-2019-1085
    4. Jain, D., Thakur, K.S. and Dash, Manoj Kumar., (2020), "Demonetization move in India: a conceptual study", Journal of Money Laundering Control, Vol. 23 No-04. Pp863-869 https://doi.org/10.1108/JMLC-12-2019-0100
    5. Kumar, A., Kabra, G., Krishna, M. E., Dash, Manoj Kumar.,., and Rana, P. (2019), Combined Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm and Machine Learning Techniques for prediction of online consumer repurchase intention, Neural Computing and Application 31(2):877–890,
    6. Srivastava, G. N. and Dash, Manoj Kumar.,. (2019), Train specific services and commuter satisfaction of Delhi Metro: an empirical analysis, International Journal of Business Excellence. Vol 17. No.2, 154–170
    7. Kapse, C. P., Kumar, A., Dash, Manoj Kumar. Zavadskas. E. K., and Luthra, S. (2018), Developing Textile Entrepreneurial Inclination Model by Integrating Experts Mining and ISM-MICMAC, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.56 No.14, pp.4709- 4728
    8. Kumar, A., Kaviani. M. A., Bottani. E., Dash, Manoj Kumar and Zavadskas. E. K.(2018), Role of Social Media in Polio Prevention: An Integrated Delphi and DEMATEL Method, Kybernetes, Vol.47 No.5, pp.1053 - 1072 (1* in ABS, Impact Factor: 0.980, SCI Indexed & Scopus Indexed).Journal, Vol.25 No.5, pp.1528 - 1547
    9. Kumar, A., Pal, A., Vohra, A., Gupta, S., Manchanda, S. and Dash, Manoj Kumar. (2018), "Construction of capital procurement decision making model to optimize supplier selection using Fuzzy Delphi and AHP-DEMATEL", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 25 No. 5, pp. 1528-1547. https://doi.org/10.1108/BIJ-01-2017-0005
    10. Kumar, A., Dash, Manoj Kumar. & Sahu, R. (2018). Performance efficiency measurement of airports: A comparative analysis of airports authority of India and public-private partnership. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences (IDS), 9(2), 19-37.
    11. Bhattacharyya, J., and Dash, Manoj Kumar.(2018), A Know Your Student (KYS) Analysis: A case study on the students of a higher education institute in India, International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability. 2(1), PP 30-44. (
    12. Kumar, A., and Dash, Manoj Kumar. (2017), Causal Modelling and Analysis Evaluation of Online Reputation Management Using Fuzzy Delphi and DEMATEL, International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, Vol.8 No.1, pp.27-45
    13. Kumar, A., and Dash, Manoj Kumar(2017), Using Fuzzy Delphi and Generalized Fuzzy TOPSIS to Evaluate Technological Service Flexibility Dimensions of Internet Malls, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, Vol.18 No.2, pp.153-161
    14. Kabra, G., Dash, Manoj Kumar. and Ramesh A. (2017), Understanding Behavioural intention to use information technology: Insights from humanitarian practitioners, Telemetric and Informatics, 34 (2017) 1250–1261 Vol. 34(7) PP. 1250-1261. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2017.05.010
    15. Kumar, A., Dash, Manoj Kumar and Seharawat, R. (2017), Using Entropy and AHP-TOPSIS for Comprehensive Evaluation of Internet Shopping Malls (ISMs) and Solution Optimality, International Journal of Business Excellence, Vol.11 No.4, pp.487-504
    16. Sahu, R., Kumar, A., and Dash, Manoj Kumar (2017), A Framework for Evaluating the Status of Supply Chain Integration (SCI), International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Vol.28 No.2, pp.204-221
    17. Pandey, A, Dash, Manoj Kumar, and Sahu, R. (2017). Social Media Marketing Impact on the Purchase Intention of Millennials. International Journal of Business Information Systems. 28 (2), 147-162.
    18. Kumar, A., and Dash, Manoj Kumar. (2016), Using DEMATEL to Construct Influential Network Relation Map (INRM) of Consumer Decision Making in e-Marketplace, International Journal of Business Information Systems, Vol.21 No.1, pp.48-71
    19. Singh, D., Dash, Manoj Kumar. and Kumar, A. (2016), Using TOPSIS and Modified TOPSIS Methods for Evaluating the Competitive Advantages of Internet shopping malls, International Journal of Business Information Systems, Vol.22 No.4, pp.476-499
    20. Singh, D., Kumar, A., and Dash, Manoj Kumar. (2016), Using Analytic Hierarchy Process to Develop Hierarchy Structural Model of Consumer Decision Making in Digital Market, The Asian Academy of Management Journal, Vol.21 No.1, pp.74-93
    21. Kumar, A., and Dash, Manoj Kumar. (2015), E-service quality dimensions effect on customers willingness to buy: structural equation modeling (SEM) approach, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Vol.22 No.6, pp.287-303
    22. Kumar, A., and Dash, Manoj Kumar., (2015), Effectiveness of Electronic Service Dimensions on Consumer's Electronic Buying Behaviour and Exploration of Difference Groups, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Vol.9 No.1, pp.81-99
    23. Jain, A., Kumar, A., and Dash, Manoj Kumar. (2015), Technology Revolution Revisited Marketing Strategies of Political Parties-Transition from Online to Social Media: Analysis through AHP, International Journal of Business Information Systems, Vol.20 No.1, pp.71-94
    24. Kumar, A., and Dash, Manoj Kumar. (2015), Influencing factors identification: A model of unplanned consumers electronic purchasing decision, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, Vol.9 No.2, pp.141-160
    25. Kumar, A., and Dash, Manoj Kumar. (2014), Electronic Consumer Style Inventory: Factor Exploration and Multi-Comparisons Analysis, The Asian Academy of Management Journal, Vol.19 No.2, pp.43-66
    26. Jain, A., Kumar, A., and Dash, Manoj Kumar. (2014), Demographic Characteristics and Satisfaction of Customers Link with Loan Procedures Variables: A Empirical Study, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Vol.11 No.2, pp.35-49
    27. Dash, Manoj Kumar, and Kapse, C. (2014). A study of exploring the indicators of entrepreneurial attributes among engineering students in India: An empirical study. European Journal of Social Science, 43(1).
    28. Kumar, A., and Dash, Manoj Kumar., (2013), Factor exploration and multi-criteria assessment method (AHP) of the multi-generational consumer in electronic commerce, International Journal of Business Excellence, Vol.7 No.2, pp.223-236
    29. Kumar, A., and Dash, Manoj Kumar. (2013), Constructing a Measurement in Service Quality for Indian Banks: Structural Equation Modeling Approach, The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol.18 No.1, pp.1-18
    30. Dash, Manoj Kumar. and Singh, A. (2012). Innovation Approaches of “WhispersInTheCorridors.com” In the Field of Indian Bureaucracy: A Case Study. International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economics, 3(1), pp.1-10.
    31. Dash, Manoj Kumar., and Virmani, M. (2013). Modeling customer satisfaction for Business Service. Journal of Sociological Research, 4(2), pp.51-60.
    32. Dash, Manoj Kumar., and Bhattrchya, S. (2013). Measurement of customer satisfaction of demographic variables of the banking sector in the national capital region -an empirical analysis. Prestige Inter National Journal of Management & IT - Santayana, 2(2), pp.78-107.
    33. Dash, Manoj Kumar. and Bhatia, K. (2012). Impact of Online Higher Education in India. IJCME, 4(1), pp.1-11.
    34. Dash, Manoj Kumar., and Bhatia, K. (2012). GATS: Crucification of India’s Higher Education. IJBPE, 5(2), pp.1-11. (EBSCO Indexed).
    35. Dash, Manoj Kumar., and Bhatia, K. (2011). A Demand of Value-Based Higher Education System in India- A Comparative Study. Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research, 20.
    36. Dash, Manoj Kumar., and Kumar, S. (2011). Management Education in India: Trends, Issues, and Implication. Research Journal of International Studies, 18.
    37. Dash, Manoj Kumar., (2010). Factors Influencing Investment Decision of Generations in India: An Econometric Study. International Journal of Business and Economic Research, 1(1), pp.15-26.
    38. Dash, Manoj Kumar., Patnaik, S. and Baral, J. (2011). Socio-cultural life of fisherwomen in India-continuity and change. International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 3(10), pp.340-353.
    39. Dash, Manoj Kumar., Patwardhan, M. and Verma, S. (2011). Malls for Rural Entrepreneur in India: An ICT Innovation Approaches in Emerging Hariyali Kisaan Bazaar. European Journal of Scientific Research, 4, pp.453-461.
    40. Dash, Manoj Kumar., Kabra, G. and Singh, A. (2010). Government Reform, Economic Restructuring and the Employment of Women in India. European Journal of Social Science, 15(3), pp.411-429.
    41. Dash, Manoj Kumar., Kabra, G. and Singh, A. (2010). Productivity Growth of Manufacturing Sector in India: An Inter-State Analysis. European Journal of Scientific Research, 44(3), pp.387-399.
    42. Dash, Manoj Kumar., and Bhatia, K. (2010). Comparative Analysis of Higher Education System of India with Other Countries. American Journal of Scientific Research, 12, pp.137-152.
    43. Dash, Manoj Kumar., and Bhatia, K. (2010). National Knowledge Commission – A Step towards India’s Higher Education Reforms on India’s Higher Education. International Journal of Finance and Economics Research, 53, pp.46-58.
    44. Dash, Manoj Kumar, Khare, A. and Rakesh, S. (2009). An Exploratory Study on Brand Connotations by Indian Youth. International Journal of Innovative Marketing, 5(3), pp.105-114.


  1.  Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Innovation & Entrepreneurship under the Grants -in -Aid by FDP AICTE, New Delhi for the financial year 2024-25, Sanctiom Amount: Rs 3.5 Lakhs Sanction Letter: M/129/M-2025 dt 27th Feb 2025. PI: Dr Manoj Kumar Dash
  2. Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Programmes (E.S.D.P.) scheme' under the Plan Head "Promotional Services Institutions & Programmes" for organizing Advanced E-SDP and Advanced M.D.P. programs during the year 2024-25 Funding Agency: Ministry of M.S.M.E. Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Jointly with Prof Anurag Srivastava (Nodal Officer) Dr Manoj Kumar Dash(Project Coordinator). With a financial outlay of Rs 26 Lakhs   Sanction No. ESDP-104/2/2024-DCMSME-ESDP-(D-09)-Part (1) dated 11.09.2024
  3. A project on Capacity Building and Design Entrepreneurship by the Ministery of Education through IIIT Kanchipuram as Nodal Centre (2024-2029) PI: Prof Anurag Srivastav and CO-Pi: Dr Manoj Kumar Dash
  4. Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Programmes (E.S.D.P.) scheme' under the Plan Head "Promotional Services Institutions & Programmes" for organizing Advanced E-SDP and Advanced M.D.P. programs during the year 2023-24. Funding Agency: Ministry of M.S.M.E. Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi Jointly with Prof Anurag Srivastava (Nodal Officer) Dr Manoj Kumar Dash(Project Coordinator). With a financial outlay of Rs 60 Lacs Letter No:  sD-200 1 6/4 12023 -z -DCMSME-E SDP-(D-09\-4626 (18th August 2023)
  5. Funding Agency "Indian Council of Social Science Research IMPRESS Scheme, Title: "Investigating the Role of Social Media in Addressing Public Health Development Issues in India: A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach, Project Director:  Manoj Kumar Dash; Amount Rs 8.00 Lakhs, Letter No:  File No. 02/73/2019-2020/MJ/RP (December 13, 2019)
  6. Funding Agency "Indian Council of Social Science Research IMPRESS Scheme, Title: "A Study on Exploration of I.C.T. Tools on the Sustainability Socio-Economic Development of the Fishing Community of Odisha., Project Director:  Manoj Kumar Dash Amount Rs 5.00 Lakhs, Letter No F. No. IMPRESS/P584/2018-19/I.C.S.S.R. Dated 18/09/2019, 2018-2021.
  7. . Funding Agency: Indian Council of Social Science Research IMPRESS Scheme, Title: "Mental Model Mapping of Natural Habitat Depletion Due to Excessive Mining and Industrialization: Analysing the Public and Expert Perception of Tribal Culture in Odisha., Letter No: (F. No. IMPRESS/P786/39/18-19/I.C.S.S.R. Dated 20/03/2019), The year 2018-20; Co P.I.:  Manoj Kumar Dash, Amount Rs 10. 40 Lakhs
  8. Funding Agency: Odisha State Open University (Minor Research Project), Title of Project: Prioritization and Network Relation Modeling   of   the Faculty and Students' Perception of Use of Open Education Resources using AHP-DEMATEL: A Case Study on Higher Education of Odisha, P.I.: Dr. Manoranjan Mishra and Co P.I.- Manoj Kumar Dash; Amount: Rs 1.00 Lakhs;  Year: 2018 2019
  9. Institute of Public Policy and Governance, Madhya Pradesh Government, India, research grant for the project; An Impact Assessment of Review of Service Act, of Madhya Pradesh Government, (Rs 3.75 Lakhs) 011-12. P.I.:  Manoj Kumar Dash
  10. Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, Under Faculty Initiation Grant, Research grant for the project: Exploration of Entrepreneurship in India, three-year project (Rs 10.00 Lakhs), 20 9-2012. Co-P.I.:  Manoj Kumar Dash


  1. Received ATAL Outstanding Teacher Award( AOTA) 2023, in  ABV- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior on January 17, 2024.
  2. Received Impactful Research Paper Award 2024 by FIIB Journal Published by Sage Publication.
  3. Received Star Performer  Teacher award for 2008  in the Institute of Technology and Science Mohan Nagar on September 5, 2009.
  4. I received the Star Performer Teacher award for 2009  in the Institute of Technology and Science Mohan Nagar on November 12, 2009.
  5. Sixth Position in order of merit in Graduation (Economics) at Berhampur University, Orissa.
  6. Eighth Position in order of merit in M.B.A. (Marketing) in Berhampur University, Orissa.
  7. Best Research Paper award in Marketing at National Conference at Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.T.) Roorkee on March 8 2013.
  8. Best Research Paper Award in Marketing at International Conference of Arts and Science organized by Harvard University (U.S.A.) Boston in May 2012.
  9. Best Research paper award in National Conference on Re-Inventing   Businesses: Shifting Paradigms and Seizing Opportunities, organized by Institute of Marketing and Management (I.M.M.), New Delhi, November 26, 2010.

IX.  Ph.D. THESIS GUIDANCE: AWARDED-08, Pursuing: 03 Full time and 04 Part-time 

  1. Kumar, Anil. 'Prioritization and Modeling of On-Line Consumer Decision Making Style in Fuzzy Environment.' Ph.D. Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior. (Awarded April 2015)
  2. Kapse, C.P. 'Determinants Attitudes and Inclination of Entrepreneurship of Engineering Student through Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach. Ph.D. Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior. (Awarded December 2015)
  3. Kumar, Sanjeev. 'A Study on Service Quality Measurement in Service Industry: A DEA Approach: With Special Relevance to Management Institutes in N.C.R. Region.' Ph.D. Uttar A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University Lucknow (Formerly Known as Uttar Pradesh Technical University Lucknow). (Awarded, November 2016)
  4. Virmani, Megha. 'Factor Influencing Children Buying ' Ph.D. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University Lucknow (Formerly Known as Uttar Pradesh Technical University Lucknow) (Awarded November 2017)
  5. Bhatia, Kareena. 'India's Competitiveness in Export of Higher Education Services through GATS.' Ph.D. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University Lucknow (Formerly Known as Uttar Pradesh Technical University Lucknow) (Awarded November 2017)
  6. Deepa Jain, Consumer Preference formation in Online Market, Jiwaji University Gwalior, MP, (Awarded December 2021).
  7. Shivangi Agarwal, a study of Perception of Traders about G.S.T. in comparison of V.A.T.: A comparative analysis Jiwaji University, Gwalior MP, (Awarded December 2021).     
  8. Chetnya Singh, Identification and Validation of Digital Assistance Acceptance Model in Online Shopping”, ABV-IIITM Gwalior (Awarded in March 2024)


  1. Harvard University, Boston, United States of America (U.S.A.) 2012

  2. . World Finance Conference, Cyprus, 2013

 Xi. Academic Outreach Activities

Invited Talk (International)

  1. Talk on: Research Documentation through Meta and Bibliometric Analysis on June 10, 2021, at the Ho Chi Minh, the City University of Technology and Education Vietnam.
  2. Talk on Advanced Tools and Techniques in Management research on May 11, 2021, at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education Vietnam.
  3. Delivered Lecture (10 sessions) on Quantitative Methods for M.S. Research Program of Lancaster University United Kingdom in India 


  1. Orgnaised  two days Pedagogy MDP on  Capacity Buidling and Development of Entrepreneurship as Co- PI    at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, 6-7 March 2025.
  2. Orgnaised  five-day MDP  on Women Entrepreneurship startup Eco system  as Project Coordinator  sponsored by MSME   at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior,23-27 Feb 2025.
  3. Orgnaised  five-day MDP  on SC and ST Women Entrepreneurship Awarness as Project Coordinator  sponsored by MSME   at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, 31 Jan-4th Feb 2025.
  4. Coordinator, five-day ESDP  on IoT in Health and Environment  sponsored by MSME   at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, 21-25  Jan 2025.
  5. Coordinator, five-day Management Development Programme (M.D.P.) on Digital Finance Inclusive and Risk Management sponsored by MSME   at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, 07-11 March 2024.
  6. Coordinator, five-day Management Development Programme (M.D.P.) on Agriculture 4.0 Challenges and ICT sponsored by MSME   at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, 23-27 March 2024.
  7.  Coordinator, Two Five Days Management Development Programme (M.D.P.) on Startup and Innovation sponsored by MSME at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, 17-21 Dec 2023.
  8. Coordinator, Two Days Management Development Programme (M.D.P.) on Measuring Financial Productivity of Centrally Funded Technical Institutes at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, 12-13 May 2018.
  9.  Coordinator, Six Days Management Development Programme (M.D.P.) on Academic Writing and Publishing at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, 17-22 December 2017.
  10.  Coordinator, Research Conclave for Management, Engineering, and Applied Science, at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior 05-08 April 2018.


  1. Faculty coordinator ATAL Research Innovation Conclave 2024  on  8-9 Nov 2024. 
  2. Faculty  Coordinator Faculty Development Program on Mastering Multivariate Data Analysis in Management and Social Science Research  from September 18 - September  24, 2024
  3. Faculty  Coordinator Faculty Development Program on Multi-Criteria Decision-Making with Machine Learning Techniques in Management Research from February 9 - February 15, 2024
  4. Faculty  Coordinator Faculty Development Program on HR Analytics from January 28 to February 3, 2024.
  5. Faculty Coordinator ATAL Research Innovation Conclave 2023  on  17-18 Dec 2023.
  6. Faculty  Coordinator Faculty Development Program on Research Methodology and Multivariate Data Analysis from November 26 to December 3, 2023.
  7. Faculty Coordinator, Faculty Development Program on  Application of M.C.D.M. Tools and Techniques in Research from 18-24 November 2023. 
  8. Faculty Coordinator, Faculty Development Program on  Structural Equation  Modelling and PLS-SEM  from 9th-15th  October  2023
  9. Faculty Coordinator, Faculty Development Program on  Structure Literature Review and Meta-analysis from 4th-10th  Sept 2023.
  10. Faculty Coordinator ATAL Research Innovation Conclave 2022  on  09-10- Dec 2022.
  11. Faculty Coordinator, ATAL FDP Program on Application of Econometrics in Management Research from October 7 to October 12, 2021 ( Funded by A.I.C.T.E. New Delhi) 
  12. Faculty Coordinator, Faculty Development Programme on Data Analysis in Management and Social Science Research organized by Khallikote University Berhampur from 18-24 October 2019.
  13. Faculty Coordinator, Faculty Development Programme on "Data Analytics in Management Research at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior 19-24 May  2018,
  14. Faculty Coordinator, Faculty Development Programme on "Advanced Data Analytics in Marketing and Finance in Management and Social Science Research at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior 20-25April 2018,
  15. Faculty Coordinator, Faculty Development Programme on "Statistics and Research Methodology: An Exploration with a Special Focus on Multivariate Statistical Techniques" at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior 15-21Feb 2018
  16. Faculty Coordinator, Faculty Development Programme on Multivariate and Advance Data Analysis in Management and Social Science Research at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, 25-30 July 2016
  17. Faculty Coordinator, Faculty Development Programme on Statistics Enabling and Models for Management Research at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, 18-22 May 2016.
  18. Faculty Coordinator, 2nd Faculty Development Programme on Application of Multivariate Data Analysis for Management Research at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, 14-20 March 2015.
  19. Faculty Coordinator, Summer Research Refresher Program (S.R.R.P.) at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, 1-30 July 2014.
  20. Faculty Coordinator, 3rd Faculty Development Programme on Application of Econometrics for Management Research at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, September 27- October 3, 2013.
  21. Faculty Coordinator, 2nd Faculty Development Programme on Application of Multivariate Data Analysis for Management Research at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, 21-27 June 2013.
  22. Faculty Coordinator, 2nd Faculty Development of Application of Econometrics for Management Research at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, 16-23 July 2012.
  23. Faculty Coordinator, Faculty Development Programme on Advance Data Analysis of Management Research at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, on 24-30 July 2012.
  24. Faculty Coordinator, National Symposium of Quality Circle Conference at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, on October 2011
  25. Faculty Coordinator, Staff Development program at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, August 2011.
  26. Faculty Coordinator of Faculty Development Programme on "Application of Econometrics in Management Research" at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, from April 15 to April 17, 2011.
  27. Convener of A.I.C.T.E. approved and sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Research Methods and Data Analysis using S.P.S.S. at ITS Ghaziabad from July 6, 2009, to July 18, 2009.
  28. Faculty Development Programme on Advance Data Analysis with Data Analysis Software, at ITS Ghaziabad from Jun  2010. topics Delivered: Introduction to S.P.S.S., Descriptive Statistics, Multivariate Analysis
  29. Faculty Development Programme on Research Methods and Data Analysis with S.P.S.S., at ITS Ghaziabad from 4th -6th Jul  2008. Topics Delivered: Introduction to S.P.S.S., Descriptive Statistics, And Multivariate Analysis.
  30. C.T.E. approved and sponsored the Faculty Development Programme on Research Methods and Data Analysis with S.P.S.S. at ITS Ghaziabad from July 6, 2009, to July 18, 2009. Topics delivered: Factor Analysis, Discriminate Analysis.


  • Resource Person in  five-day ESDP  on IoT in Health and Enviornment  sponsored by MSME   at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, 21-25  Jan 2025.
  • Resource Person in Faculty Development Program on  Mastering Multivariate Data Analysis in Management and Social Science Research  from September 18 - September  24, 2024
  • Resource Person five-day Management Development Program (M.D.P.) on Agriculture 4.0 Challenges and ICT sponsored by MSME   at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, 23-27 March 2024.
  • Resource Person in  Faculty Development Program on Multi-Criteria Decision-Making with Machine Learning Techniques in Management Research from February 9 - February 15, 2024
  • Resource person in the Faculty Development Program on HR Analytics from January 28 to February 3, 2024.
  • Resource Person, Two Five Days Management Development Program (M.D.P.) on Startup and Innovation sponsored by MSME at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, 17-21 Dec 2023
  • Resource person in the Faculty Development Program on Research Methodology and Multivariate Data Analysis from November 26 to December 3, 2023.
  • Resource Person in  Faculty Development Program on  Application of M.C.D.M. Tools and Techniques in Research from 18-24 November 2023. 
  • Resource Person Practicing Research Methodology in the Fields of Management and Social Sciences (P.R.M.F.M.S.- 2023)"  from October 26 to November 1, 2023.

  • Resource Person in the F.D.P. program on S.E.M. and PLS-SEM  at Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior on12-15 Oct 2023 

  • Resource Person in the F.D.P. program on S.L.R. and M.A. at Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior on 7th-8th Sept 2023.
  • Resource Person Management Development Program and conducted an online talk on Data Visualization through T.A.B.L.A.U.E. at the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow on July 21, 2023.
  • Resource Person Faculty Development Program on Data Analytics through Tabalue organized by National Institute of Science and Technology Berhampur, January 2021.
  • Resource person, A.I.C.T.E. Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Natural Language Processing for the Digital Humanities organized by National Institute of Science and Technology Berhampur on December 10, 2019.
  • Key Note Speaker, Technical Session on National Seminar on Total Quality Management Organised by Presidency College Berhampur on November 26, 2019.
  • Resource person, online M.D.P. on "Data Analytics Batch VII" with technical support from 'M/s Nu-learn.' At Indian Institute of Management Rohtak November 24, 2019
  • Resource person, Faculty Development Programme on Data Analysis in Management and Social Science Research organized by Khallikote University Berhampur from 18-24 October 2019.
  • Resource person, Faculty Development Programme on Structural Equation Modeling: 21-22 June 2019, organized by Asian School of Business Management Bhubaneswar
  • Resource Person, Refresher Course in the Department of Commerce Berhampur University February 24, 2019
  • Resource Person, All Odisha School of Commerce Conference, held at Department of Commerce Utkal University on February 4, 2019.
  • Resource person National Conference on Resource Efficiency, Sustainability, and Globalisation: Exploring India- European Cooperation organized by Khallikote University and Indian Council of World Affairs on 23-24 Jan 2019.
  • Resource person National Workshop on Protecting Cultural Heritage; Preventive Conservation of Palm-leaf Manuscript and Paper Documents Organized by Khallikote University Berhampur on February 2, 2019.
  • Resource Person Two-day workshop on Natural Resources Management for Sustainable Growth and Development of Tribal Youth organized by Khalikote University Berhampur 31st July 2018.
  • Resource Person, Faculty Development Programme on "Data Analytics in Management Research at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior 19-24 May  2018
  • Resource Person, Two Days Management Development Programme (M.D.P.) on Measuring Financial Productivity of Centrally Funded Technical Institutes at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior, 12-13 May 2018.
  • Resource Person, Research Conclave for Management, Engineering, and Applied Science, at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior 05-08 April 2018.
  • Resource Person, Faculty Development Programme on "Advanced Data Analytics in Marketing and Finance in Management and Social Science Research at A.B.V.- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior 20-25April 2018,               (List Continued................................... )

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